August 21, 2020
HSLM Whiskers at Work Program
While most cats enjoy living in a home, there are certain felines who are surrendered to HSLM that are not suited for this type of lifestyle. This is why the HSLM Whiskers at Work Program was established.

Adoption through the HSLM Whiskers at Work Program offers a safe and happy life for these felines.

These cats range in temperament from feral to friendly, preferring the freedom and independence which consists of indoor/outdoor living arrangements.

Since HSLM launched this program in March of 2020, 26 Whiskers at Work cats have been successfully adopted!

We are very happy to share happy updates about two of our adopted HSLM Whiskers at Work cats, Lucy and Bert:

"As I type this, Lucy has just come down from her perch in the rafters which I'm pleased to say she took less time today than yesterday. She is so very sweet. Loves to be pet and picked up. She and Bert are so cute together despite their slow acquaintance. I do feel they will become friends eventually."
-Lucy's adopter

"Bert is such an awesome cat. We have been letting him roam and he seems to like that and comes back to our 'cat coop'. He is affectionate and loves pets. I imagine soon he will roam further around the barn."
-Bert's adopter
Currently in our care at HSLM are 15 other cats who are patiently awaiting adoption through this program.

If you would like to learn more about the HSLM Whiskers at Work Program, visit our website: HERE.
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Humane Society London & Middlesex
624 Clarke Road, London, ON N5V 3K5
519-451-0630 | |