SERVER SCHEDULE: The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 1, 2024

What's Happening at HT


6:00 PM ECW Food for Thought


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I

9:00 AM Coffee Talk with Our Priest (Parish Hall)

9:30 AM Nursery (Parish Hall)

9:30 AM Adult Bible Study (Tom Davis Library)

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II (Children's Service)

11:30 AM Light Refreshments (Belltower)

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Rite I (St. Paul's)

5:00 PM Evening Prayer (Holy Trinity)

6:00 PM Canterbury Campus Ministry (Dinner provided)


Church Office Closed


11:00 AM Bible Study - Zoom

8:30 PM Compline - Facebook

4:00 PM HT Cares Meeting - Zoom


10:30 AM Holy Eucharist at Clemson Downs

6:30 PM Choir Practice

What's Coming-up at HT


9:00 AM SAME Garden

10:00 AM St. Paul's Thrift Shop Reopens

5:00 PM St. Paul's Committee Meeting (Canterbury Center)

6:00 PM City of Clemson Zoning & Planning Meeting (Parish Hall)


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I

9:00 AM Coffee Talk with Our Priest (Parish Hall)

9:30 AM Nursery (Parish Hall)

9:30 AM Adult Bible Study (Tom Davis Library)

10:15 AM Children's Chapel/Sun. Sch. (Grades K-4)

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Rite II ("Comfy Church" at Holy Trinity)

6:00 PM Canterbury


6:00 PM EfM


11:00 AM Bible Study - Zoom

8:30 PM Compline - Facebook

4:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting


6:30 PM Choir Practice


This Sunday, September 1 will be a “First Sunday” (No Chapel/Sunday School)

Reminder that our Youth formation occurs once a month on the third Sunday. Our next Third Sunday will be September 15.


ECW Food for Thought is THIS EVENING at 6 PM in the Parish Hall. Mike Diemer, who heads up the SAME (So All May Eat) garden team, will give a presentation. All those who RSVPd may start arriving at 5:30 to set up their dishes and help with preparation.

The church office will be closed Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day.

HT Cares will meet Sept. 3 at 4 PM. Follow the Zoom link under What's Happening above if you'd like to join the meeting to discuss pastoral concerns within the parish and how we can help!

A service of Holy Eucharist will be held at Clemson Downs on Wed, Sept. 4 at 10:30 AM.

St. Paul's Thrift Shop reopens next Thursday, Sept. 5. Gather up those items you can live without and bring them to your friendly thrift shop! Our crew works Tuesday mornings and welcomes all your donations. If you would like a more convenient time to bring your items, please call Judy Surak at (864) 933-5205.

Tempo Submission Deadline is in 2 weeks: Sunday, September 15 Please send all content to Wesley. Photos from church events are appreciated.

September 15: Stewardship Kickoff Lunch catered by Palmetto Smokehouse will immediately follow the 10:30 am service. Click here to view the flyer and make plans to join us!


Dementia Ed. Workshop: Sept. 17, Buncombe Street Methodist, Greenville Click here for more info or to register. Spots sell out very quickly, so reserve yours today! We will carpool from Holy Trinity, leaving at 7:30 am. Email Serena DuBose at or call her at (803) 709-0212 if you'd like to join the carpool!

UPDATE: Men’s Book Group rescheduled to Sept. 21 at 9 am at the Wheelers The book for discussion is “The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe” by Richard Rohr.


Ways to give back to your church.

Time to join the choir. Calling all singers! Your parish choir needs you. Please join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Contact Rebecca for more information:, (864) 506-2382.

Volunteers Needed for Canterbury Suppers Our Canterbury students are always grateful to have a home-cooked meal each Sunday! Please consider signing up. You may click here or contact Sue Smink -

2024 Home Football Game Day Parking Volunteers. We need YOU! Reminder: volunteers get a free spot and food! Click here for more information or to volunteer.

Sunday Morning Gameday Cleanup: Help us Keep HT Beautiful! Beginning Sept. 8, we would appreciate you helping our youth with clean up on Sunday mornings following Clemson home games. Please consider coming early on those Sundays.


There are known issues with the phone system in both the church office and EDS. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we resolve this. If you cannot reach us via phone, please contact us by email. Addresses are listed on the church website under Staff & Vestry in the About Us section.

A Note about Communications Moving forward, we are taking strides to provide information as concisely as possible. Make sure to see the What's Happening and What's Coming-up sections above and note the links (e.g. 'Click here' etc.) provided throughout weekly communications. More detailed information may be provided there. Also, please look for occasional separate emails highlighting special events.

Large Print Editions of Forward Day by Day Now Available Copies have been placed in the narthex and church office.

Fresh Supply of Singing Rooster Coffee is Now Available in the HT Market, Parish Hall.


We love our volunteers!

Thank you to Will Brown and Austin Wyatt, Lori Graham, Mel Harriss, Dorothy Meeks, Bill Purkerson, Betty Snowden, and Greg and Jane Vaughn for helping with our welcome back picnic Sunday. Your efforts, time and contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you to Martha Williams for providing and serving Sunday’s Canterbury supper.

We love our volunteers and we couldn't do it without you! If you have a calling to volunteer in any aspect, please reach out to us.

Ongoing Items

Meal Trains If you know parishioners who could use some help with meals while navigating stressful times in their lives, please contact Claiborne Linvill.

Singing Rooster Coffee Supports Haiti Missions. Bags are available for purchase in the HT Market located in the Parish Hall. You may also place orders for 5-pound bags of French, Vienna or Decaf (ground or whole bean). Orders will be batched to save on shipping. A limited supply of gourmet chocolate is still available. Your purchases fund our diocesan missions in Cagne, Haiti. Contact Harry Morse: (864) 314-9996.

Holy Trinity History Books are Available Copies are available for purchase in the HT Market, Parish Hall. If you would like one, please write a check in the amount of $50, made payable to Holy Trinity with “HT history book” in the memo line. You may also come by the church office during regular hours. (Please note this is not considered to be a charitable contribution.)

Appeal for Funds for St. Paul’s Renovation & Painting Project! Work has begun! Our fundraising efforts so far have raised $159,790! Thank you for your contributions! All donations are greatly appreciated and much needed. Please make out your check to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with St. Paul’s Renovation in the memo line to ensure your contribution will go toward this work. If you would like additional information, please contact Mtr. Suz Cate.

Tempo is available to view online. Click here to access. Have photos from parish events you'd like to share? Email Wesley.

Clemson Community Care is in need of canned fruit, corn, green beans, mixed vegetables, soup, tomatoes, pork and beans, dried beans, mac and cheese, cereal, shelf stable milk, 2 lb bags of sugar and juice. Donations of baby wipes, bathroom tissue, shampoo and conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes. are also sought. You may view and purchase needed items for direct delivery to CCC by clicking here. Many thanks for your support.

Need a Ride to Church? please contact Serena Dubose and she will make arrangements.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 29631

(864) 654-507

Worship Schedule

8:00am in the Nave, Rite I

10:30 am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II

5:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)

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