March 23rd Weekly Word
Sunday School Resumes!

Discipleship will hold Sunday school once a month beginning this Sunday.

Sunday school will be held March 27, April 24, and May 22. We'll then take a break for the summer before resuming more fully in fall.

All children are welcome to attend! Spread the word!
Breakfast after Easter Sunrise Service
Can You Help?

Following the sunrise service at Camp Tel Nor, we will be inviting the community back to Hadley Hall for breakfast.

We will be serving breakfast casseroles and pastries. We are looking for volunteers to make casseroles as well as people to donate muffins, scones, hot cross buns, and the like. Donations of butter, jam, juice, and coffee creamer would also be appreciated.
And we are also looking for helpers to set up, serve and/or clean up.

You may drop your goodies off on Saturday, 4/16 or prior to the sunrise service. There will be a sign-up sheet on the table at coffee hour, or contact the office to volunteer

Kari will be coordinating this event--contact her @603-435-4799 with questions/concerns
We are looking forward to getting back to “Friendraising Meals.”
Love remains... One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering

This UCC special offering helps communities rebuild following natural disasters, and provides food, medicine, and educational opportunities. This year’s theme is based on the love Paul called the church to in 1 Corinthians 13. In this post-pandemic world, we have rethought what love can look like---via zoom, Facetime, through a window, or from behind a mask. We have also witnessed that love is the basis to a life in community.

Your gift to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering allows love to be put into action. Offerings can be given between March 27th and April 3rd. Please designate OGHS on the memo line if writing a check, or just use the special envelopes. Thanks for your generosity!
Out of Office
Office Closed

Suzanne, our office admin, will be taking some vacation time, so the church office will be closed on these days:

Monday, March 28th
Wednesday, March 30th - Weekly Word will be sent out on Thursday, 3/31 this week.

Easter Egg Hunt
 Saturday, April 16th at 10AM

Discipleship will host an Easter egg hunt on Saturday April 16, 2022. The event starts at 10 am with a check-in and activities for the children in Hadley Hall.
The children will then hunt for eggs by age category outside, weather permitting.

Our special guest for this event is the Easter Bunny, who will be available for pictures. This event is open to the community. Please spread the word!
Farewell from Marilyn Lermond

Long-time congregant Marilyn Lermond will be moving to New Jersey on March 30th to be nearer to family.

She wanted to share her new address and offer these words:

"I will miss miss everyone at HCC very, very much I have made some wonderful friends here over the last 20 years.. I will be very happy to receive cards, notes, letters, Church news, personal news. Please keep me posted.   
Love, Marilyn

Marilyn's new address is:
The Chelsea
Room 305
513 Lafayette Rd
Sparta, NJ 07871

We will miss you Marilyn! Thank you for all the love you have shared with our faith community over the past two decades. Blessings on this new stage on your journey!
Worship This Week

Please join us in the sanctuary
or online at 10am for the
Fourth Sunday in Lent
with Sunday School

This week we will be hearing the well-known story of The Prodigal Son.

As we pledge in our covenant, we encourage all who attend in-person worship on Sunday mornings to social distance and wear a mask.

Then please join us for a special coffee hour honoring Herb,
our talented and beloved Music Director!

The service will be live-streamed through Facebook Live here or on 3CX here.

artwork: Diving Deep Tight Bud © Mary Southard
Music in The Bulletin

With copyright laws, we are challenged with providing you quality copies of the actual music for the hymns in our bulletin and online. We have decided we will only print the words to the songs going forward. The hymns are from our Chalice or New Century Hymnals.

If you would like to have the music in front of you, you are welcome to come to the office and pick up hymnals to keep at home.
A Word from Peace & Justice

We have a couple of offerings for this week.

The first involves a project taken on by nine NH Congregational churches. It was featured on NH Chronicle which we are sharing for your viewing here. The project was to create quilts displaying George Floyd's last words. The participants were black and white members of the churches who shared the experience of creating these quilts. The project was also featured in the UCC Weekly News here.

The second is the last of this year's Tea Talks hosted by the Black Heritage Trail. It shares the lived experiences of transracial adoptees and mixed-race Americans to help us understand what it's like to discover, cope with and overcome barriers to developing one's self and cultural identity. Shades of Black: Connected by Color, Culture, and Community

Your Peace & Justice Action Group
Capital Campaign Team 

We are pleased to announce the formation of the Hampstead Congregational Church's Capital Campaign Team consisting of Rick Little, Brad Robie, Lester Kuhl and David Chin.

The primary goal of the team is to raise approximately $350,000 over the next three years to address the renovation and major maintenance needs of the church. The Team's mission will include managing the campaign, expressing the need, raising awareness and identifying the pool of potential donors.

A number of donations have already been received and we thank you for your generosity.
Order forms will be in the foyer of Hadley Hall and also in the Sanctuary
Choir Singing

We are putting together a singing group for Easter Sunday…and we hope that YOU will join us!

The music is a combination of “This Is My Father’s World” and the classic “What a Wonderful World”, this music is a delight to sing and a favorite to hear. 

Copies of the anthem are in the church office now and ready to be signed out and picked up by anyone who likes to sing.

Herb will make a piano accompaniment to send out to everyone who picks up a copy so that we can practice on our own time at home. We will then rehearse around the keyboard after church on Palm Sunday and be ready to sing on Easter Sunday. 

Singing will be from the balcony on Easter morning – hallelujah!!!
HCTV Channel 17
Programming Schedule

Did you know our service is broadcast on Hampstead's own HCTV Channel 17?
Here are the days/times our service is broadcast:

Wednesday @ 5PM
Saturday @ 9AM
Sunday @ 7PM

When we send HCTV our Sunday service recording, they will begin airing that service on Wednesday - Sunday. Please spread the word so our homebound folks and others can continue to be connected to our faith community. 
Here is a link to the HCTV site where their entire program schedule is listed.
Steeple Lit thru March 26

To say, Happy Birthday Chris McCune!
Love, The Girls

Steeple to be lit March 27 - April 2

In Memory of Arthur McCusker
From HCC Women's Bible Study

HMS Destination Imagination Team
Julian Malcolm

Our own Julian Malcolm is a member of Hampstead Middle School’s Destination Imagination Team. They came in 3rd place in the state this week for their problem-solving skills in the technical category of the competition called the Great Escape.

Well done Julian!
Rockingham VNA & Hospice
Two Training Session Opportunities
Missions Opportunities:
Easter Food Drive to Support
Saint Anne Ecumenical Food Pantry

The New needs for the Easter Distribution are:
Assorted Spices
Muffin mix
Quick Bread mix
Rice Pilaf
Boxed Crackers

Please drop off any donations in the foyer of Hadley Hall

Thank you for all your support!
Next month we help serve on Wednesday, April 27. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email
Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen
The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th
Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Blankets for Project Linus

For those of you who have been busy sewing, quilting, knitting, or crocheting, we have an new opportunity to donate those handmade items!

We located a national organization that has local chapters called Project Linus ( This organization's mission is "to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans". Blankets are given to children in need through NH.

*We welcome all styles of blankets made in child-friendly colors/prints.
*Crocheted, knitted, quilted (100% cotton or flannel), fleece….you don’t have to be an expert!
*Blankets must be NEW, HANDMADE and WASHABLE.
*Fabric blankets can be quilted by machine, hand or tied. If you are tying the blanket make sure the ends are trimmed to 1” and the knots are secure.
*Please do not add any embellishments to the blankets such as buttons that could be swallowed by a child.
*If you are using a no-sew fleece pattern, please be sure to trim off both selvages FIRST. Not sure what selvages are? Ask the clerk who is cutting your fleece to please show you, they’re those odd looking edges at the top and bottom of the piece you have, sort of raggy looking.
*We accept all sizes of blankets. We donate to children, infants through teen years, so any size is appropriate. Baby blankets are typically 36”X36” or 36”X42”, toddler-pre-teen are typically about 40”X60”, and teen blankets are at least 60"X72".

Blankets can be dropped off in the entry way of Hadley Hall.

Thank you for your support of this project!
Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

Rev. Kathy also has a page for all who are interested to follow.

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link
Scam Emails

Emails are often sent, saying they are from Pastor Kathy or another staff member. She (or the HCC staff) will never send out a generic email--she'll address it to your name. She will never ask you for money/gift cards over email.

Also, any email from Pastor Kathy will always have her signature line on the bottom with her phone number/address.

If in doubt, please call the church or send an email to
Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office ( by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm

See what's happening on our social sites ‌  ‌
Hampstead Congregational Church Website