Welcome to July  Insights. Inside this edition: Emerging Issues Survey, New THRIVE Call for Proposals, OECD Test Guidelines, and more!
July Insights
Emerging Issues—Provide Your Input on the Latest Proposal!
The Emerging Issues (EI) Committee, composed of representatives from both the public and private sectors, recently reviewed the 2018 proposals and selected one for consideration as HESI’s newest subcommittee. The proposal aims to develop a “Framework for the Use of Genomic Data to Inform Human Safety Assessment of Microbial Products” via the launch of a new public-private HESI scientific committee. For more information , please view the slide set describing the proposed project (presented at the June 2018 HESI Annual Meeting) and the written project proposal

Offer your input on the proposal by completing the EI survey online here . Completed surveys are due 3 August 2018 .

Learn more about the EI process online or contact Jennifer Pierson ( jpierson@hesiglobal.org ).
HESI Contributes to New OECD Test Guidelines
The HESI Bioaccumulation Committee, managed by Dr. Michelle Embry, recently completed a series of work that led to the acceptance of two new OECD test guidelines (TG 319A and TG319B). The guidelines focus on in vitro methods for fish hepatic clearance. The committee is to be commended for their efforts! Learn more about the Test Guidelines Programme here .

For more information about the Bioaccumulation Committee, contact Michelle Embry ( membry@hesiglobal.org ).
Update and Next Steps From the HESI Microbiome Workshop
On 26–27 June 2018, approximately 80 scientists from across the globe gathered in Alexandria, Virginia, for the HESI Gut Microbiome Workshop. Through presentations (now available on the event webpage ) and break-out group discussions, participants met to review and discuss current science on the gut microbiome. Participants identified gaps and needs in the identification of biomarkers of toxicity for alterations in gut microbial function, the gut microbiome and efficacy of medicines, and if exposure to xenobiotics can result in disease due to changes in the microbiome. Output from the workshop will help determine the next steps for the Microbiome subcommittee.

If you have any questions about the workshop or would like to be involved in the committee’s next steps, please contact Connie Chen ( cchen@hesiglobal.org ).
Gender Gap in Science
Check out the latest report from our partners at the International Science Council, 2018 Global Survey of Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Scientists , here .
Successful NIEHS T32 Training Award
We are proud to announce that HESI was named as an Advisory Committee member as part of an NIEHS T32 training proposal, Training in Precision Environmental Health Sciences (TPEHS), awarded in July 2018. Trainees (pre- and postdoctoral) will come from the partner institutions—Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas, and Rice University.  As a named member of the Advisory Committee, Syril Pettit will help guide the design and implementation of the program. Thanks to this award, grant-funded trainees will receive financial support to contribute to and learn from relevant HESI programs and activities. Via the TPEHS program, HESI will also facilitate guest lectures on multisector and multidisciplinary safety science of relevance for environmental health to the robust scientific community in the Houston area. HESI is very excited to be part of this new program!
From the Executive Director
Thank you to all who participated in this year’s HESI Annual Meeting on the Science of Implementation. So many of you commented on the uniqueness of a conference where such a broad range of disciplines engage actively and creatively to support improved health outcomes. With topics from impact investing, to aflatoxin in cereals, to health wearables, to cancer patient quality of life—the energy and insights were tangible for all.  

One of my favorite components of these meetings is the opportunity to make new connections and broaden HESI’s stakeholder base. This year was no exception, and I look forward to continued partnership with both long-standing colleagues and new partners in the months to come.
Syril Pettit
HESI Executive Director
ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI)
740 Fifteenth Street, NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005-1743
| 202.659.3306 | 202.659.3859| HESI@hesiglobal.org| www.hesiglobal.org