Happy Autumn!
The calendar may say it is fall (Sept 23) but the leaves are not getting the hint. This photo was taken a few years ago. Everything seems different this year - I hope it's not a sign of what's to come.

How is the back to school/work transition going for you? Would you like to get more done? Or would you like your children to get their homework done before the night is over? Then read today's article on Hacking Your Workspace to Up Your Productivity.

Just a reminder, the start date for the Super Skills for Students class for middle school students has changed. The new start date is October 17, 2023. That will give students more time to get used to their new routines and should be about 1/2 way through term 1, so there will be grades to indicate how they are doing.

Thanks for reading! I am grateful for your support. Please share your thoughts and ideas over on our FaceBook page.

To Your Success!