October 7, 2020
HSLM Fund Development Manager, Miranda Fuller, recognized as award recipient by Business London Magazine
Each year, Business London magazine highlights twenty Londoners in their 20's who help to shape our city through their vision for the future by asking the right questions, getting creative, developing solutions, forming relationships and thriving on meaningful action.  

We are proud to announce that HSLM Fund Development Manager, Miranda Fuller has been recognized as a 2020 award recipient. Miranda joined the HSLM team in January of 2020. She has made an immediate impact demonstrating exceptional leadership and growth within the organization which makes her well-deserving of this honour.  

The HSLM Fund Development Team sat down with Miranda to ask her a few impromptu questions to allow HSLM donors to get to know her better:
Q1: What does winning the Business London magazine twenty in their 20's award mean to you?
Miranda: This experience has been very humbling and rewarding and is an incredible honour. For the first time I feel as though, I have been recognized as a person. My previous accomplishments were tied to a specific industry or project. Receiving this award has given me a lot of confidence in this role and going forward in my career.

Q2: What can you credit to your success in the non-profit sector?
Miranda: My ability to connect with other people has been a great asset. I am not afraid to start a conversation with a stranger and I am always curious to learn about others. Taking the time to listen is vital to working in non-profit because we work in an emotional and passionate environment with often very sensitive issues. I always make myself available to be listening ear for our donors.
Q3: Do you have any pets of your own?
Miranda: Yes, I have a very sensitive (dramatic) Black Lab named Finn who is 4-years-old.

Q4: What has been your favourite aspect of working at HSLM so far?
Miranda: Aside from my amazing teammates who make me smile, I would say that at the end of the day as hard as some of the stories of are, we are doing good! The happy stories we help create through the work that we do is incredible. Animals can withstand a lot, and are still so forgiving. The truly transformative stories really have had a lasting impact on me. When animals are in the shelter it is important to know that they are being cared for and treated with love and that we take the time to find that right home for them. I am happy that the work that we do with our donors directly contributes to the care and shelter these animals need during their time in transition.

Q5: What are your favourite hobbies?
Miranda: Sports, specifically baseball and golf, even though I suppose that's not technically a hobby. I know it's somewhat unoriginal but I do really enjoy reading and am currently a part of two book clubs.
Q6: In your opinion, what makes HSLM unique?
Miranda: HSLM has gone through a transformative history and there is still so much potential! HSLM provides a necessary service to the community as a safe and reliable place for owners to surrender their animals. We have built such trust with the community and have proven that we have the skills, training and staff to provide shelter and care to pets in our area. I think it's important that the community has a space that they're able to access and use our service, and that the animals have a safe haven that will always act in their best interest. We also provide donors with the ability to put their dollars where their passion is and truly see their impact.

Q7: If you could compare yourself with any animal, what would it be and why?
Miranda: I think I could compare myself with a horse, as they are hard working, strong but have a gentle nature.

Q8: What sticks out as the main thing you've learned since joining HSLM?
Miranda: I've learned a lot about communication. Not only moving into my leadership position here at HSLM, but also in transitioning into fundraising as opposed to a private, profit-based industry; the conversations are completely different. When I speak with an HSLM donor, they're so happy, positive and passionate; I thrive on that positive energy. In my previous role I mainly communicated with investors and the conversations were less passion fueled and more business-focused.

Q9: What would you say your 'slogan' is?
Miranda: Keep looking forward. I've had to work really hard to not focus on the past as it just weighs you down.

Q10: What would you like to be known/remembered for?
Miranda: I would like to be known and remembered for the relationships that I build with those around me.
Humane Society London & Middlesex
624 Clarke Road, London, ON N5V 3K5
519-451-0630 | administration@hslm.ca | www.hslm.ca