Organizers and Facilitators: Andrew Auerbach, Jeff Schnipper, Katie Raffel, Angela Keniston, Sara Westergaard, Gopi Astik, Marisha Burden
Background: While much of what HOMERuN has focused on in safety has been related to faults — in readmissions, interhospital transfers, and diagnostic errors — our July 12 session focused on the things that go well day-to-day, which is called "Safety II" thinking.
Safety II practices are how we adapt to complexity and a range of usual challenges and lead to resilient physicians.
On our July 12 session, we thought about the day-to-day work we do, and the Safety II practices that help hospitalists make a timely and accurate diagnosis and communicate it to the patient.
Breakout groups considered tasks, habits, or processes that help make diagnosis go smoothly and accurately; common problems and challenges which introduce complexities; and the ways these complexities force hospitalists to adapt or improvise in our diagnostic journeys.