January Newsletter
(910) 295-1934
From Our Director
Ramping up for EXPANSION in 2020!

If you are like many of us, the new year is a great time to take stock in what you accomplished last year and set new goals for the year ahead. We had a pretty fantastic 2019 here at Habitat, and we want to thank you for making that possible. Every new home we build takes 2,000 volunteer hours and approximately $100,000 of materials and subcontracted services to build. Your dedication to this mission allowed us to build eight homes which sold to local families with guaranteed affordable mortgages . We also provided critical repairs to dozens of our non-Habitat neighbors in need of wheelchair ramps, roof replacements and other fixes to allow them to age in place safely and affordably. Perhaps you spent a day on the build site with us, or sent a donation to help purchase materials, or shopped or donated to our ReStore. All of these are ways you build with us. We are proud of the achievements of our construction department, and thank our skilled and fun construction supervisors who help make each day on the site enjoyable and worthwhile.

In addition to our construction highlights, we hit some record numbers in the ReStore this year. In our first six months of this fiscal year (we run on a June 30 th year), our ReStore has blown away their sales goals and contributed a net total of $240,000 toward local construction. This is 33% higher than the same period last year – Wow!!! We are well stocked, and working on how to expand our ReStore to accommodate the increase in donations and traffic. 
We are also expanding our service area to include Hoke County , and kicked off 2020 with a community lunch on January 16 th to hear what the residents of Hoke County would like to see from Habitat. We are excited to provide new construction, repairs and maybe even a ReStore to this community.
As you can see, the great work you made possible in 2019 is leading to even more progress in 2020 – stay tuned. We think this is going to be our best year yet!"
New Tool to Make
Volunteering at Habitat Easier

To some, it may seem that scheduling and coordinating volunteers at Habitat is a piece of cake. There’s a lot of work to do, right? We can always use more volunteers, right? Just show up, right? We have learned that a little planning and great communication can make a world of difference when it comes to providing an enjoyable and meaningful volunteer experience. This year, we are introducing a new software to help our volunteers know when and where to volunteer with us, and we are pretty excited about it. The tool is called Volunteer Hub , and it is a user-friendly software that can be used on your computer or mobile device or on-site at Habitat to help sign up, sign in and stay in contact with us.

We hope you will take a moment to visit the site and register for a volunteer spot – you can see many of the opportunities already up on the calendar. It doesn’t take long, and you can provide us with feedback on how the tool worked for you. Thank you for volunteering with us. We hope to increase our volunteer hours by 10% this year to allow us to build an additional home and complete several additional repairs. Can you help us achieve this?

To visit the site, you can go to sandhillshabitat.org and click on the blue “Volunteer Hub” button at the center of the page. Thank you!
Join us for Lunch
Friday, January 31st
Find out More
Muffin Momma's Needed
Do you love to bake? Want to share your talent with hardworking construction volunteers who would really appreciate you? We are looking for you to join our “Muffin Momma” team to help feed the crew on the worksite. Even if you don’t bake, they are always eager for fresh fruit, protein bars, nuts and other snacks.

Habitat builds every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Could you help feed the crew once a month? Call us at (910) 295-1934 for more details,
Please be our guest for lunch!
Habitat Faith Relations Meeting

Wednesday, February 19 th , 20202
12:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church 
904 Fayetteville Road
Rockingham, NC 28379

Amie Fraley at 910-295-1934 ext. 2310
or at afraley@sandhillshabitat.org 
The Latasha Wall /Harrison Family Family Home Dedication

 Thursday | January 30 th
6:00 pm
225 Alan Charles Way
Aberdeen, NC
Each Habitat homeowner invests at least 300 hours of “Sweat Equity” for the opportunity to purchase their home with an affordable mortgage.
Pinckney Build
Moore County Schools  Board of Education members installing vinyl siding at “The Home that Pinckney Built” in Carthage. Thank you to the education leaders in Moore County for supporting this unique learning experience!

Betty Brown, Helena Wallin-Miller,
and John Weaver. Not Pictured but on site- Libby Carter and Ed Dennison

A huge thank you to Tom Beddow for his help with our large Toyota donation this month. Tom has been with our affiliate for five years as a volunteer and donor.

Stop in and say "hi" to one of our many fabulous volunteers that we have in our ReStore. Jo joined us in November and works really hard on pricing, cleaning and merchandising our wonderful donations. Chosen for our Volunteer Spotlight of the month!
Stuff the Truck season is coming up in March. If you have a fundraising yard sale and need our truck for leftover items, give us a call to book. We can also reserve some dates to bring our truck into your community. If interested, call Kim Braddy 910-528-4696 ext. 2220

For volunteer opportunities in our ReStores, please contact Kimberly Braddy 910-295-1934 ext. 2220 or just pop in the ReStore.

Be sure to follow the new ReStore Facebook page
to learned about the latest inventory and sales
2020 Women Build - Fund Raising Event
Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 pm
Doors Open at 6:30 pm
Country Club of North Carolina
Tickets: $35.00
Coffee/Tea Service, Dessert, and Cash Bar Available