March 9, 2023
Society News
Table of Contents:
  • Register for the Premier Health Care Human Factors Event of the Year
  • New! Attend the HFES Health Care Symposium Online
  • Call for Nominations IEA Fellows Award
  • Nominations Open for HFES Fellow Designation
  • Call for Papers Extended: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Calling International Colleagues – Join HFES as a Corresponding Member
  • Susan Kotowski, Ph.D., CPE, Elevated to AIHA Fellow
  • HFES Seeks Nominees for Prestigious Society Awards 
  • HFES Sustainability Task Force Webinar: Optimizing the Design of EV Charging Infrastructure for Users
  • HFES Schedule of Events
  • Applying Ergonomics to Reduce Musculoskeletal Risks for Malaysian Batik Workers
  • New Ergonomics Certification Program in Thailand
Register for the Premier Health Care Human Factors Event of the Year
Don't miss out on the 2023 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care! Register now to join us for exceptional educational sessions and exciting social activities from March 26-29, 2023 in Orlando, FL.
Review the full schedule and plan your attendance for the sessions that interest you the most. This Symposium provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the latest science and best practices, innovations in health care and patient safety, a focus on HFE initiatives, and improvements to regulatory approaches.
Attend the HFES Health Care Symposium Online
If you are unable to join us in Orlando for our International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care you won’t be out of the loop! More than 30 sessions in the Digital Health track and the Medical and Drug-Delivery Devices track, including the opening keynote by Peter Weinstock, MD, Ph.D., will be live-streamed over three days from the symposium venue in Florida. 
Make plans to join this highly regarded health care human factors activity from the comfort of your home or office and register today!
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities Available

Due to high demand, we've expanded the exhibit hall from 15 to 24 table tops! Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your brand and connect with industry leaders by becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the 2023 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. Take advantage of this platform to expand your reach and engage with attendees. Secure your spot today!
Call for Nominations – IEA Fellows Award  
Each year, Federated societies of the International Ergonomics Association are invited to forward names of candidates to be considered for IEA Fellowship. Therefore, HFES is accepting applications for IEA Fellow from its members through Monday, April 24. Applicants must be a Fellow of HFES and a member of the Society in good standing for at least the preceding ten yearsSelf-nominations are permitted and members of HFES may submit applications on behalf of another qualifying HFES Fellow. The IEA’s eligibility criteria are:

  • The candidate must have been a Full Member in good standing of a Federated or Affiliated Ergonomics Society for at least the preceding 10 years, and

  • The candidate must have served the ergonomics community at an international level.

The application packet to be submitted to HFES must include a nomination letter and at least two, but no more than three, letters of support. At least one letter must represent an international perspective or source. Additionally, a copy of the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae must be submitted.

If you are interested in applying for yourself or for another HFES Fellow, please compile the application elements and submit them as one combined PDF file no later than Noon Eastern Time on Monday, April 24. Decisions will be made public in July.
Nominations Open for HFES Fellow Designation

The Fellows Selection Committee invites HFES members to submit applications for the 2023 HFES Fellow designation. Elevation to Fellow status is an honor conferred by distinguished colleagues to recognize outstanding achievement, consistently superior professional performance, exceptional contributions, personal service to the Society, and other meritorious accomplishments by Society members. Any Full Member in good standing may apply. Individuals may apply for Fellow on their own behalf or submit an application on behalf of another. 

Applications Accepted Until Friday, March 17, 2023.
Call for Papers: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
The proposed special issue invites contributions that address HFE in the design and adoption of renewable and sustainable energy systems and devices. Papers can approach the topic by proposing theoretical frameworks, conducting modeling or laboratory experiments, or presenting findings from field studies on renewable and sustainable energy topics.

Deadline extended for submissions until May 1, 2023.
Calling International Colleagues – Join HFES as a
Corresponding Member

HFES is excited to announce Corresponding Membership. Membership in this category is available to any person living outside of the United States who is a member of an IEA Federated Society or affiliated society. Corresponding members shall be entitled to receive the publications usually distributed to members, but may not be elected to office, vote at a General Meeting, be elevated to Fellow, or become Emeritus Members of HFES. Benefits include online access to the complete archived library. And access to online-published articles available before printing for Human FactorsErgonomics in Design, and Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Additional benefits include an annual subscription to the HFES Bulletin, career-advancing opportunities via our members-only online job board, and member listing in the HFES Membership Directory.
Member News
Susan Kotowski, Ph.D., CPE, Elevated to AIHA Fellow
HFES member Susan Kotowski was recently elevated to Fellow of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. The AIHA Fellows designation recognizes AIHA members in good standing with at least 15 years of continuous Full Membership who have made recognized contributions to industrial hygiene or related disciplines. Congratulations, Susan!
HFES Seeks Nominees for Prestigious Society Awards
HFES Full Members and Fellows are invited to submit nominations for awards to be presented at the 67th International Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., October 23 - 27, 2023.

Award nominations are invited for individuals whose contributions merit special recognition. The eight awards for which nominations are sought are:

  • Hal W. Hendrick Distinguished International Colleague Award
  • Paul M. Fitts Education Award
  • R. Lauer Safety Award
  • Alexander C. Williams, Jr., Design Award
  • Jack A. Kraft Innovator Award
  • Oliver Keith Hansen Outreach Award
  • William C. Howell Young Investigator Award
  • Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award

Teams may be nominated for the Alexander C. Williams, Jr. Design Award. Current members of HFES may submit nominations.

The nomination submission deadline for each award above is Friday, April 14.
HFES Sustainability Task Force Webinar: Optimizing the Design of EV Charging Infrastructure for Users

March 22, 2023 | 12:00 PM ET

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 is instrumental in deploying electric vehicle (EV) chargers across the country, effectively altering the transportation landscape. Throughout this critical transition in transportation, the field of HF/E can assist in effective decision-making regarding the infrastructure with EV owners in mind. Join our discussion on how HF/E research can support the design of a highly reliable and usable national public EV charge infrastructure. The brief talks will cover managing grid demands, existing infrastructure reliability, and reliability metrics. The Q&A session will allow attendees to introduce questions and comments.

Free for HFES Members and Non-Members of HFES.
Upcoming Meetings and Activities
Attention Chapters, Technical Groups, Affinity Groups, and beyond – HFES is pleased to post information concerning any upcoming meetings, webinars, or other events you wish to raise awareness about on our Events listing page. We also will post meetings of allied societies provided they do not occur close to any HFES-organized activity.
Let us know about your meetings and other events. Email us at
Industry News
Applying Ergonomics to Reduce Musculoskeletal Risks for Malaysian Batik Workers

With the support of the Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) impact grant program, Dr. Dian Darius of the National Defense University of Malaysia and Dr. Darliana Mohammad of the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan investigated the ergonomic risks common to workers in the batik industry. Batik is a traditional textile artwork produced by hand in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. More than 60% of batik workers have been found to suffer from musculoskeletal problems due to awkward postures.
New Ergonomics Certification Program in Thailand

With the support of the Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) impact grant program, Dr. Manida Neubert and her team of investigators developed a certification system and core competencies for professional ergonomists in Thailand. The investigators compiled details about HFE education in Thailand and the need for HFE services by Thai industries. This information was used to identify educational competencies and deficiencies and develop a pilot HFE certification program consistent with other IEA's endorsed certification bodies. The certification program establishes a guideline for knowledge and skill requirements for professional ergonomists in Thailand which will, in turn, improve productivity and safety in Thai manufacturing and service industries.
HFES wants to promote the important achievements of our members in the bi-weekly Bulletin. Appropriate topics include research milestones or other significant achievements, professional accolades, awards or recognitions, promotions or new positions, and similar professionally-oriented topics. If you would like to share news with the HFES community, please fill out this form
Additionally, if you are made aware of the passing of any members of HFES, please let us know. Contact HFES Executive Director Steven Kemp at
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society | 2001 K Street NW, 3rd Floor North | Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 367-1114 , Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM ET | Fax: (202) 367-2114 | E: