May 2024 | Issue #9

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One Good Thing Initiative

The CX-User Adoption Team recently launched District Employee Self-Service (ESS) Lead (DEL) onboarding sessions for Districts/Agencies. These sessions cover an overview of ESS, DEL roles and responsibilities, tips on navigating change, communication planning, and support resources.

Why is this important? These sessions will help train DELs so that they are well-prepared to lead and support ESS, including the rollout of this key benefit of the HCM implementation.

Click here for all Good Things, or visit the forum on the Customer Resource Center (CRC)!

Implementation Happenings

Group 4 Post Go-Live Support

The BEST Project concluded its heightened support for Group 4 Districts/Agencies. Group 4 is now on standard production support for the BEST Advantage System – HCM where the HCM Help Desk, supported by School Financial Services (SFS), will be their primary point of contact for assistance. Reach out to the HCM Help Desk at (562) 922-8888 or as issues or questions arise! For urgent matters, please call for immediate assistance.

Group 6 Readiness Confidence Survey Kickoff

Group 6 will begin receiving HCM Readiness Confidence Weather Surveys in June. The surveys will help assess a District’s/Agency’s collective confidence and implementation experience through anonymous feedback. A Readiness Confidence Weather Report is also created from each survey to help report and communicate a District’s/Agency’s progress towards go-live.

Group 6 Power BI Workbooks

Group 6 will soon begin working on their Power Business Intelligence (BI) workbooks. These workbooks are crucial tools that help the BEST Project Team assess how Districts/Agencies collect data and manage Human Resource System (HRS)-related reports. The data collected from the workbooks will be central to the group’s upcoming Power BI training and development of their reports.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Coming to BEST

LACOE's Technology Services Security Unit is in the process of transitioning user accounts to require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when logging into the BEST Advantage System. The team has made significant strides in the past few weeks to provide a safer and more secure login process for all users. Stay tuned for updates as more Districts/Agencies implement MFA!

For more information on all things IMPLEMENTATION, visit the Implementing HCM page or contact your BEST Project Ambassador.

Human Capital Management (HCM) Fiscal Year-End Updates

In preparation for fiscal year-end, important updates are available for District/Agency users implementing and live on the BEST Advantage System – HCM. They primarily pertain to the payroll, position control, and benefits administration staff. Please view the detailed list of fiscal year-end tasks that must be considered and/or addressed by each HCM District/Agency here.

All workbook updates are due to LACOE by Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Workbooks can now be accessed via Power BI. Should you need assistance with accessing or updating workbooks, please contact

Customer Advisory Team (CAT) Quarterly Meeting

The quarterly CAT meeting occurred on Thursday, April 25, 2024. To view a recording of the meeting or to download the presentation, please visit the Customer Advisory Team (CAT) page on the Customer Resource Center (CRC). If you would like to attend future calls and help shape LACOE systems, reach out to Simon Hau at

HCM Process Change Impact #9

Get familiar with the Top 10 Business Process Change Impacts! Each month, one process that is changing as a result of the BEST Advantage System – HCM will be highlighted here. More details can be found in your District’s/Agency’s System Implementation Handbook.

#9 Processing of Employees' Pay Changes

What happens today in HRS?  Employee pay changes can be processed on any pay cycle.

What is changing in HCM? Employees can only be processed on their primary pay cycle (i.e. E4, C1, etc.) or a supplemental pay cycle in HCM.

Who is impacted? Payroll staff and employees with payroll not paid on their prime cycle.

What is the impact? If the processing of pay is missed on a regular prime pay cycle, Districts/Agencies will need to pay on the supplemental cycle in HCM. Supplemental cycles are only twice per week (Tues/Thurs) with the exception of bank holidays. Impacts may include the above baseline charges if the supplemental cycle is used regularly.

Considerations: Districts/Agencies may need to evaluate current, internal business processes where they commonly pay employees on a cycle other than their prime cycle in HRS. This process is not available in HCM. Districts/Agencies need to review due dates for when departments and school sites submit timesheets/documentation to payroll. Payroll staff will need to understand the timing of supplemental pay cycles and the regular retro processing time when dealing with prior period transactions in HCM as there are only two (2) available per week and prior period transactions must run through retro before they can be paid.

Note: An automated process called Contract Pay will be implemented after all Districts/Agencies are converted to the BEST Advantage System – HCM. At the moment, HRS does not maintain the accrual and reserve data necessary for Contract Pay to function properly.

BEST Advantage System - Human Capital Management (HCM) Implementation News | May 2024

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