HIRA Salutes Conservative Leader Tito Montes

After three years of leadership as HIRA's volunteer president, Tito Montes is ready for a well-deserved break from politics.

When Montes took the reins at HIRA in 2013, there was no organized conservative Republican leadership in Hawaii.  Neither the average voter nor even the most ardent supporters of the GOP had any idea that island Republicans could offer a choice, rather than an echo of what Democrats had been serving up for six decades.

Through tenacious political messaging, Montes showed that doing battle with Hawaii's liberal political establishment was possible with the right combination of courage, knowledge of issues, messaging savvy, and persistence.  A leader in the fights for traditional marriage, tax relief, limited government, and family values, HIRA's Montes was frequently interviewed by the media for opinions on issues while leaders of the Hawaii GOP remained silent, neutral and hunkered down.

As Tito Montes departs HIRA, our organization is stronger and more financially sound than in 2013.  A stellar board of directors pledges to continue HIRA's mission of promoting conservative Republican policy solutions while holding Hawaii politicians, policymakers and party leaders accountable.

Tito Montes can be proud of his legacy of giving hope to local Republicans and conservatives who came to see Hawaii as a lost cause and a permanently blue state.  During his stewardship of HIRA, liberals in both parties knew that at least one organization is keeping score and is actively spreading the word that Hawaii is ripe for (and deserves) a seismic political shift.

As Tito Montes devotes more time to his family, his church and his career, HIRA thanks Tito's wife and three daughters for loaning him to HIRA for the past three years.

Battling the Democrat Machine and RINO's is not easy.  Neither is running an organization with so many moving parts.

HIRA is grateful that Tito willingly took up the fight; making a real difference during his tenure.

On behalf of the conservative Republican cause, HIRA wishes Tito Montes the very best as he enjoys a well-deserved break from politics.  We look forward to your return to the battlefield.


Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support our legal defense and HIRA's work to educate voters about the Democrat failure.


P.S.  Please help us continue to provide a voice for conservatives.
Donate $10, $25, or $100 to let the establishment know we're not going away

The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of 
the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii,
the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands,
and the heart and soul of the conservative movement in Hawaii.

We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH). 
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
Please visit us at www.HawaiiRepublicanAssembly.com 

Hawaii Republican Assembly  | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706