SERVER SCHEDULE: The Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 9, 2024

What's Happening at HT


9:00 AM Diocesan Executive Council Meeting


Summer Schedule Begins

Welcome Rev. Sally Franklin

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II

11:15 AM Lemonade Under the Belltower


8:30 PM Compline - Facebook

4:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting


6:00 PM Wild Wednesdays (Meet at Canterbury Center Entrance)


9:00 AM SAME Garden

10:00 AM EDS Board Meeting (Canterbury Center)

5:30 PM ECW Night of Fellowship at Sole on the Green (RSVP requested)

What's Coming-up at H


10:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II

Vestry meeting immediately follows worship. 2nd floor, Parish Hall

11:15 AM Lemonade Under the Belltower


8:30 PM Compline - Facebook


Church Office Closed


9:00 AM SAME Garden


Nursery is not available and will return regularly in August. Look for the “Worship Bags for Children” basket, it is located in the Narthex. The bags are updated weekly for children to use during services. Please return them upon leaving. 

Middle School and High School: Wild Wednesdays Continue June 12. Holy Trinity youth will meet at HT/Canterbury entrance at 6 pm. We will have pizza and more. Pick up at Trinity Place at 8 pm. Clean up help is appreciated. Further communications will be sent out via “Group Me” and the HT youth Instagram. Please make sure you are up to date.


We will begin our Summer Worship Schedule this Sunday, June 9: One Sunday service at 10:00 am. This schedule will continue through Sun, July 7.

We welcome Mtr. Sally Franklin to Holy Trinity! She will celebrate and preach for us throughout Mother Suz's sabbatical. You may read her introduction in the Leadership Communication section of the June-July Tempo (link provided in Ongoing Items below).

ECW Night of Fellowship: Thurs, June 13 at 5:30 PM at Sole on the Green on the Clemson University campus. Open to all the women of the church, it's a night out at an area restaurant and an opportunity to get to know each other. Please RSVP to Nanine if you'd like to attend!

Church Office Closed Juneteenth (June 19) The church office will be closed Wednesday, June 19th in observance of the federal holiday, Juneteenth, when our nation remembers the great joy of the emancipation of slaves in 1865.


Ways to give back to your church.

Our youth NEED YOU! Please consider volunteering to chaperone a “Wild Wednesday”. Please sign up here for a date(s) you can help. Contact Jerae to learn more.

We need Summer Greeters and Lemonade Setup Help. Please sign up here to volunteer as a greeter for our summer Sunday Services. Contact Jerae to schedule a Sunday to serve. 

Children's Chapel/Sunday School Help Needed. Our young families have expressed their want for and the importance of Children’s Chapel/Sunday School. In order to meet this need, we need leaders for ages K-4th. If you have an interest in helping, please reach out to Jerae. There will be a planning week in late July.

Join us in the SAME Garden! If you would like to help out, particularly during the harvest season this summer, email Mike Diemer to be added to the work schedule notification each week. You can join us whenever you are free! We typically work in the garden on Thursday mornings at 9 am and on Sundays after the 10:30 am service. All produce is donated to Clemson Community Care.


Tempo Correction: Vestry List Please note that Sarah Trice is also a member of our Vestry. Her name was inadvertently left off the list of members in the Leadership section, page 4. We sincerely apologize for this omission.

Holy Trinity Directory Thank you to those of you who reviewed the draft copy of the Holy Trinity Parish Directory. We received feedback and corrections which need to be made prior to publication. Please look for a finalized edition to be shared with the parish in both print and electronic formats by the end of summer.


We love our volunteers!

Thank you to Lori Graham for chaperoning our June 12 Wild Wednesday.

If you have a calling to volunteer in any aspect, please contact the Church Office, and we will connect you with a ministry leader.

Ongoing Items

Support our Meal Train If you would like to provide a meal for the Brooks family, click here. If you know of any parishioner(s) who would like to receive meals, please contact Claiborne Linvill.

Singing Rooster Coffee Supports Haiti Missions. Place your orders for 5-pound bags of French, Vienna or Decaf (ground or whole bean). Orders will be batched to save on shipping. A limited supply of gourmet chocolate is still available. Your purchases fund our diocesan missions in Cagne, Haiti. Contact Harry Morse: (864) 314-9996. 

Appeal for Funds for St. Paul’s Renovation & Painting Project! Work has begun! Our fundraising efforts so far have raised $153,740! Thank you for your contributions! All donations are greatly appreciated and much needed. Please make out your check to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with St. Paul’s Renovation in the memo line to ensure your contribution will go toward this work. If you would like additional information, please contact Mtr. Suz Cate.

Holy Trinity Reusable Shopping Bags Shopping bags with the church name and Episcopal shield printed on them are available in the Parish Hall for a $5 donation. Please make checks payable to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church with ECW Red Bags noted in the memo.

Need a Ride to Church? please contact Serena Dubose and she will make arrangements.

St. Paul's Thrift Shop regular hours are Monday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and on every third Saturday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, September through June. It is located at 314 East Queen Street, Pendleton, SC, next to the church. Looking forward to seeing you!

Tempo Newsletter Click here for the latest issue. Have photos from church events you'd like to share? E-mail Wesley.

Clemson Community Care has given out a large amount of food recently. Families will need more during the summer months. They are in need of oatmeal, granola bars, peanut butter, jelly, mixed vegetables, soup, green beans, canned potatoes, canned beans, pasta sauce, dry pasta, shelf stable milk, corn, canned meats and fish. Donations of dish and laundry detergent, diapers-size 3 and 4, shampoo and toothpaste are also sought. Many thanks for your support.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 29631

(864) 654-507

Worship Schedule

8:00am in the Nave, Rite I

10:30 am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II

5:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)

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