August 28, 2020
What You Need To Know About Pet Bladder Stones
If your cat or dog is suddenly urinating more frequently, having accidents in the house, seems uncomfortable/in pain or you notice a change in the colour or odour of their urine, your pet may be suffering from bladder stones.

Bladder stones are a collection of minerals that create rock/pebble-like formations in the bladder. Left untreated these urinary crystals will continue to create bladder stones and lead to further pain and discomfort. It is important for owners to seek Veterinarian care as soon as they notice a change in their pet's regular urinating behaviour.

If detected early, crystals are treatable with a veterinary prescribed urinary diet. However, once the crystals form into stones, the treatment escalates to surgery for removal of the stones, followed by a lifetime diet of urinary food.
Peanut, a 6-year-old female Boxer, was surrendered to HSLM a few weeks ago. Although her previous owners did not mention urinary issues, it wasn't long before the HSLM Animal Health Team realized that there was a problem. Peanut was urinating more frequently than a typical dog and strained while doing so; both tell tale signs that something just wasn't right.
The HSLM Animal Health Team took Peanut to a Veterinarian for blood work and urinalysis to check on her kidneys and get a better idea of the root of the problem. Peanut’s blood work came back normal, however the urinalysis pointed to an infection for which she was prescribed antibiotics.
Five days after beginning Peanut's treatment of antibiotics, an HSLM Animal Health Team member witnessed her urinating blood, which immediately sparked concern. Peanut was promptly taken back to the Veterinarian for x-rays, which revealed that Peanut's bladder was full of stones, ranging in size from that of a dime up to the size of a toonie. Peanut underwent immediate surgery which was a great success; all 11 bladder stones were removed without any complications.

Since recovering from surgery, Peanut is happier and more energetic than ever thanks to professional and dedicated care she received from the HSLM Animal Health Team. In fact, she was successfully adopted just this week!

"Peanut is adjusting very well in her new home with us and is very loving and affectionate," says Peanut's adopters.

“Animals cannot speak to tell us what is wrong,” says Erin Duffy, HSLM RVT. “They rely on us to recognize and act on irregular voiding behaviours, eating and drinking behaviours and energy level changes.”

The expenses associated with Peanut's medical tests, surgery and recovery were made possible thanks to our generous donors. HSLM does not receive government funding and requires your continued support in order to provide care and shelter to over 2,500 at-risk animals each year.

Please make a donation HERE and help us continue to help animals, just like Peanut!
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Humane Society London & Middlesex
624 Clarke Road, London, ON N5V 3K5
519-451-0630 | |