Ascension Sunday - May 12, 2024

Halfway to Feeding 5,000 (Meals)

One thing Epiphany has always loved to do is feed people. This is true inside our church, where we love to gather over a meal (Meet and Eat Meals this summer will be June 19 and July 31, by the way). It is also true outside our church. Some of our most consistent and long-lasting ministries at Epiphany are all about providing food to hungry people.

I just got a report from the leadership of our Coates Elementary School food bag ministry that illustrated how a food ministry that is simple can have a great cumulative effect. As we wrap up another season of this work, we have donated and delivered 470 food bags during the 2023-24 school year. With six meals in each bag for kids to bring home over the weekend, that comes to 2,820 individual meals. I don't know the totals, but I know our Hot Meals ministry also cooks and packages many hundreds of meals for area homeless each year as well.

Why do we do this? Or why do we prepare the Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes, or take on any of the other food-based projects we participate in as a church? Maybe a better way to put it is, where is the Gospel in this? Many times it is fair to say that people don't even know where the food they are receiving from Epiphany is coming from, much less that we are offering it in Jesus' name. Well, the Gospel is for us. The act of participating in providing for our neighbors reminds each of us that God cares about them. That helps open our hearts to love the people God loves. The other reality that I can't help but notice as I read the Bible is that in the simple act of feeding hungry people, we are following Jesus' consistent example. Jesus personally provided food (and drink - John 2) for great crowds on more than one occasion (Mark 6 and Mark 8). He did it, as Mark says, simply because "he had compassion on them" (Mark 6.34).

Finally, we are also fulfilling one of the signs of God's kingdom that a person no less than Jesus' mother Mary hoped for, "He has filled the hungry with good things..." (Luke 1).

As we wrap up another year of our Coates food ministry, thank you for participating in this and our other food ministries here at Epiphany. We are doing a good thing. We are following Jesus' good example. There is plenty of Gospel in that for us and for others.

God Bless,

Welcome Evie Winants!

Dear Epiphany Family,

We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for the kindness you've shown to our family following the birth of our daughter Evie.

The meals, cards, well wishes, and thoughtful gifts have truly overwhelmed us with gratitude. It has been remarkable to experience so much generosity from a community that we've only recently become a part of. Your thoughtfulness speaks volumes about the love and compassion that radiate from this church.

Feeling God's love through your actions has been an incredible blessing for us during this special time. We are deeply touched by your warmth and support.

Thank you for making us feel like family so quickly. We look forward to growing together in faith and fellowship with each of you.

With sincere appreciation,

The Winants Family  

Find What You Lost at Epiphany

We are cleaning up the things left behind which tend to accumulate here at church. Check out the table full of reading glasses, coffee/water bottles and umbrellas. The items will be out for Two Sundays and then will be given away or disposed. Thanks!

Jesus' Command to Love

Sing with the Choir this Summer

Get ready to lift your voices and join Epiphany’s Summer Choir, commencing June 2!  Rehearsals will take place every Sunday at 9:50am in the choir room.  This summer, we invite you to experience the joy of singing hymns in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere.  No robes required – just bring your enthusiasm and love for music! Whether you’re a seasoned chorister or new to singing, all are welcome to participate.  Epiphany’s Summer Choir offers not only an opportunity to enhance your musical skills but also a chance to connect with fellow parishioners in a meaningful way.  Join us as we come together to celebrate the power of music and faith.  For more details, please contact Jimmy, our Director of Music and Liturgy, (, or call the Church at 703-481-8601 extension 101.  We can’t wait to make music with you this summer!

Pentecost is May 19

On Sunday, May 19, we are celebrating Pentecost at Epiphany.  A fun tradition in the church is to wear something red on Pentecost Sunday.  Feel free to participate as we joyfully celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the church.

Three Adult Education 

Classes Continue Sunday

This May, Epiphany’s clergy are teaching three adult education classes from 9:15 to 10:00am each Sunday.  Fr. Peter is teaching Anglicanism 101 in the Blue Classroom. Anglicanism 101 introduces our way of being Christian and is a great way for newcomers to learn more about Epiphany.  Mtr. Pamela will be teaching Knowing and Going in the Green Classroom.  By the end of this class you will be able to know and share the most important points of the Gospel with others.  Deacon Sally will be teaching Writing a Lament in the Library which will help us express the griefs in our lives to God.  Feel free to join in any class at any time now through May 26.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

May 10 - 19

Friday, May 10

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Men's Ministry in Library and via Zoom

Saturday, May 11

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, May 12 ASCENSION

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15 & 2:00 Worship at Chantilly Heights

Monday, May 13

9:00am Morning Prayer - CANCELLED

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study in Library

Tuesday, May 14

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, May 15

12:00 Simple Eucharist

Thursday, May 16

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, May 17

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, May 18

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, May 19 PENTECOST

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

9:15am Adult Ed

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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