February 11: Weekly e-Newsletter for the Village of Harper's Choice.
Keeping You Informed
This weekly e-Newsletter serves as a recap of news and events we share with our community throughout the week via other social media channels. Connect with us on Facebook  and  Twitter  to receive more regular announcements and information from us.
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Throw Your Hat Into the Ring
Village Board Nomination Period is March 1 - March 14
Are you interested in taking an active role in your community? Run for the Harper's Choice Village Board! The current two-year terms of office for two Village Board seats and our Columbia Council Rep expire on April 30, 2016. Village Board members attend one meeting a month where they oversee village finances, they advise and take action on such matters as street and house maintenance, and advocate for changes that will benefit all Harper's Choice village residents. The nomination period runs from March 1 - March 14, 2016. Information and nomination petitions will be available at Kahler Hall on March 1 and must be returned to Kahler Hall by 5:00 pm on March 14. Information and nomination petitions will also be available for download on our website beginning on March 1. For more information, contact Village Manager Steve Ingley at 410-730-0770 or via email.
Potential Candidates for Columbia Association Board of Directors are Invited to Information Sessions
Columbia Association (CA) will host two information sessions in February for those who are considering serving the Columbia community by seeking an opportunity to become a member of CA's Board of Directors.

The sessions will be held on Sat, Feb. 20 at 10am and Tue, Feb. 23 at 7pm, both at CA Headquarters, 6310 Hillside Court, located off Stevens Forest Road near the county vehicle emissions inspection station.

Pursuing election may not be a simple decision, and CA recognizes that potential candidates may have questions or need information before filing the necessary forms. Potential candidates are encouraged to attend and learn more about Columbia Association, the role of its board members and how service on the board impacts the community. The goal of the sessions is to have a conversation with residents, including addressing their questions about this opportunity, so they can make an informed decision about seeking a seat on CA's Board of Directors.

CA's Board of Directors has 11 members - one representative from each of Columbia's 10 villages plus CA's President/CEO. Representatives from the villages serve either a one- or two-year term, depending upon each village's bylaws. In late April 2016, six villages will hold elections for their representative to the CA Board of Directors: Harper's Choice, Hickory Ridge, Oakland Mills, Owen Brown, Town Center and Wilde Lake.

Columbia will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2017. The community has a storied history and will have an even brighter future. Service on CA's Board of Directors is a chance to become engaged in Columbia as it commemorates its first half-century of existence and moves forward to its next. Residents contemplating this role are highly encouraged and welcomed to attend one of the information sessions to learn how this service can - and does - make a difference.

About Columbia Association
Columbia Association (CA) is a nonprofit community services corporation that manages Columbia, Maryland, a planned community that is home to approximately 100,000 people and several thousand businesses. Additional information about CA is available at ColumbiaAssociation.org.

Did You Know...
Neighbor Ride is looking for Volunteers?
Now's the perfect time to spring into a great volunteer experience with Neighbor Ride, a nonprofit transportation program committed to decreasing isolation and improving the quality of life for Howard County's older residents. Neighbor Ride's volunteers help seniors remain active, independent and connected to the community by providing rides for medical appointments, shopping, social outings, fitness activities, religious services, volunteer commitments and other day-to-day needs. In the words of one passenger, "It is truly a blessing to have such a service in the county. Without your wonderful volunteers, I don't know how I would get to all my appointments. Thank you so much!"
Flexible and rewarding daytime, evening and weekend volunteer opportunities are available. Volunteer drivers may choose to provide rides that both fit their schedules and are convenient to their homes, offices and daily routines. Parents are welcome to bring their children along for a wonderful inter-generational experience. Volunteer orientations are held every Tuesday at 9:30am and one evening each month at 5570 Sterrett Place, Suite 102 - Columbia 21044. Please contact Holly Waddell or Patrice Cerwonka at 410-884-RIDE or volunteer@neighborride.org for more information about volunteering. You can also visit us online at neighborride.org  or facebook.com/neighborride .
Harper's Choice Happenings
March Card Making: Spring Flowers
Check out this month's fun and engaging card making workshop! Our theme is Spring Flowers and you will make three projects to take home. The session is from 10am - 12pm on Tue, Mar. 1 at Kahler Hall. Advance registration is required. Fee is $10 and includes supplies. Register online here or call Susan at 410-730-0770.
Town Hall Meeting
Please join Senator Ed Kasemeyer, Delegate Eric Ebersole, Delegate Terri Hill and Delegate Clarence Lam at  a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, February 16 at 7:30pm at Kahler Hall (5440 Old Tucker Row, Columbia, MD 21044).

This is an opportunity to discuss legislative and community concerns with your elected officials. You will also get to hear what your representatives are currently working on in Annapolis.

Covenant Corner
In-Home Businesses Q&A

Q: I wish to run a business out of my home. Is there a process I must go through at the Village level?                                        
A:  In-home businesses are regulated by the Village Covenants and require a submission for annual approval by the village Architectural Committee (AC). We have many professions and in-home businesses currently operating in the village that are considered by the AC to be compatible in our residential neighborhoods.  Please contact the covenant advisor for more information or to apply
Events Around Town
Preschool/Child Care Information Fair
Howard County's Office of Children's Services will hold its annual Preschool/Child Care Information Fair, Children On Board this Saturday, February 13, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Ten Oaks Ballroom, 5000 Signal Bell Lane in Clarksville. Admission is free; however, attendees are asked to bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the Howard County Food Bank. The Fair was originally scheduled for January 24, but was postponed due to inclement weather.

Children On Board will provide parents, guardians, grandparents and child care personnel with "one stop shopping"  for information on child care, preschool and summer programs, as well as the opportunity for personal contact with teachers and program directors. Representatives from community service organizations that offer programs and services to Howard County's young children will be on hand to provide information to interested parents. Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend free informational sessions on How to Choose an Early Childhood Program offered each hour by the Parents As Teachers Program.

The newly updated 2016 Parent's Guide to Howard County will be distributed at the event free of charge. For more information about the Fair, contact the Office of Children's Services at 410-313-1940 (voice/relay) or e-mail children@howardcountymd.gov.

Eastern Europe and Russia Culture Event
The "Eastern Europe and Russia Culture Fest" will be held on Sunday, April 10, from 1:30-4:30pm at Howard County Library System's Miller Branch (9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City). The event is hosted by Columbia Association (CA) and the Howard County Library System.
CA is seeking Eastern European and Russian musicians, bands, performers, exhibitors and food vendors to show the Howard County community what makes their country and culture unique. Exhibitors may not sell items or services unless they are food vendors selling food. There will be no payment for performances.
Representatives from Russia and all of the countries that make up Eastern Europe - Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine - are invited to participate.
Interested parties should contact Laura Smit, program manager for CA's International Exchange and Multicultural Programs, by calling 410-715-3162 or emailing  International@ColumbiaAssociation.org.
Rain Barrel or Rain Garden Seminar
Join Bob Grossman, Master Watershed Steward, and John McCoy, CA Watershed Manager, on Thursday, March 31 at 7 pm at Linden Hall ( 4765 Dorsey Hall Drive, Ellicott City) to hear tips and techniques that you can use to protect the Bay.

This event is FREE. Please call 710-730-4005 to click here to register online
Upcoming Meetings
Architectural Committee Meetings

Changes made to the exterior of homes in Harper's Choice require approval of the Village Architectural Committee (AC). The AC meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm to review applications. The deadline to submit applications for approval is two weeks prior to the next meeting date. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for: 2/23, 3/08, 3/22.  

Village Board Meetings

The next meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for March 1 at 7pm. Agendas and Meeting Minutes are/will be available on our website.
Stay Connected
Village Manager
Facility Manager
Covenant Advisor
Community Outreach Coordinator

Your Village Board
Village Board Chairperson
Vice Chairperson
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Village Board Member
Columbia Council Rep
Jamilla Brown***
Student Board Member
* Term expires 4/30/16
** Term expires 4/30/17
*** Term expires 3/30/16

5440 Old Tucker Row  Columbia, MD | 410.730.0770 | Email | Website