June 2024

Crisis Services Newsletter

This will be the last edition of the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) Crisis Services Newsletter. Starting in July, you will be automatically added to the new Medicaid Behavioral Health Newsletter. In partnership with other state agencies, HCPF is working to develop a comprehensive behavioral health safety net. A stronger system of care will help people with behavioral health needs (mental health and substance use). The HCPF Behavioral Health Newsletter will provide content relevant to the full spectrum of behavioral health services in Colorado.  

What’s New?   


Behavioral Health Safety Net Changes  

Changes are coming to the behavioral health safety net on July 1, 2024. A new reimbursement model will take effect starting July 1 for providers who are enrolled with HCPF and contracted with a Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) as a Comprehensive or Essential Provider.   

Comprehensive Providers will be reimbursed using a Prospective Payment System (PPS) payment model that pays providers a standard daily rate for any qualifying service provided to a member, regardless of what or how many specific services were rendered on a single date of service. Refer to the July 1, 2024, State Behavioral Health Services (SBHS) Billing Manual, Appendix D located on the Billing Manual web page for more information about Comprehensive Providers, including provider lists and their distinct PPS rates.    


Essential Providers will be reimbursed at a minimum of the rates listed on the Essential Fee Schedule. Service can still be provided if there is no rate listed per a provider's contract with a Managed Care Entity (MCE) and will be reimbursed based on the standard negotiated rate process with an MCE. Refer to the July 1, 2024, SBHS Billing Manual, Appendix D located on the Billing Manual web page for more information about the Essential Fee Schedule.  


Providers who have received their Essential Approval Letter from the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) and need to update their Health First Colorado enrollment must complete the Enrollment Update Form for Essential Providers.   


Providers who have received their Essential Approval Letter from the BHA and are not enrolled with Health First Colorado (ex: new Crisis Stabilization Unit) must first enroll and then complete the Enrollment Update Form for Essential Providers.  


Additional July 1, 2024, changes that will impact Behavioral Health Providers:   

  • New covered substance use disorder and mental health diagnoses are being added under the Capitated Behavioral Health Benefit.  
  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Partial Hospitalization (PHP) will now be a covered service under the Capitated Behavioral Health Benefit. Learn more at the Ensuring Full Continuum SUD Benefits web page.  
  • Supportive Housing providers will now have a distinct Health First Colorado enrollment pathway.   
  • Members under 21 years old will be able to access 18 services without a clinical diagnosis in compliance with Senate Bill 23-174. Those services are in addition to the 31 codes that already do not require a covered diagnosis.   
  • Qualified Behavioral Health Assistant (QBHA) is a new service provider credential created by BHA and will be added to specific coding pages in the SBHS Billing Manual. BHA will be publishing a website that provides more information about QBHAs.  

The above changes will be reflected in the July 1, 2024, SBHS Billing Manual.  

Get Licensed! 

The BHA Crisis Professional designation is now defined in the provider rules (effective January 1, 2024). Providers that hold a current BHA-issued license and/or endorsement letter are invited to book a technical support session focusing on your transition needs. Coming soon, you can expect to find a point-in-time visual that illustrates Behavioral Health Entity licenses and Safety Net approvals for the entire state. 

Emergency and Crisis Behavioral Health Services are also part of the new Behavioral Health Safety Net Provider services. Both Essential and Comprehensive Safety Net Providers are eligible for alternative payment models, which includes enhanced fee schedule (Essential) or Prospective Payment System (Comprehensive). If you are a Behavioral Health Crisis Services Provider and are interested in learning more about Safety Net Providers, please book a support session or attend a Safety Net Provider forum

HCPF Enrollment Updates: 

Did you know that Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) services are considered both Essential and Comprehensive services by the BHA? That means that MCR services codes of 90839 with ET modifier and H2011 with ET modifier may be provided by the following provider types: 

  • Crisis Services PT 95, Specialty 772 MCR  
  • with BHA Essential approval* 
  • without BHA Essential approval 
  • Comprehensive Safety Net PT 78, Specialty 887 

*Providers who have received their Essential Approval Letter from the BHA and need to update their Health First Colorado enrollment must complete the Enrollment Update Form for Essential Providers.  

HCPF Behavioral Health Secure Transportation (BHST) Billing Updates: 

  • Multiple BHST trips in the same day are reimbursable by HCPF.  
  • When billing for one member taking multiple trips in the same day with the same rendering provider, modifier 76 must be used. 
  • When billing for one member taking multiple trips in the same day with different rendering providers, modifier 77 must be used. 
  • HCPF received Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approval to cover BHST trips over 250 miles! To be reimbursed for a BHST trip over 250 miles, please submit the HCPF BHST 250+ Mileage Form as an attachment with your BHST claim. The HCPF BHST 250+ Mileage Form should be filled out by the professional who is establishing eligibility for BHST service, coordinating the BHST destination, and requesting the BHST service. The timeline for implementing this allowance in the system has not been determined, so timely filing rules will be bypassed for claims submitted over 365 days. However, it is recommended that new claims be submitted with the HCPF BHST 250+ Mileage Form and remain as denied until the systems changes are complete and all denied claims due to mileage over 250 will be reprocessed. 
  • Check out the BHST Billing Manual web page for more information.  

ARPA 2.02 Project Completion 

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) team congratulates all Administrative Service Organizations (ASOs) and Crisis Providers who were able to utilize funding for Mobile Crisis Expansion across the state of Colorado. Crisis services are an essential component of care, and we have seen programs strengthen across the state with this funding. While the expansion grant funding is done, the work continues, and we are better able to serve our communities resulting from the work we have done together. 

Get Trained! 

BHA Launches Free Online Behavioral Health Educational PlatformOwnpath Learning Hub has been offered to Crisis Professionals to satisfy the requirement to complete the Crisis Professional Curriculum (CPC). To get started go to the OwnPath Learning Hub then select The CPC. From there, you can click ENROLL and then register an account. Once registered, you will be able to access the initial modules of the CPC.  

Get Engaged! 

CCBHC Stakeholder Forum 

HCPF, in collaboration with the BHA, is launching a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Stakeholder forum. Forums will be held regularly beginning July 24, 2024. 

The forum will be a space for all stakeholders to provide updates, lessons learned, challenges, and ideas to inform Colorado’s CCBHC Planning Grant application and the future CCBHC structure that is right for Colorado. A notice of funding opportunity to award 15 additional states with planning grants is expected to be posted this summer for award early in Fiscal Year 2025. Please register to attend an upcoming forum. 

Visit the HCPF CCBHC web page or email hcpf_safetynetforum@state.co.us for more information.  

Performance Measurement and Member Engagement (PMME) Committee 

The PMME is looking for interested Medicaid members, quality improvement professionals, providers, advocates, and members from the community to join our committee. Serving on the PMME committee is a unique opportunity to provide strategic feedback on the performance of the Accountable Care Collaborative program and to be a part of improving the engagement and experience of Medicaid members. Please consider applying if you are interested or reach out to your network if you know others who might want to get involved.  

Committee members serve up to four-year terms. The Committee currently meets monthly via videoconference or telephone on the 4th Thursday from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. Members are required to attend at least nine meetings in the Program Improvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) year (October 1 – September 30).  

Visit the PMME web page or email Erin Herman for more information. 

Stay Connected:   

Are you curious about how to engage as a provider within the behavioral health crisis continuum? Check out the following opportunities

HCPF Crisis Services Monthly Open Office Hours is an informal, unrecorded meeting where stakeholders can ask questions about covered crisis services and troubleshoot issues like enrollment or billing challenges. The meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. to noon. 

Register in advance for this meeting. 

Crisis Services Bi-Monthly Technical Assistance Collaborative Meeting is a formal, recorded session where HCPF, BHA, and CDPHE provide updates and engage with stakeholders. These meetings occur every other month on the fourth Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Register in advance for this meeting.

Stay in touch

If this was forwarded to you, sign up for the monthly Crisis Services Newsletter. Contact hcpf_crisisservices@state.co.us for more information.