Prima Donnas, Gossips, Bullies...
Enough Already! 

Have you ever worked for a company where everyone got along perfectly and there was never a problem or complaint about anything or anyone, ever? Probably not. The reality for most people is there's at least one person at work who is, shall we say, problematic.

Whether it's the prima donna, the know-it-all, the gossip monger, or the "but the rules don't apply to ME" co-worker, they get under your skin and disrupt the productivity of everyone around them.

Often the problem is compounded by the fact that they're actually pretty good at their job, or they generate a ton of sales, or they've just made themselves indispensable in some other way. You don't want to lose them, but you don't want to lose other good employees because of all the negativity.

So what can you do about it?

Reach out to Alternative HR!

We can help you identify and alleviate disruptive behavior so you can refocus on maintaining a high-performance work environment, without all the drama.

Contact us at 605.335.8198!

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Alternative HR has a highly "in-demand" subscription service, called HR On Demand!


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  • Up to 1 hour of support

  • Your very own dedicated HR professional

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To learn more about this service, view our website below or give us a call at 605.335.8198!

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