Herzl Building Fund
Bonnie & David Blumberg
Sheila Lazerine
Sandy Rosen
Eileen Silver
Debbie Ulseth
In memory of Darlene Braufman
Barbara & Earl Hoffman Family Fund
Carole & Mark Confeld
In honor of Dr. David Hartman's birthday
Mitzi and Terry Kane Family Fund
Aimee & Noah Feldman
In memory of Ron Sackheim
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Speedy Recovery to Elaine Kuretsky
George Kaplan Ulam Fund
Gena & Joe Janetka
In honor of Allison Schatzman's birthday
Miriam and Leroy Kieffer Family Fund
Lorri Bernstein
In memory of Leroy Kieffer
Bonnie & Arthur Stein
In honor of the birth of Mayer Leonard
Tom & Joanne Kieffer/Dan & Stacy Mosow/Marty & Wendy Shragg Family Scholarship Fund
Joanne Kieffer
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
Thinking of you - Judy Goldetsky
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
Marty & Wendy Shragg
In memory of Marge Agranoff
In memory of Walter Baum
In memory of Marvin Eisenstein
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Mace Goldfarb
In memory of Adeline Gould
In memory of Buddy Harris
In memory of Norman Perl
Betty Sue & David Lipschultz Family Endowment Fund
Betty Sue & David Lipschultz
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
In memory of Dennis Mordechai Hershstein
Orbuch Ozo Opportunity Fund
Gary & Stacy Kibort
Jeff & Stacie Usem
In honor of Sarah Orbuch & Caleb Sherman's engagement
Pam and Jon Passman Family Fund
Pam & Jon Passman
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Norman Perl
Amir Pelleg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Adrienne Pelleg
In memory of Amir Pelleg
Rodich Family Scholarship Fund
Mike & Dona Rodich
In honor of Ron Zamansky's birthday
William and Sylvia Schachtman Scholarship Fund
Marilyn & Tim Broms
In memory of Sophie Dudovitz
Marc Neuman, Seth Goldberg & Jennifer Neuman
In appreciation of Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Jeff & Janice Schachtman
In honor of Marty Bell's marriage
In memory of Sharon Catcher
In memory of Marvin Eisenstein
In memory of Leo Fine
In memory of Zola Friedman
In memory of Buddy Harris
In memory of Michael Kvasnik
In appreciation of Jim Paletz
In memory of Norman Perl
In memory of Harold Sadoff
In memory of Alma Satran
In memory of David Weisman
Bonnie & Arthur Stein
Mazel Tov to Marilyn & Tim Broms on the birth of their new grandchild
Harold & Mickey Smith Scholarship Fund
Marshall & Paula Lehman
In memory of Leah and Bill Smith's Father
Eunice and Milton Ring
In honor of Harold Smith
Harold Smith
In appreciation of Dr. Evan Goldstein
In honor of Pirette Siesel
Michelle Solle Kadimah Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey Herstein
In memory of Mordechai Hershstein
In memory of Bill Lapides
In memory of Raleigh Rosen
Stacie and Jeff Usem Family Fund
Ben Usem
In memory of David S. Jacobson
Rachael and John Vegas Family Fund
Sue & Geoff Roether
In honor of the girls
Vickar Family Scholarship Fund
Shira, Jonathan, Gidi & Boaz Vickar
In honor of Bonnie and Garry Vickar
Waldman Belzer and Roether Family Fund
Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer
In honor of Emma Goldsmith's Bat Mitzvah
Dana Beth, David, Isabella & Andy Weisman Family Fund
Anita Geller
In honor of Neil Arnold's birthday
In honor of Susan Bloom's birthday
In memory of Susan Chauss
In honor of Rick Smookler's Birthday
Janie & Don Rutman
Thinking of you - Anita Geller
Dana Beth & David Weisman
In memory of Randy Geller
Dana Beth, David, Isabella & Andy Weisman
In memory of Bob Spizman
Ellie Weiss' Bat Mitzvah Fund
Elliott & Roberta Cohen
Joel & Peggy Mandel
In honor of Ellie Weiss' Bat Mitzvah
Sally Forbes Friedman
In memory of Steven Shamblott
Michael Winston Scholarship Fund
Mona Austrian & Elliot Libman
Nancy & Julian Libman
In memory of Michael Winston
Herbert & Joyce Wolk Memorial Fund
Eileen Bream
In honor of Neil Arnold's birthday
Lynn and Ron Zamansky Family Fund
Cindy & Don Brown
Myron & Elaine Goodman
In honor of Ron Zamansky's birthday
Myron & Elaine Goodman
In honor of Lynn Zamansky's Birthday
Gary & Stacy Kibort
Chuck & Rollye Rinkey
Jeff & Janice Schachtman
Steve & Nancy Schachtman
Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer
In honor of Lynn and Ron Zamansky's birthdays
Lynn & Ron Zamansky
In memory of Bob Smith