October 19th Weekly Word

Great Turnout For Our

Baked Potato Supper

We had another great turnout for our community supper this past Saturday. We had over 40 people come to enjoy the baked potato bar. Lots and lots of potatoes were baked and served with a wonderful assortment of toppings. The leftovers were enjoyed for lunch following Sunday's Service. 

This event was a great success thanks to all the volunteers who donated food, their time and these pictures of the event.

If you have a great idea for a supper and would like to help make it happen, let Kari or the office know. Stay tuned for our next Community Supper!

Blessing Of The


This past Sunday was a beautiful day for our annual Animal Blessing. Pastor blessed a bunny, several cats and many dogs for a total of about 20 animals. Thanks to Debra Sawyer and Kari Allard for assisting Pastor Kathy.

Are You Worshipping with us on Facebook Live?

If you join our service on Facebook Live, please drop us a comment or greeting to let us know you are there! Pastor Kathy wants to make sure to stay connected with everyone, and if you don't comment we have no way of knowing that you joined us. Thanks for your consideration. 

Soup Bread

Loaf and Ladle is Back!!!

Our popular loaf and ladle soup lunch following worship is back and we are so excited! 

Please join us for a Loaf and Ladle celebration on Sunday, November 6 right after Sunday Service!

Several yummy homemade soups, breads and brownies will be served.  

A free-will offering will help to purchase formula and diapers for the Manchester Diaper Pantry to assist families in need.

We can’t wait to see you!

The Missions Team

Judy Dobson is Back Home!

As you may recall, Judy's home was destroyed by fire last June. Judy recently was able to move back into her home. We created a huge welcome home sign made with colors to match the colors she had selected for her walls. The sign had many signatures and well wishes from her HCC friends. The sign was presented to Judy at this past Sunday's service.

Please read Judy's personal thank you note below her picture.


After a year and nearly four months of living in a hotel following the devastating fire at my condo, I HAVE FINALLY MOVED BACK HOME!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

There is a lot to do...but I can now "accomplish" at my own pace here in Hampstead - what a relief! I want to sincerely thank ALL OF YOU (and you know who you are) who have encouraged and supported me through this long and sometimes painful process. Your love and prayers helped sustain and uplift me through it all...and I simply could not have done it without you!

My heart is filled with HOPE and OPTIMISM as I look toward this new phase of my life! With LOVE, JOY and GRATITUDE, Judy Dobson

Help Wanted Join Our Team

Search Team Members Needed

for Hiring a New Church Administrator

The Operations Team is looking for people to be part of the search team to help with candidate selection to fill the Church Administrator position.

If you are interested in being a member of this search team, please reach out to Chris McCune or contact the church office.

RIP Produce Update

Thanks to all of those who donated produce from their gardens and those who donated money for that produce, we were able to raise $344.45 for non-profit RIP Medical Debt.

Since each dollar given pays off $100 in medical debt, our contributions will pay off $34,445.00 worth of medical debt!! While it may seem a small thing to donate some produce or spend a few dollars for some produce, your generosity makes a BIG difference in people's lives. Thank you for your support. To learn more about their work, please visit ripmedicaldebt.org.

3 Generations of

Stepping Stones Directors

Marcy Mildonian came back to NH for the first time in 2-1/2 years. While Marcy was in visiting Suzanne, Terri Malcolm happen to stop in too. Terri grabbed Colleen Bayek so Marcy could meet the current Stepping Stones' director.

How lucky we were to capture this photo of 3 generations of directors for Stepping Stones!

Welcome back to NH Marcy!

The Final Work For

Hadley Hall Floors

On Friday, October 28th, the final work will take place to complete the floors in Hadley Hall.

The work will start around 3PM and be finished that evening.

There should be no impact to any scheduled activities.

The Music Corner by Herb Tardiff

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 and died in 1750. One of his great achievements was that he wrote “Cantatas” for special music during the regular church services. He also wrote cantatas for special religious celebrations such as Easter and Christmas.

It is estimated that Bach wrote between 300 and 400 cantatas, many of which were lost. Luckily, we still have 200 or so great masterpieces. What is amazing is that each cantata has different instruments and voice combinations and each cantata has very different styles. These styles were probably determined by the availability of the musicians and singers.

I invite you to listen to the Netherlands Bach Society who perform on period instruments such as slide trumpets and recorders. This particular link is for the “Magnificat” a Christmas Cantata”.Enjoy!

Grace in Action

From Your Stewardship Team

As you know our stewardship theme this year is Grace in Action. Dave gave a great description of grace last week – showing kindness to someone else even when they  don’t deserve it and showing compassion, kindness, and love to someone even when it is not appreciated and  without expecting something in return. That is what our ministries here at Hampstead Congregational are all about. We learn from Jesus how to accept and show grace through action in community inside and outside the walls.

So now, how does Grace in Action connect to stewardship through annual giving? For the last few years we have been using the book Ask, Thank, Tell to help us understand the importance of financial stewardship to our church ministries. The book describes six specific actions around financial support that lead directly to a growing relationship with Jesus. We on the Stewardship Team see our task as one to answer the question: “How can we help people become [the] kind of giver so that their heart might be drawn closer to Jesus?”

In the past we have shared with you the concepts of intentional and proportional giving. We ask that you be intentional by prayerfully considering your gift and making a plan around giving it. The book playfully contrasts this as going beyond giving what happens to be in your wallet on Sunday morning.

As you consider the gift, compare it to other items you support financially. What feelings do you have when you think of all the support you give? How much joy do you receive from your support, how important is the mission or vision of the group you support, does the standing with the recipient grow you as a person? You can probably think of other comparisons as well. And you probably don’t support all causes to the same level. You probably give more to the ones that provide more “value” to you as described above. This is the concept of proportional giving. Of course we certainly hope you feel that our beloved community brings you joy and challenges your spiritual growth in important and valuable


Being intentional and proportional about giving are two actions that can help draw our hearts closer to Jesus. The prayerful reflection on our financial support of organizations important to us is an act of grace.



Worship This Week

Please join us in our Sanctuary

or online at 10am for the

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Coffee hour will be held in Hadley Hall after the service.  We hope you will join us.

The service will be live streamed through Facebook Live here or on 3CX here.

artwork: Autumn Moon © Mary Southard

New Updates to Our Web Site

We've been working on more updates to our website and we now have an entire section dedicated to information on our Capital Campaign.

Take a few minutes and check out the new pages here.

We will continually update this section on our website throughout the campaign.


New Timeline for Submitting Community Newspaper Stories

We recently learned that the Carriage Towne News has changed their deadline for submitting stories for publication.

Please have any stories you want published in the local newspapers into the Church office by Thursdays at 9AM for publication the next week.

Donation Statements

2022 Q3 Statements

On Thursday, 10/13 we sent out the 2022 Q3 Donation Statements.

Where we had an email address, we emailed your statement. If we don't have an email address, we USPS mailed your statement.

If you didn't get your statement, please contact the office and we will work on getting your copy to you.

Hampstead Senior Citizens Holiday Dinner

Sunday, 12/4 @ 1:00pm

Hampstead Middle School Gymnasium

Hampstead NH Seniors 62+, the Hampstead Recreation Commission is happy to announce that they are bringing back the Senior holiday dinner - IN PERSON!!

They are so excited to see you all and bring back this cherished event to kick off the holiday season!

Dinner will be roasted Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, vegetable, rolls and a dessert.

To get a ticket you will need valid proof of residency and $5, the dates and times to get tickets are:

Wednesday, October 19th • 4pm-5pm at the Meeting House


At the Town hall during Town Clerk’s hours starting Thursday, October 20th through Thursday, November 17th*

*The deadline for purchasing tickets is November 17, 2022 or when all 325 tickets are sold. You must have a ticket to attend this event.

For questions, please email Angie Ingraham at hampsteadrec@gmail.com

Hampstead Monthly Town Newsletter

Did you know you can get the electronic Hampstead Town Newsletter sent to your email? The Hampstead Communications Committee has worked hard to get a monthly, electronic newsletter together for people to receive.

Information such as the article above on the Christmas Dinner for Seniors is just one example of items in the town newsletter.

If you would like to sign up for the Town Newsletter, please visit this link and check off the box next to "Communication Committee" in the "News or Announcement" section. You can also select other areas of interest to stay up-to-date on Hampstead Happenings.

A Message from

St. Anne's Food Pantry

Special Thanksgiving Distribution &

We are here if you need us

Is buying food a struggle? With all the prices being raised in the grocery stores, it is a struggle for many.

St. Anne's Food Pantry, is here for you when you need help, even if it is just a temporary need. If you are a resident of Hampstead, East Hampstead, Sandown, Danville, Atkinson or you are a member of St. Anne's Church, you are welcome!

We welcome you as friends. You pick out your own products, including fresh produce, deli, bread, desserts, meats and many grocery staples.

Everything is confidential.

Our hours are every Thursday 9:30AM-Noon & 5PM-6:30PM. Please note there are Special Hours for Thanksgiving and the Pantry is closed Thursday, 11/24. A special Thanksgiving distribution occurs on Saturday, 11/19 - you must register for this special Thanksgiving Distribution starting this Thursday, 10/13 with a deadline to register by Thursday, 11/10.

The Food Pantry is located behind the church at 26 Emerson Ave in Hampstead.

Feel free to contact Jacki Colburn, one of the Food Pantry volunteers at jackicolburn@myfairpoint.net

Steeple Lighting

Now - October 30

In honor of the life of Rebecca Rivers

Always in our heart

Looking to get involved?

The Fundraising Team could use an extra team member or two.

It seems like a lot of work, but it is more about delegating than anything else. This past year we ran two very successful events including the Food Truck Festival and the Strawberry Festival, and are preparing for the upcoming Christmas Festival.

There are one or two people who spearhead each event. For example, Roxanne McGaffigan leads the Food Truck Festival. Ellen McCune and Barbara Wallack lead the two craft fairs. We have become very efficient in running each event because of lessons from our past experience, and of course the amazing support of our wonderful members.

We are on target for making $15,000 for the church, our best year yet!

We have meetings on an as needed basis, with many conducted via Zoom or through text. It is an exciting, fun, and very rewarding team that we hope you will consider joining. If you are interested, or have any questions, you can contact Ellen McCune or Barbara Wallack. We can answer any questions you may have.

We thank you for your consideration.

The Fundraising Team

Farmer Market

A Word From Peace & Justice

Information about the winter farmers’ markets is very slow to be published. We do have information on two sites that have winter markets scheduled. We love to support local produce and goods as much as possible.

Seacoast Farmers Market

Dates and Locations vary and are found at this website.

Low on the right sidebar of the website are many other markets in the area.

Description: This weekly market features fresh produce, flowers/plants, dairy, maple, baked

goods, meat, crafts, etc.

Salem Farmers Market

Date: Sundays all year from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Location: Tuscan Village, Salem

Description: This weekly market features fresh produce, flowers/plants, dairy, maple, baked

goods, meat, crafts, live entertainment, etc.

Check out their website here.

Upper Room Devotional

We have copies of the November/December Upper Room Devotional in the foyer outside of Hadley Hall. If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact the main office.

October Birthdays

We are continuing to only list first names and last initial to minimize scamming issues with personal information being shared via electronic documents.

Lloyd T 10/2

Carolyn C 10/3

Karen C 10/5

Jackie L 10/6

Eric K 10/15

Judy D 10/26

Marcy M 10/31

If you would like your birthday recognized, please call the office to make sure we have it in our records!

New Hampshire Conference UCC Weekly News

We thought you might enjoy reading the NH Conference UCC weekly newsletter. You can read it with this link.

10/18/22 Newsletter

Each week, we will update this section of our Weekly Word with the new link for the current newsletter.

Missions Opportunities:

Food Drive to Support

Saint Anne Ecumenical Food Pantry

The current needs for the Food Pantry are:

Hearty Meaty Soups(Chunky, Progresso), Grated cheese, jelly, salad dressings, bottles of juice, pasta sauce

Please drop off any donations in the foyer of Hadley Hall

Thank you for all your support!

Next volunteer opportunity will be Wednesday, October 26th. If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact Jane DeRosa via email at janederosa@comcast.net.

Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen

The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Blankets for Project Linus

For those of you who have been busy sewing, quilting, knitting, or crocheting, we have an new opportunity to donate those handmade items!

We located a national organization that has local chapters called Project Linus (https://www.facebook.com/projectlinussouthwestnewhampshire/). This organization's mission is "to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans". Blankets are given to children in need through NH.

*We welcome all styles of blankets made in child-friendly colors/prints.
*Crocheted, knitted, quilted (100% cotton or flannel), fleece….you don’t have to be an expert!
*Blankets must be NEW, HANDMADE and WASHABLE.
*Fabric blankets can be quilted by machine, hand or tied. If you are tying the blanket make sure the ends are trimmed to 1” and the knots are secure.
*Please do not add any embellishments to the blankets such as buttons that could be swallowed by a child.
*If you are using a no-sew fleece pattern, please be sure to trim off both selvages FIRST. Not sure what selvages are? Ask the clerk who is cutting your fleece to please show you, they’re those odd looking edges at the top and bottom of the piece you have, sort of raggy looking.
*We accept all sizes of blankets. We donate to children, infants through teen years, so any size is appropriate. Baby blankets are typically 36”X36” or 36”X42”, toddler-pre-teen are typically about 40”X60”, and teen blankets are at least 60"X72".

Blankets can be dropped off in the entry way of Hadley Hall.

Thank you for your support of this project!
Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link

Scam Emails & Texts

Emails and Texts are often sent, saying they are from Pastor Kathy or another staff member. She (or the HCC staff) will never send out a generic email/text--she'll address it to your name. She will never ask you for money/gift cards over email nor via a text.

Also, any email from Pastor Kathy will always have her signature line on the bottom with her phone number/address.

If in doubt, please contact the church office or Pastor Kathy.

Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office (hcc1752@gmail.com) by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Summer Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to Noon
Hampstead Congregational Church Website