(910) 295-1934
Habitat Newsletter
July 2020
From our Executive Director
2021 Business Build in WSP

Local employers have firsthand knowledge of the impact of home. Employees who have secure housing are more reliable, better able to meet the demands of their job, and focus on the work at hand rather than on worries from an unstable or unsafe home. We are continuously impressed with how our local employers truly care for their colleagues and are willing to go above and beyond to help their employees succeed even beyond their workplace. Once they learn about our mission, many employers share the opportunity to partner with Habitat with their team; some even attend application appointments or host presentations during staff meetings. Their support and encouragement has often led to successful homeownership and a stable future for their employees.
Marilyn Ryner with Jeff Casey
Tom Pashley and Darlene Burrows
Pinehurst Resorts
It starts with our employers understanding the model of Habitat. Surprisingly, many people still have the misconception that Habitat homes are given away to jobless and homeless individuals seeking a handout. One of my favorite moments is to see the realization on the face of a local manager or business owner when they recognize they have an employee who might be a perfect fit for building with Habitat. When they join us on a worksite to see what kind of home our homeowners are actually building and purchasing, with Energy Star efficiencies and beautiful exteriors in supportive communities, they are ready to help recruit future homeowners. Several of our current homeowners first learned about Habitat when their workplace scheduled a build day. Spending a day with other volunteers, future homeowners and a staff team as skilled and compassionate as ours always lends excitement to do more!
Pat Corso
Partners in Progress
Jeff Hutchins
Penick VIllage
Lori West
Hailey Sumner
Pink of the Pines
Nicole Cox
Brendon Enfinger
Pinehurst Medical Clinic
Each year, we design a special build around this idea of partnering with our local employers. Whether this is your first company volunteer event, or you’re seasoned pros, Habitat provides a fun, easy and engaging experience.
We will kick off this year’s Business Build on Friday, October 16th. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday following, we hope to have local businesses can bring their staff out for a day of safely distanced fun and learning!
Can your workplace support this special effort for Katrina and her children?

To learn more and join us on the build site, contact Christy Brewster at volunteer@sandhillshabitat.org or 910-295-1934, option 5.

To learn more about supporting this build, please contact Amie Fraley at afraley@sandhillshabitat.org or 910-295-1934, option 6.
Faith Relations Lunch
Wednesday, August 19th at 12:00 pm
hosted by Redeemer Presbyterian PCA
at The Village Chapel 
10 Azalea Road | Pinehurst 

We will be signing up teams for the Hoke County Fall Build, Please join us to reserve your build day. All are welcome; Habitat is a non-profit ecumenical Christian housing ministry inclusive of all faiths and ethnicity… Our ministry provides an opportunity for people to put their faith and love into action and to bring diverse groups of people together to build homes and communities.

Admiration and Respect- We'll miss you!
Hardcore Volunteer – Jeff Heep
Habitat honors a hardcore volunteer who has volunteered almost 200 hours with us in 2020 alone! Jeff Heep has been joining us on the construction site 2-3 times a week all year long when COVID-19 allowed! He has been an incredible asset to our construction team. Jeff's last official day volunteering with us was last week, although he assures us that he will stop by whenever he has free time! We want to wish you the best of luck on your new career and say

THANK YOU for all the time and hard work
you have given to us at Habitat.

If you are in between jobs, need a resume booster, or simply have free time to offer. Please email volunteer@sandhillshabitat.org or visit sandhillshabitat.volunteerhub.com to register for a build day that fits into your schedule!
Our Family Partners
Meet Kim Ray, an upcoming homeowner who will be closing in the next few months on her home in Aberdeen. Kim is raising two young grandsons on her own. The youngest was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. With his high health risk she has not been able to return to work and they must all wear masks any time they leave the house. We hope this family and others can begin to return to normal again. Until then, Kim is finding creative ways to keep these two entertained, educated and healthy in these crazy times.
Revitalization Program Expands
with help from AmeriCorps and SCC
AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs with different approaches to improving lives and fostering civic engagement. More than 75,000 Americans across the country participate each year, tackling various community needs in different ways.

As Americorps member who served with us was RB Gardner, a retired Army Veteran who came to serve our community just like he served our military. His personal demeanor, efficiency and work ethic were absolutely outstanding, and he was able to make a lasting impact on the distressed communities in our area who had the desire to revitalize their neighborhoods.

His leadership helped us execute our plan to generate a Neighborhood Revitalization program in our affiliate. He became a fixture in the community; meeting with town councils, finding corporate sponsors, participating in workshop training or helping to clean up the areas around the neighborhood. Not only did he help complete 8 revitalization projects in 10 months, but he developed an approach model to enlist the support of an additional community in one of our other counties. He has our sincere thanks for his service, and our respect.
In West Southern Pines, we are partnering Sandhills Community College to teach several home repair and restoration classes to help local residents and volunteers reinvest in the community. The volunteers are committed to attending the courses and then helping to carry out monthly repairs within their own community to be led by Habitat construction staff.

We are excited that August 15th will be the first repair for an elderly individual living on W. Illinois Avenue. We will be awarding the volunteers who came to the repair classes and work on the project with a gift, as a token of our appreciation. Funding for the repairs is supported in part by the Bold Initiative Project through Brownson Church as well as Habitat for Humanity. We could not have done it without the volunteers from WSP and SCC for showing us the way!
  • Best Place to Volunteer
  • Thrift Store
  • Furniture Store
  • Best Place to buy Consigned/Used Furniture.

Please keep us in mind for your unwanted items when you start fall cleaning. Please call 910-295-2798 for Moore County and
910-817-9576 for Richmond County for free pick ups

Our Stuff the Truck calendar is filling fast so please call at least 2 weeks in advance if you would like us to be a part of your community-wide pickups, fundraiser yard sale leftovers and more. Are you cleaning out, on the move and don’t want to rent a truck? We can bring the truck to you, you stuff it with your unwanted items then we will pick it up. If interested please call Kim Braddy (910) 295-1934 x2220
Deb Wimberly does just about everything and anything for us. She has committed to more than her once a week shift as cashier by cleaning, pricing and putting items on the sales floor.
Sandra Thomas has now committed herself to two days in our ReStore cashiering. She is always willing to do any projects that come up as well.
New to Habitat Orientation
August 15th | 10:00 am
Are you new to Habitat? Are you curious about how much it costs to build a Habitat home? Are you interested in volunteering with us in the future? Have you volunteered with us in the past? Here is your chance to find out exactly how everything at Habitat works, and get your questions answered!
The third Saturday of every month our volunteer coordinator will host a New to Habitat Orientation. Take advantage of this opportunity to attend this orientation from the comfort of your own home via Zoom or we welcome you to our office in Aberdeen.

We strive to make your time a rewarding and beneficial experience at Sandhills Habitat. We value, respect, support,encourage and enjoy exemplary relationships with volunteers.
Testimonials from Volunteers
2020 Women Build - Friday, July 10th
" My first introduction to Habitat for Humanity was the ReStore store – when we moved from Washington DC in 2017, we made many trips to donate items that would no longer fit in our “downsized” new home in Pinehurst. My husband, Tony, and I are from the UK but have lived in the States for 33 years.
A neighbor and friend invited me to the annual fashion show fundraiser dinner, where I learned just how much the community is helped by Habitat and, subsequently, worked on a Women Build, which was hard work but good fun. I have since attended a second fashion show with another of the Habitat Board members.

Soon after arriving in Pinehurst, I was lucky enough to meet and joined up with some lady golfers who, spearheaded by Sandy Sackmann, formed a Tuesday golfing group. We decided we needed a name and “The Babes” were born – named, I hasten to add, after Babe Zaharias the famous golfer and athlete!
They are a great group of 13 ladies who, over three years, have shared in the joy of our children’s marriages, new grandchildren, and happy occasions, as well as support each other in major illness, family issues, and loss of pets and loved ones. 

These strong women seemed the perfect group to rally together to help in something totally different, so we had the idea we might do our own Build for a day.

Needless to say, everyone was very keen to sign up, but, for various reasons, one or two were unable to attend when, due to Covid, the date had to be rescheduled for July from the original Build date in March. So, I went “into the highways and byways” and asked other friends who I knew had big hearts if they would join us; the reaction was overwhelmingly the same – YES!  
So Friday, July 10, in sweltering 90+F heat, 14 of us showed up at The Babes & Friends’ Women Build in Aberdeen. There are two houses currently under construction. After a wonderful welcome from Amie Fraley, Stacy Kelley Lebak and Christy Brewster, our temperatures taken (and, I hasten to add, lots of supplies and protocols to keep us safe) we were introduced to Keith and Adam, our foremen. They knew we were billed as “The Babes,” so I am sure they were disappointed that, rather than 20-something cute girls appearing, 60 & 70-something aging grannies arrived.  

With our hard hats, masks, and socially distanced, we hammered and nailed, hauled “stuff,” climbed ladders, measured, sawed, and caulked… we worked very hard. Keith and Adam were dynamite, giving us huge latitude (although I know they were watching every one of our steps!) making it a laugh and fun every bit of the way and the end result was a wonderful feeling of community, knowing we had really achieved some heavy-duty construction and that the houses we touched were built with love – for each other and, I want the new occupants to know, love for them.

We are very lucky to all be retired here in Pinehurst, and this was a wonderful way to give back to the community. After being bombarded with “yes” at the beginning of the idea, I received so many “thank you’s” for organizing it, and I know everyone slept very well that night!

We plan to return and probably with a bigger group!"
- Camilla Rothwell

As a Moore County resident for 14 years, I hadn’t worked on a Habitat project previously. I was impressed by how the staff, Keith and Adam, made our participation fun and also constructive. Additionally, I had no idea how energy efficient these houses are designed to be for the new owners. After 3 ½ hours of caulking prior to wallboard being installed, I have a greater appreciation for the thought and planning that go into making houses that will be a pleasure to live in AND that will be cost effective too.
- Pat A
Thank you, Habitat, for a remarkable and enriching day! With your wonderful supervisors, even a first-time volunteer with no building experience like myself can help create a home for a family. And what a good feeling that is! I look forward to volunteering again. 
M. T. Peterson, Moore County resident for 4 1/2 years.
What a great experience to be on the team, helping build a house for Habitat! It was a first for me and I thoroughly enjoyed being on Camilla’s team. Habitat for Humanity is an awesome organization and I hope you will let us come again on some sort of regular basis. Many thanks for a terrific experience that made us all feel really good!
- Susan Pepper
Habitat Repair Program Success
The Repair Mission has been very busy over the last month finishing up repair projects in both Moore and Richmond Counties. Now, we are preparing for a much bigger impact in three counties over the next year. Hoke County is now in our service area.

We have stocked our warehouse with materials to build ramps and repair porches, and have 6 projects lined up. With Covid social distancing protocols in effect, smaller close quarters repair projects can be a challenge, so our Construction and Trim teams stepped up to help, until we can safely accommodate our volunteers.

Over the last 12 months, we have completed 17 volunteer-centric repairs (ramp, porch/step project, or revitalization) and 25 contractor repairs (roof, HVAC, windows) serving 83 residents in need. Thank you for helping us make this happen!

Habitat has been approved and/or received multiple grants to cover $124K in repairs over the next year, and we are awaiting final Federal approval for another potential $100K-$273K to take us through the next two years for all three counties.

Since there is no lack of need in our area, we plan to be very busy and look forward to providing support to our neighbors.
since Dec 25, 2019
  • Owen Gallagher
  • Buck Kirk 
  • Richard Kruse
  • Betty Martin 
  • Robert L. “Bob" Murphy
  • Bose Obi
  • Joe Oxendine
  • Clarence M Ziegler 
since Dec 25, 2019

  • Bill and Barbara Crownover
  • Rusty and Kathy Disney
  • Sharon Lawson
  • Pinehurst Country Club Board of Directors
  • Camilla Rothwell
  • Bobby Teague
Everyone Deserves a Safe and Affordable Place to Live
Donate Today!
Contributions to Sandhills Habitat go directly to building safe, affordable housing in the Sandhills. We partner with future homeowners, volunteers and supporters to build homes that provide a stable environment for hardworking families and future generation.
www.sandhillshabitat.org (910) 295-1934