SERVER SCHEDULE: The Fifth Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024

What's Happening at HT


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I

9:00 AM Coffee Fellowship Hour

9:30 AM Adult Sunday School

10:30 AM Children's Sunday School (Grades K-4th only)

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II (Canterbury Sunday)

12:30 PM CCC Workday for Children and Youth

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Rite II (Final evening service of season at Holy Trinity.)

6:00 PM Canterbury


11:00 AM Bible Study - Zoom

8:30 PM Compline - Facebook


6:30 PM Choir Practice


9:00 AM SAME Garden

What's Coming-up at HT


8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I

9:00 AM Coffee Fellowship Hour

9:30 AM Adult Sunday School

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II (Children's Service)

12:00 PM Cinco de Mayo Lunch/Baby Shower for Evyone Washington

12:30 PM Youth Outing to Oasis Golf

5:00 PM Holy Eucharist - Rite I (St. Paul's)


11:00 AM Bible Study - Zoom

4:00 PM Pastoral Care Committee Meeting

8:30 PM Compline - Facebook


6:00 PM Parent and Youth Focus Group (Parish Hall)

6:30 PM Choir Practice


9:00 AM SAME Garden

10:00 AM EDS Board Meeting (Canterbury Center)


Sunday School for children (K-4th) this Sunday at 10:30, Parish Hall. 

Activities for all ages are available in the Parish Hall beginning at 9 am. 

Supervision begins at 9:30.  

Nursery is available for ages 5 and under.

This Sunday, April 28, 12:30 is our CCC Pantry Work Day. Meet at CCC if you are participating. Our youth will be presenting their donations from the Easter Cross sales that totaled $350. Thanks to everyone who supported this effort. 

Sunday, May 5: First Sunday Children’s Service and Youth Recognition We will recognize our awesome youth during the service. Also, our youth group will be going to Oasis Golf- after the fellowship lunch. We need chaperones and drivers. Please contact Jerae if you can help.


Last "Comfy Church" service of season is this Sunday at 5 PM We will resume this service during the Fall 2024 semester. Please see future communications for updates.

Exam Week Lunches for Canterbury, Apr 29-May 3 Let's support our students during exam week! Exam week lunches will be provided for our college students in the Canterbury Student Center Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 3.  We need 2 volunteers each day from 11:00 - 1:00 to host lunch, including set up and clean up. Food will be provided with some preparation needed. You may sign up here. Contact Mother Suz with any questions.

Cinco de Mayo Lunch and Baby Shower, Sun, May 5 Join us for a Cinco de Mayo fellowship lunch along with a baby shower for our Finance Administrator, Evyone Washington. Evyone is registered at Walmart and Target. If you have any questions, contact Jerae.

Parent and Youth Focus Group & Brainstorming Session: Wed, May 8, 6-8 pm

Youth and Parents- We invite you to join us in the Parish Hall for a free dinner and a time of discussion and brainstorming. We’ve had a great 2023-24 school year, achieving many of the goals we set for the year. We want your feedback and ideas about how to best move into the 2024-2025 school year. You may register here. For more information, contact Jerae.

Parents of Children Nursery Age- 4th Grade Brainstorming Session: Wed, May 15, 5:30-7 pm Parents, you are invited to join us in the Parish Hall for a free dinner and a time of discussion and brainstorming. We invite your feedback and ideas on how we move into the 2024-2025 school year. You may register here. For more information, contact Jerae.


Pentecost and St. Paul’s Picnic, May 19 There will be one morning service at 10:30 at St. Paul’s followed by a picnic. Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share. Our choir will present a service of Evensong at 5 pm at St. Paul's that evening. Make plans to join us on this special day. Wear RED!

ECW Food for Thought is May 23  The speaker at our next potluck dinner on Thurs, May 23 at 6 pm will be Stephanie LaGuardia, Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School Director. Stay tuned for details and a food sign up.


Calling all graduates! Are you graduating? We want to acknowledge you. Please reach out to Jerae by May 1.

Praying and Praising Through the Psalms Join Adult Sunday School as we learn to uncomplicate how we speak to God through the Psalms. Our study of the Psalms will focus on the Psalm readings from that Sunday.

Summer Greeters and Lemonade in the Breezeway If you would like to volunteer as a greeter for our Sunday services during the Summer, please contact Jerae. Note that June 9-July 7 there will be one service at 10:00 on Sunday mornings. 


We love our volunteers!

A big THANK YOU to Mel Harriss for always making our awesome fellowship cakes. 

Thank you to Mr. Jim, Bill Hurst and Chris Heerwagen for helping to secure parking for church use during last weekend’s downtown festivities.

If you have a calling to volunteer in any aspect, please contact the Church Office, and we will connect you with a ministry leader.


Dine with the Docs You don’t want to miss a great night of entertainment with the CU Vocalists accompanied by our own Mickey Harder and delicious food from Palmettos Smoke House & Oyster Bar to benefit the Clemson Free Clinic! Event at Clemson United Methodist Church at 6:30 pm on Friday, April 26. Tickets $35 per person, available at the door.

The Celebration Ringers of Clemson United Methodist Church are offering a free concert, Hymns We Love to Ring, on Wed. May 1 at 6:15 pm and a repeat performance on Fri. May 3rd at 5 pm. A variety of well-known hymns arranged for handbell ensemble will be presented. All are welcome.

De-escalation Lunch ‘n Learn at UUFC Clemson The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Clemson will host a de-escalation workshop on Tues, May 7 from 11-1 pm. Techniques such as body language, location and verbal engagement will be discussed. Participants should provide their own lunch. Those planning to attend need to register in advance and a $5 love offering is suggested to cover the cost of the facilitator. For more information, including how to sign up, click here.

Ongoing Items

Sunday School volunteers NEEDED. To learn more, click here or contact Jerae.

Family Meal Support If you would like to provide a meal for Tori Hurst Jayroe and family as they welcome their new little one, click here. If you would like to provide a meal for the Brooks family, click here. If you know of any parishioner(s) who would like to receive meals, please contact Claiborne Linvill.

Appeal for Funds for St. Paul’s Renovation & Painting Project! Work has begun! Our fundraising efforts so far have raised $151,954! Thank you for your contributions! All donations are greatly appreciated and much needed. Please make out your check to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with St. Paul’s Renovation in the memo line to ensure your contribution will go toward this work. If you would like additional information, please contact Mtr. Suz Cate.

Singing Rooster Coffee & Chocolates A fresh supply of fair-trade coffee and chocolate has arrived just in time for Lent. A variety of styles and flavors are available at the self service kiosk next to the Haiti photo gallery in the narthex. For more information, click here or see Dr. Harry Morse. Thank you for supporting our missions in Haiti.

Holy Trinity Reusable Shopping Bags Shopping bags with the church name and Episcopal shield printed on them are available in the Parish Hall for a $5 donation. Please make checks payable to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with ECW Red Bags noted in the memo.

Need a Ride to Church? please contact Serena Dubose and she will make arrangements.

St. Paul's Thrift Shop regular hours are Monday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and on every third Saturday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, September through June. It is located at 314 East Queen Street, Pendleton, SC, next to the church. Looking forward to seeing you!

Tempo Newsletter Click here for the latest issue.

Clemson Community Care is in need of pasta sauce, dry pasta, canned pasta, soup, canned vegetables and beans, dry beans, rice, canned meat and fish, cereal, and shelf stable milk.

Donations of diapers sz 4-6, pull-ups,wipes, laundry and dish detergent, bathroom tissue and paper towels, all toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and lotion) are also sought. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 29631

(864) 654-507

Worship Schedule

8:00am in the Nave, Rite I

10:30 am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II

5:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)

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