eHakshivu! eHakshivu!
Camp news & updates
From the Executive Director's Clipboard
Shalom, Herzl Camp!

I began here a few weeks ago, and like many first-time campers I have been dazzled by the abiding LOVE that so many folks have for dear old (but forever young) Herzl.

I’ve been impressed by that love for Herzl Camp since even before I arrived. During my drive to Minnesota, I met with some Herzl campers, parents, alumni, and friends in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. I was heartened to learn about the many ways Herzl serves them, their families, and their communities. And, since arriving, I’ve begun meeting with various staff members, including a recent Zoom with our Summer 2022 Staff Advisory Council. Their passion for making this an amazing summer for their campers and fellow staff is inspiring. 

Wherever people are on their Herzl journeys, their eyes light up when they share what camp means to them. I love hearing about the profound impact that the Herzl experience has on their friendships, on their relationships with Judaism and Israel, and on that yearning to be part of something bigger than yourself. People love Herzl Camp. They need Herzl Camp. They believe in Herzl Camp’s mission and its potential.

Loving Herzl Camp means ensuring that camp is the inclusive and innovative place we aspire to be. Such dreams are ever-more real thanks to the community of people listed in this eHakshivu who support Herzl’s programs, facilities, and affordability efforts. Todah rabah – thank you!

Of course, loving Herzl Camp means celebrating – and I look forward to doing that with many of you at Herzl in the City this spring! Herzl Camp is famous for its ruach (spirit), and I know the Herzl ruach will be in full effect when we gather on May 5, 2022.

Loving Herzl Camp also means helping camp become like what our campers say they get to be each summer: “The best versions of ourselves.” How can Herzl Camp best be there for you, your family, and your community? I’m at -- please feel free to be in touch with me anytime with your feedback and ideas. I look forward to our work together.

It’s only been a few weeks and I’m already loving Herzl Camp. Thank you for your warm welcome. I feel honored and excited to be part of the Herzl Camp community with all of you. 

Herzl in the City Benefit Chairs named

We are proud to share that Tami and Jim Segal are chairing the 2022 Herzl in the City benefit!

Tami and Jim have volunteered in many roles over the years. From the building committee to bus days, they have worked tirelessly to support camp. The Segals' commitment and dedication make them the perfect leaders for camp's biggest annual fundraising effort!

"We're thrilled to be able to help!" said Tami. "As we reflect on our own family, Herzl Camp's lasting impact is obvious. It’s helped build and solidify our family’s Jewish values and provided countless connections to amazing people and families in our community."

The May 5, 2022 benefit is a hybrid event - in person and online - premiering "12 Gates, an Epic Short Film." In this short live-action version of the decades old 12 Gates tradition, our heroes will overcome all obstacles as they journey to Israel in time for Yom Ha'atzmaut.

"Now more than ever, kids need the opportunity to be kids and what better place for that than Herzl Camp," said Jim. "With the ongoing challenges of the pandemic - from labor costs, to mental health needs, to plain old inflation on goods and services - our support is needed now more than ever. We know our community will come together to support camp during these extraordinary times."
Together, we make camp happen.

Your generosity inspired us to rewrite an old favorite just for you! Click and enjoy!

Because of you, 175 campers received a scholarship, campers and staff had professional mental health and emotional support after a year of isolation, and camp's 70 buildings and 150 acres were cared for so they are there for future generations, too.
Specialty camps return for Summer 2022!
Focused chug time + Ruach & Tradition = Big Camp Fun!

Take this video deep dive into our six specialty camp options
and find your place for 2022!
Join us for Herzl Havdalah on February 26

Put on your favorite camp tee and celebrate Havadalah with your Herzl Family! 
We'll welcome the week and count the days to camp!

Saturday, February 26 at 7pm CT
Remembering friends, celebrating simchas...

Because of you, Herzl Camp offers scholarships, inclusion services, excellent Israel and Jewish education, and maintains our 70 buildings and 150 acres.
None of that happens without your support. Thank you!

We would also like to thank Ellie Weiss for including Herzl Camp in her Bat Mitzvah celebrations. Ellie has asked for scholarship donations in lieu of gifts and hopes to send many Tasters to camp this summer!

1968-1973 Staff Scholarship Fund
Jill Rovitzky Black
In memory of Steve Nisenholz

1972 Ozo Camper Scholarship Fund
Elka Abrahamson & Martin Zinkow
In memory of Dennis Hershstein

Chalfen Silvers Family Fund
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
In memory of Sharon Chauss
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Herb Weber

Todd and Amy Cytron Family Fund
Shirley Feldman
In honor of Amy Cytron's birthday

Julie and David Ezrilov Fund
Carole & Mark Confeld
In honor of Sue-Sue Stillman's birthday

Ezrilov Family Endowment
Vivian Ezrilov
In memory of Idy Garvis
In memory of Brad Herman

Fiterman Family Scholarship Fund
Adam Klarfeld & Michelle Horovitz
In honor of Alex and Debra Arbit's anniversary

Garon Ansel Rappaport Endowment Fund
Phil & Phyllis Garon
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Howard "Buddy" Harris

Amy and Todd Geller Family Fund
Loren & Rosie Geller
In honor of Susi Bloom's birthday
In memory of Ronna Greene
In memory of Brad Herman
Speedy Recovery to Elaine Kuretsky
In memory of Michael Kvasnik
In memory of Steve Shamblott
Todd & Amy Geller
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
Marilyn Smith
Thinking of you - Anita Geller

Jeannie and Steve Gilfix Family Fund
Jeannie & Steve Gilfix
In memory of Leo Fine

Steve, Jill & Sydney Gottlieb Endowment
Jill & Steve Gottlieb
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
Tami & Jimmy Segal
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Buddy Harris
Tami, Jimmy, Zach, Evan & Cole & Segal
In memory of Steve Shamblott

Grais Family Fund
Mickey & Carri Lazarus
In honor of Sima Fish & Michael Berezovsky's upcoming marriage
In memory of Chuck Frank
In memory of Buddy Harris
In honor of the birth of Robin Serber
Anna Simon
In memory of Jimmy Grais
Bonnie and Steve Heller Scholarship and Camp Preservation Fund
Bonnie & Steve Heller
In memory of Idy Garvis
In memory of Geri Kannel
In memory of Ronald Sackheim

Herzl's Greatest Need
Marilyn & Larry Barenbaum
Kathleen Curran
Andrea & Scott Harris
Alex & Chad Locke
Marlene Maloney
Amy Paster
Scott & Beth Puchtel
Family & friends of Alli Rubin, Joee Nelson & Abby Rabinovitz
Jeffrey & Eileen Silver
In memory of Mordechai Dennis Hershstein
The Carruth Family
In honor of Nancy Carruth
Mel & Judy Cofman
In memory of Marge Agranoff
Claire Fine
In memory of Steve Fine
Mike & Linda Fiterman
Ken & Sharon Kadet & Family
Gary & Stacy Kibort
In memory of Ron Sackheim
Sally Friedman
In memory of Addie Gould
In honor of Cindy & Perry Witkin's anniversary
Dana Gilbert
In honor of Emma Goldsmith's Bat Mitzvah
Karen Gjerstad & Kent Simon
In honor of Alena Simon
David & JoEllen Hartman
In honor Carole Confeld’s birthday
Anne & Bruce Hope
Mazel Tov to Josh Levine
Rachel Krantz & Edward Goldstein
In honor of Rabbi Justin Held
Josh Levine
In appreciation of Gary Kibort
Martin Levine
In honor of the Feldshon girls
Brad & Jamie Serber
In honor of Jack and Robin Serber
Michael & Joanne Silverman
In memory of Percy Greenberg
Bonnie & Arthur Stein
In honor of our grandchildren
Michael Usem & Georganne Walker
In honor of Josh & Elissa Usem's wedding
Leigh & David Waterman
In honor of Debra & Alex Arbit's anniversary
Sylvia & Michael Winter
In honor of the birth of Reuben Max Winter
Edie & Larry Zidel
In memory of Darlene Braufman

Herzl Scholarship Fund
Maddy's Camp Family
In memory of Maddy Friedman
Elliott & Marlys Badzin
In memory of Jimmy Grais
Jon, Jenny, Noah & Audrey Benowitz
Ron Rabinovitz
Edward Rapoport & Anne Vos-Rapoport
Susan & Paul Schneck
Debbie & Tom Simon
In memory of Mordechai Dennis Hershstein
Lev Jacobs
In honor of Rabbi Justin Held
Gary & Stacy Kibort
In honor of Josh Levine
In memory of David Halper
Gary & Stacy Kibort & Family
In memory of Marge Agranoff
Gary & Stacy Kibort & Family
Dana Scott
Anna Simon
In memory of Leo Fine
Gary & Stacy Kibort & Family
Anna Simon
In memory of Zola Friedman
Ron Rabinovitz
In memory of Idy Garvis
Lisa, Neil, Gabby and Sophie Rothstein
In honor of the birth of Reuben Max Winter
Sandy & Jeff Rudoy
In memory of Zelda Rae Walder
Anna Simon & Zach Schnitzer
In honor of Emma Goldsmith's Bat Mitzvah
The Wolf, Politz, Falck, Kornblum & Shafton Families
In honor of Shelley Kornblum and Mickey Greenberg's anniversary
Herzl Building Fund
Bonnie & David Blumberg
Sheila Lazerine
Sandy Rosen
Eileen Silver
Debbie Ulseth
In memory of Darlene Braufman

Barbara & Earl Hoffman Family Fund
Carole & Mark Confeld
In honor of Dr. David Hartman's birthday

Mitzi and Terry Kane Family Fund
Aimee & Noah Feldman
In memory of Ron Sackheim
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Speedy Recovery to Elaine Kuretsky

George Kaplan Ulam Fund
Gena & Joe Janetka
In honor of Allison Schatzman's birthday

Miriam and Leroy Kieffer Family Fund
Lorri Bernstein
In memory of Leroy Kieffer
Bonnie & Arthur Stein
In honor of the birth of Mayer Leonard

Tom & Joanne Kieffer/Dan & Stacy Mosow/Marty & Wendy Shragg Family Scholarship Fund
Joanne Kieffer
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
Thinking of you - Judy Goldetsky
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
Marty & Wendy Shragg
In memory of Marge Agranoff
In memory of Walter Baum
In memory of Marvin Eisenstein
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
In memory of Adeline Gould
In memory of Buddy Harris
In memory of Norman Perl
Betty Sue & David Lipschultz Family Endowment Fund
Betty Sue & David Lipschultz 
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
In memory of Dennis Mordechai Hershstein

Orbuch Ozo Opportunity Fund
Gary & Stacy Kibort
Jeff & Stacie Usem
In honor of Sarah Orbuch & Caleb Sherman's engagement

Pam and Jon Passman Family Fund
Pam & Jon Passman
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Norman Perl

Amir Pelleg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Adrienne Pelleg
In memory of Amir Pelleg

Rodich Family Scholarship Fund
Mike & Dona Rodich
In honor of Ron Zamansky's birthday

William and Sylvia Schachtman Scholarship Fund
Marilyn & Tim Broms
In memory of Sophie Dudovitz
Marc Neuman, Seth Goldberg & Jennifer Neuman 
In appreciation of Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Jeff & Janice Schachtman
In honor of Marty Bell's marriage
In memory of Sharon Catcher
In memory of Marvin Eisenstein
In memory of Leo Fine
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Buddy Harris
In memory of Michael Kvasnik
In appreciation of Jim Paletz
In memory of Norman Perl
In memory of Harold Sadoff
In memory of Alma Satran
In memory of David Weisman
Bonnie & Arthur Stein
Mazel Tov to Marilyn & Tim Broms on the birth of their new grandchild

Harold & Mickey Smith Scholarship Fund
Marshall & Paula Lehman
In memory of Leah and Bill Smith's Father
Eunice and Milton Ring
In honor of Harold Smith
Harold Smith
In appreciation of Dr. Evan Goldstein
In honor of Pirette Siesel

Michelle Solle Kadimah Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey Herstein
In memory of Mordechai Hershstein
In memory of Bill Lapides
In memory of Raleigh Rosen

Stacie and Jeff Usem Family Fund
Ben Usem
In memory of David S. Jacobson

Rachael and John Vegas Family Fund
Sue & Geoff Roether
In honor of the girls

Vickar Family Scholarship Fund
Shira, Jonathan, Gidi & Boaz Vickar
In honor of Bonnie and Garry Vickar

Waldman Belzer and Roether Family Fund
Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer
In honor of Emma Goldsmith's Bat Mitzvah
Dana Beth, David, Isabella & Andy Weisman Family Fund
Anita Geller
In honor of Neil Arnold's birthday
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
In memory of Susan Chauss
In honor of Rick Smookler's Birthday
Janie & Don Rutman
Thinking of you - Anita Geller
Dana Beth & David Weisman
In memory of Randy Geller
Dana Beth, David, Isabella & Andy Weisman
In memory of Bob Spizman

Ellie Weiss' Bat Mitzvah Fund
Elliott & Roberta Cohen
Joel & Peggy Mandel
In honor of Ellie Weiss' Bat Mitzvah
Sally Forbes Friedman
In memory of Steven Shamblott

Michael Winston Scholarship Fund
Mona Austrian & Elliot Libman
Nancy & Julian Libman
In memory of Michael Winston

Herbert & Joyce Wolk Memorial Fund
Eileen Bream
In honor of Neil Arnold's birthday

Lynn and Ron Zamansky Family Fund
Cindy & Don Brown
Myron & Elaine Goodman
In honor of Ron Zamansky's birthday
Myron & Elaine Goodman
In honor of Lynn Zamansky's Birthday
Gary & Stacy Kibort
Chuck & Rollye Rinkey
Jeff & Janice Schachtman
Steve & Nancy Schachtman
Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer
In honor of Lynn and Ron Zamansky's birthdays
Lynn & Ron Zamansky
In memory of Bob Smith
These donations were made between 12/1/21 - 1/31/22.
Herzl Family News
ANNOUNCE... Send us your news! Weddings, engagements, births, and any other happenings in your life! Bonus: When you introduce us to your future Herzl Camper, we send them a Herzl bib. It's never too early to become a Herzl Camper!

Murray Solomon Flug
Sharon Makowsky and Stephen Flug welcomed Murray Solomon Flug on November 2, 2021 in New York, NY. Murray is ecstatic for Taste 2029 and has requested to be in a tzrif every summer with his first cousin Lev Jacobs (and Herzl Family News buddy!)
Levitt Dylan Jacobs
Ellen Makowsky and Abe Jacobs welcomed Levitt (Lev) Dylan Jacobs on November 18, 2021 in Los Angeles, CA. Lev shares a birthday with his mommy and plans to share a bunk with his first cousin Murray Flug every summer. He’s also calling dibs on sitting next to Uncle JP Held on Shabbat.
Share your news!

Camp creates lifelong friendships and a connected community. Send us your news and we'll share it with the family!

Bonus! Tell us about a Herzl baby and we'll send our future Taster an adorable bib reminding them to register for camp in just 7 short years...