HRAF News Vol. 2023-03
HRAF to Exhibit at Upcoming Conferences
This month HRAF will exhibit at two upcoming conferences, the ACRL Conference in Pittsburgh and the SAA Annual Meeting in Portland. These conferences will provide opportunities for HRAF staff to meet with librarians and archaeologists, and to showcase the eHRAF databases. Anthropology Day is the yearly event for anthropologists to share our discipline with the public. Recently HRAF hosted our fourth annual Anthropology Day celebration in collaboration with undergraduates from the University of Connecticut. Finally, we are featuring the research of HRAF Global Scholar Firas Khudi. Khudi is a graduate student at Chiang Mai University in Thailand researching the anthropology of religion, community structures, and dwellings.
The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the largest division of the American Library Association (ALA), will host the ACRL 2023 Conference from March 15-18 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. HRAF staff members Matthew Longcore and Amanda Westcott will attend the conference representing HRAF in the Exhibit Hall at Booth 1314.

The theme of this year's conference, Forging the Future, recognizes that higher education has changed dramatically over the last few years. Academic libraries are addressing an increased emphasis on remote learning, rising calls for social justice, and an acknowledged need for flexibility that supports a sustainable work-life balance.

HRAF is excited for the opportunity to showcase the eHRAF databases as well as our open access resources. We welcome all booth attendees to ask about free trials for their institutions.

The 88th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), the largest gathering of archaeologists in the Americas, will be held from March 29–April 2 in Portland, Oregon. HRAF staff members Matthew Longcore and Leon Doyon will attend the conference representing HRAF in the Exhibit Hall at Booth 509.

The SAA Annual Meeting has a wide audience that ranges from anyone who has an interest in archaeology to experts in the field. Attendees come from all over the United States and from over 45 countries. With a wide variety of presentations and events, attendees are able to reconnect with old friends and make new contacts.

HRAF will demonstrate the eHRAF Archaeology database and related teaching materials, including the eHRAF Workbooks for teaching and learning. Attendees are welcome to inquire about free 60-day institution-wide trials.

This month we are pleased to feature HRAF Global Scholar Firas Khudi. Khudi is a graduate student in the Social Sciences department at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. He is investigating cultural richness in dwellings using the eHRAF databases during the one-year global scholar program.

eHRAF data enables Khudi to expand his knowledge about relationships between community structures such as socio-political organizations, economic systems, and religions with categories of dwellings in Indonesian cultures. The Indonesian cultures studied by Khudi include Javanese, Mentawai, and Southern Toraja.

HRAF is honored to welcome Firas Khudi as a HRAF Global Scholar for 2023. We wish him continued success with his research.

HRAF hosted a celebration in honor of Anthropology Day, the yearly event for anthropologists to share our discipline with the public. This was our fourth annual Anthropology Day event. This year we were pleased to host a group of eight students from UConn Stamford along with a postgraduate associate researcher from the Yale School of Medicine.

UConn students presented their eHRAF Workbook project on Ethnographic Fieldwork from Peoples and Cultures of the World. Yale postgraduate research associate Avalon Moore shared a presentation about vaccine hesitancy. The event concluded with presentations about cross-cultural research and the open access database Explaining Human Culture from HRAF President Carol Ember and Melvin Ember Intern Jake Kalodner.

HRAF at Yale University|