December Newsletter
December 13, 2021
Message from the Co-Presidents
We hope everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. As we move into the winter season, we wish you a happy holiday filled with family and friends. 

In November, HHA continued its work on advocacy.

1927 Building Adaptive Reuse
Hudson Heritage Association and Liberty Development Company presented their proposals and goals regarding the adaptive reuse of the 1927 Building to the Hudson City School District Board of Education on November 22. Liberty Development continues to stand firm on its approach to demolish three-quarters of the historic building to build a new condominium development - a proposal that HHA strongly opposes.
While HHA recognizes that the type of housing proposed by Liberty may be desired by some, it strongly opposes Liberty’s plans to preserve only the west façade of the building and believes that it sets a low bar for Hudson and historic preservation, is incompatible with the aesthetics of the neighborhood and Historic District and does not support the original intended use of the property for public schools.

HHA noted that when the five-acre parcel was gifted to the Hudson Township Rural School District in 1926 by Western Reserve Academy, it was transferred with a deed restriction stating, “this conveyance is made upon the understanding that said premises shall be used only for public school purposes.” 

To that end, HHA has asked for a one-year moratorium on the demolition of the building and/or sale of the property. During this time HHA would explore the financial feasibility of a community/cultural arts center and, alternatively, an outdoor education/learning space that could be used by both the school and the community. The goal with either concept would be to have the building and/or property continue to serve the community and be part of the legacy of Hudson’s educational excellence.

HHA’s complete Board of Education Work Session presentation can be viewed by clicking here

Hudson Historic District Expansion
The application for a boundary expansion for Hudson’s National Register Historic District, to include Elm Street and Roslyn Avenue, was reviewed by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office during a webinar on November 1. The homes on these streets represent several periods ranging from the time of railroad prosperity (1850-1907) to the Ellsworth Years (1907-1925) to Exurbia (1925-1940) to Post World War II Mid-Century homes, with Colonial Revival appearing as the dominant form of architecture. Naylor Wellman, a historic preservation consulting firm based in Chagrin Falls, prepared the nomination and presented at the meeting.
The boundary expansion nomination extends the period of significance from 1940 to 1963 for Hudson’s entire National Register Historic District. Some buildings previously classified as noncontributing are now classified as contributing. As a result, the number of contributing buildings was increased by 82 to a total of 412 in the combined historic districts. A contributing building is defined as one which reflects the significance of the district, either because of historic associations, historic architectural qualities, or archaeological features. The Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board met on December 3 and recommended that the boundary expansion be approved. The nomination will now be forwarded to the National Park Service for review and should be officially listed in Spring 2022.

Short-Term Rental Ordinance
An amendment to Ordinance No. 20-160 “Short-Term Rental Operations” was passed at the November 9 City Council Meeting. The ordinance reduces penalties and record retention requirements, waves the first-time application fee, and eliminates the need to provide information on advertising and hosting platforms. A revision was also made prohibiting detached structures from being utilized for short-term rentals. The entire ordinance and revisions can be viewed by visiting the City of Hudson’s website and clicking on the agenda links provided by City Council.

2022 HHA Preservation Awards Nominations
Applications are now being solicited for the 2022 Hudson Heritage Preservation Awards that recognize and honor historic structures in Hudson that exemplify high standards in historic preservation and restoration. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2022. Please see below for more details.

HHA Monthly Program to Resume in January
HHA’s monthly program schedule will resume at Barlow Community Center on January 13 at Barlow Community Center when we welcome Mark J. Price, an award-winning journalist from Akron, as he presents his topic “This Place, This Time.” 

Warm wishes for the holiday season!

Christopher Bach & Kathy Russell
Hudson Heritage Association
HHA Preservation Award Plaque Installed at the Old School Green Park
On November 12, the City of Hudson installed a HHA Preservation Award plaque at the Old School Green Park on Oviatt Street. The HHA Preservation Award plaque, the first of its kind to be fabricated in bronze, is mounted on a sandstone pillar base and is located at the northeast entrance to the park. The 2021 HHA Preservation Award plaque was awarded last May at HHA’s Annual Meeting. It recognizes that “the vision of the Old School Green Park was a collaboration between the City of Hudson, Hudson City School District and the generosity of a neighborhood patron.” Two other plaques exist in the park that highlight the history of the two important school buildings that once occupied the site, Union School (1868) and the Hudson Elementary School (1915), but have since been demolished.

As HHA Preservation Award judge Jason Klein noted back in May “Traditionally we think of historic preservation in terms of structures and/or homes. But the truth is historic preservation is as much about the structures as it is about the historic landscape. This project is a great example of how the historic landscape can be as integral to a historic district as a building. The design and concept of the project used the original function of the open space and native materials to create a community gathering space that celebrates the past and preserves the historic landscape.”
2021-22 Membership Directory
Directories will be distributed to all current members via email in early January 2022. While our official membership drive has come to an end, HHA welcomes new members throughout the year. Next year will mark the 60th Anniversary (1962-2022) of Hudson Heritage’s efforts to preserve the architectural and historical aesthetics of Hudson and your support matters. Join us anytime using the online payment option that you'll find on our website by clicking here. Or contact us at
2022 HHA Preservation Awards
Nominations accepted until January 31, 2022
The Hudson Heritage Association Preservation Awards recognize and honor historic structures in Hudson that have been well preserved or restored within the last five years in a manner that maintains the historic integrity of the property. No minimum or maximum number of awards will be given in any year.

We encourage our HHA members to nominate preservation/restoration projects for the 2022 HHA Preservation Awards. To be eligible, properties must be at least 75 years old, and may include private residences, commercial buildings, publicly owned buildings, nonprofit organizations and historic landscapes. You can find information about applying for the Preservation Awards Program by clicking here

Criteria for nominations include: 
  • All nominated properties must be located within the City of Hudson.
  • To be considered, restoration and preservation projects must have been completed on or after May 1, 2017.
  • Properties may be nominated by their owners or by another individual or group. If another individual or group nominates a property, the owner must be notified.
  • Consideration for awards will include appropriateness of the materials used on both the exterior and interior parts of the structure, including landscaping materials, and the historic accuracy of any preservation or restorations made.
  • Awards will be given only if all criteria are met and the work done follows the United States Department of Interiors Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, as well as any local building codes or requirements.
  • Applicants must complete application requirements in a timely manner.

Applications submitted that meet all requirements will be judged by an impartial panel of individuals who have expertise in historic preservation. No members of Hudson Heritage Association will act as judges.

Nominate a property before January 31, 2022, and help HHA celebrate preservation in Hudson.
2022 Program Dates

Plan to join us for our popular monthly programs. Unless otherwise noted, these meetings are open to the general public and are held in the Assembly Room of Barlow Community Center at 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments are provided. Mark your calendars for the following dates:

January 13
"This Place, This Time" with Mark Price

February 10
"The Women of the Tiffany Studios" with Renee Sentilles

March 10
Ohio and Erie Canal Program

April 14
"Tale of Two Cities" presented by Nicholas Kent and his students from WRA

May 12
HHA Annual Meeting Program TBD

Hudson Heritage Association | |

PO Box 2218 - Hudson, OH 44236