HERS Breast Cancer Foundation
October 2018 Newsletter

Thank You, Everyone!

THANK YOU for making our 
19th Annual Walk/Run event so AMAZING!!!

We're still crunching the numbers, but early estimates put our proceeds at $89,000!!!! Participation was up by big numbers this year -- almost 500 walkers and runners! We could not have done it without the enthusiastic, steadfast support of our community -- sponsors, volunteers, participants, and donors!

We are continuing to raise money on Crowdrise through the end of October. If you have had not a chance to donate to the Walk/Run yet, please do so now. It's a great way to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month and honor those in your life who have been impacted by breast cancer.

We need your help! 
We've only raised 30% of our online goal so far.

Thank you! Thank you!


We'd like to mention someone special. Funda Dervisoglu is one of our most dedicated individual fundraisers. She's our top Crowdrise fundraiser once again this year. And over the past four years she's raised nearly $22,000 in honor of her mother, Cigdem Dervisoglu, a breast cancer survivor. Thank you, Funda! 

Check out your awesomeness!  We are blessed once again to have an album of amazing photos shot by the talented Ramil Sumalpong of Iconic Lab. 

For a complete list of sponsors, please see the event web site.

A very special thank you to the Walk/Run committee!
One of the committee members, Gloria Buentello, made this beautiful image. The photo doesn't include everyone on the committee, but our heartfelt gratitude extends to each and every one of you.

Thank you, volunteers!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Our Biggest One Yet! 

Every year, right on the heels of our Annual Walk/Run, we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a truly incredible list of outreach and fundraising events. 

HERS staff, board members, and volunteers have been busy, busy, busy all month attending events and educating the community about HERS services for breast cancer survivors.

We were so busy, in fact, we didn't get this newsletter out until almost the end of the month! We hope you've been keeping up with all the fun on our Facebook page.

We have a calendar on our web site that lists all the events. Check it out! Events keep going through the end of the month. 

We are deeply grateful to all the businesses that have made this year's BCAM such a bounteous one! Restaurants, bars, retail stores, police departments, community organizations, solar companies, car dealerships, gymnastics and yoga studios, car shows, golf tournaments, rodeo gatherings, and so much more! When we have time to catch our breath, we'll compile a proper list and say a big thank you in next's month's newsletter.


We want to shine a bright light one of our most dedicated BCAM supporters -- Barb's Pink Party is hosted by Pacific West Gymnastics in memory of Barbara Nicholson, one of their beloved coaches and community members who passed away in 2015 due to breast cancer. They have chosen to honor her by raising funds for HERS. They've done this fun family event for several years now, and it just keeps getting bigger! They've already raised more than $18,000 just this month!!! 

We are humbled by their hard work and commitment to supporting HERS and breast cancer survivors. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone involved for all they've done for us over the years.  Please check them out!


We also want to say thank you to everyone who attended our Open House. The Fremont store was full of friends and laughter and goodies of all kinds! 

Thank you for your support!

HERS in the Spotlight!

We're on our way to super stardom! In case you missed it, check out these videos featuring HERS in the news. They're very informative, and a great way to introduce others to HERS programs. Spread the good news!

Representative Eric Swalwell serves the East Bay's 15th Congressional District. He sent a video message recognizing HERS 20th Anniversary, which we have proudly posted on our Facebook page. Take a look! 


Heather Holmes, KTVU Fox2 Newscaster, did a special segment featuring our very own ED Tina Fernandez Steckler and Kirstin Litz, board member. Check it out! It's a very special video that explains what we do, how we serve survivors, and shows off our beautiful store and Walk/Run photos! Many thanks to Heather for being such a dedicated champion for HERS.



Sue Hall  is an amazing HERS advocate and tremendous champion of nonprofit causes overall. Take a listen to the most recent TodaysWorld podcast. Sue and our Executive Director, Tina Fernandez Steckler, talk about HERS.

New Products at the Fremont Store

We have some new goodies in stock. Come by and say hi! It's that time of year -- now you know where to get a head start on your holiday shopping...

~~ Save the Dates ~~

People with Purpose: A Pink Tie Gala

Saturday, May 4,  2019
Castlewood Country Club
Pleasanton, California


2019 Walk/Run 

Saturday, September 28, 2019
Quarry Lakes Regional Park
Fremont, California
HERS Breast Cancer Foundation

Fremont   *   Pleasanton

(510) 790-1911  

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