July 6th Weekly Word
A Blessing in the Chaos

During the outdoor service a few weeks ago, Pastor Kathy shared a blessing at the end of her sermon.
This prayer, "A Blessing in the Chaos," is by poet and pastor Jan Richardson.

Click here to read this moving and timely blessing.

If you would like to see a video and hear the blessing, click here.
Is your garden producing crops you can share? Would you like some?

If you'd like to make a donation from the bounty of your garden, please bring produce items to Hadley Hall when you come for Sunday Service or drop them off anytime in the basket located in the foyer.

Donations for the produce you take can be placed in the offering basket (on Sunday mornings) or in the lockbox in the foyer.

All proceeds go to RIP Medical Debt to help pay off medical debt for those in need.
For every $1 you donate, $100 of medical debt is paid off!!
For more information on RIP Medical Debt, direct donations to the organization, and personal stories by those that have been helped, go to https://ripmedicaldebt.org
Worship This Week

Please join us in the sanctuary
or online at 10am for the
Communion Sunday and Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Note that the positivity rate for Covid is still higher in our county than we would like it to be. Please consider following Covid protocols until this latest wave subsides.

Coffee Hour will continue at smaller tables instead of the long tables.
We hope you will join us.

The service will be live streamed through Facebook Live here or on 3CX here.

artwork: One Sacred Community © Mary Southard
Special Visitor At Our Outdoor Service
Al and Marion Lake captured these amazing photos of a fledgling eagle that was watching our outdoor Service this past Sunday, 6/26.
Steeple Lit July 6 - July 19

In memory of Captain Richard Allen Jones by Thom Gregsak
Congratulations To More Graduates!

The Discipleship Team would also like to recognize the following students in honor of their achievements:

Connor Jowett graduated from UNH
Kenneth Thurston graduated from University of South Florida
July Birthdays

We are continuing to only list First names and last initial to minimize scamming issues with personal information being shared via electronic documents.

Happy Birthday to:

Kenneth T 7/02
Jonathan C 7/07
Cleo H 7/09
Alanna M 7/12
Rev. Linda S. 7/16
Frank W 7/21
Ginny D 7/31 (who will be 100!!!)

If you would like your birthday recognized, please call the office to make sure we have it in our records!
A Word from Peace & Justice

A good while back we shared with you information about the Sacred Ally quilt Ministry taken on by several churches in our Association. The quilts have been on display around New Hampshire and in a gallery in New York City. Now we want to share with you the next contribution of this quilt ministry, a worship experience at Riverside Church in New York. There has been so much going on that this is a bit of “old” news, but a wonderful share anyway.

Sacred Ally Quilt Exhibit Visits Riverside Church in New York for the "Space of Grace" Worship Service.

On Wednesday, May 25th the Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry (SAQM) Exhibit moved to The Riverside Church in New York City. That evening -- the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd -- the quilts were on display during the mid-week “Space for Grace” worship service. SAQM originator, Rev. Mark Koyama, led the service.

Watch a replay of that service on YouTube by clicking on the video above.
Office Summer Hours

Office summer hours continue through Thursday, August 25th.

The office will be open from 9AM to Noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Rising Electricity Costs in New Hampshire
A Note From Al Lake

If you are an Eversource customer, on August 1st your electricity costs could be going up significantly.

If you look at your current Eversource bill, you will see the current cost for electricity is broken into 2 parts. The first part is the SUPPLY cost and the second is the DELIVERY cost. It is the SUPPLY cost that will more than double on August 1, 2022.

Eversource no longer makes (generates) electricity. Eversource buys electricity on the open market and passes the cost onto its customers. In New Hampshire we have the option to purchase the electricity we use from any State approved supplier. It is easy to change the company from which we purchase electricity. Eversource still remains responsible for delivering the electricity to your house and they are still the people to contact if you have any power outages or billing issues.

Why would I want to change my electricity supplier? The BIG reason is COST. On August 1,
2022, the SUPPLY cost will go up from 10.7 Cents/Kilowatt to 22.6 Cents/Kilowatt. That is an increase of 111%. Yes, your SUPPLY costs will more than double.

WHY are supply costs going up so drastically? New England depends on natural gas to both generate electricity and heat homes and businesses, and increasing prices are driving up costs for both. Eversource buys electricity on the open market and sending the increase directly to its customers.

There is something you can do to positively impact your costs, as long as you act before August 1, 2022. The simple solution is to change the company that supplies your electricity to your house. Remember, Eversource will still be the company that gets the electricity to your house and will still be your contact if you have any problems.

Let me use my situation as an example:
My Eversource electricity bill for last month was $172.82.
The Supply portion was $80.57
The Delivery portion was $92.25.

If I use the same number of kilowatts of electricity in August and stayed with Eversource for my SUPPLIER, my supply portion of my bill would increase to $170.00 (that is the 111% increase mentioned above). The delivery portion would stay at $92.25. My total bill in August would now be $262.25!

This massive increase does not have to happen if you are willing to change your Supplier of electricity. Fortunately, I changed my supplier a long-time ago and have a fixed supplier rate for the next 30 months. Because of my supplier change, my August bill will remain at $172.82 based on using the same number of kilowatts.

The Church too has been using this alternate to Eversource for its electricity supplier for a number of years. Several members have also changed and are currently buying electricity from other suppliers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. I will even help you change over if you need help! Presently, there are referral bonuses that could benefit both you and the Church.

Al Lake 603-571-3434 or see me at Church on Sunday
New Hampshire Conference UCC Weekly News

We thought you might enjoy reading the NH Conference UCC weekly newsletter. You can read it with this link.

Each week, we will update this section of our Weekly Word with the new link for the current newsletter.
Missions Opportunities:
Food Drive to Support
Saint Anne Ecumenical Food Pantry

The New needs for the Food Pantry are:

rice/rice pilaf, ketchup, mustard, Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Special K, salad dressings, coffee.

Please drop off any donations in the foyer of Hadley Hall

Thank you for all your support!
Next volunteer opportunity will be on Wednesday, July 27. If you are interested in volunteering contact Jane DeRosa via email
Volunteer @ Soup Kitchen
The Sonshine Soup Kitchen needs volunteers to prepare and package the food for "To Go Meals." We partner with Atkinson Congregational Church once a month on the 4th
Wednesday of the month to help out from 3-6pm.

Blankets for Project Linus

For those of you who have been busy sewing, quilting, knitting, or crocheting, we have an new opportunity to donate those handmade items!

We located a national organization that has local chapters called Project Linus (https://www.facebook.com/projectlinussouthwestnewhampshire/). This organization's mission is "to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans". Blankets are given to children in need through NH.

*We welcome all styles of blankets made in child-friendly colors/prints.
*Crocheted, knitted, quilted (100% cotton or flannel), fleece….you don’t have to be an expert!
*Blankets must be NEW, HANDMADE and WASHABLE.
*Fabric blankets can be quilted by machine, hand or tied. If you are tying the blanket make sure the ends are trimmed to 1” and the knots are secure.
*Please do not add any embellishments to the blankets such as buttons that could be swallowed by a child.
*If you are using a no-sew fleece pattern, please be sure to trim off both selvages FIRST. Not sure what selvages are? Ask the clerk who is cutting your fleece to please show you, they’re those odd looking edges at the top and bottom of the piece you have, sort of raggy looking.
*We accept all sizes of blankets. We donate to children, infants through teen years, so any size is appropriate. Baby blankets are typically 36”X36” or 36”X42”, toddler-pre-teen are typically about 40”X60”, and teen blankets are at least 60"X72".

Blankets can be dropped off in the entry way of Hadley Hall.

Thank you for your support of this project!
Connect on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? Do you follow Hampstead Congregational Church? Please like our page to know about all the great events in the church. Liking also supports our church when people check us out. If you are already connected, share our good news!

We are now on Instagram!
If you are on Instagram, please follow us, and let your friends know about us by sharing our posts! Click this link
Scam Emails & Texts

Emails and Texts are often sent, saying they are from Pastor Kathy or another staff member. She (or the HCC staff) will never send out a generic email/text--she'll address it to your name. She will never ask you for money/gift cards over email nor via a text.

Also, any email from Pastor Kathy will always have her signature line on the bottom with her phone number/address.

If in doubt, please call the church or send an email to pastorkathyucc@gmail.com.
Want to get the word out about what’s happening at HCC? If you want to publicize your event or remind the congregation about something, please email the office (hcc1752@gmail.com) by Wednesday at noon so that your information can be included in that week’s Weekly Word. Feel free to send in information up to three weeks in advance of an upcoming event. We want all of the congregation (not just the Team leaders) to be empowered to get the word out about all the activities that are happening at Hampstead Congregational Church!
Our Mailing Address:
61 Main Street
Hampstead, NH 03841
Church Summer Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am to Noon
Hampstead Congregational Church Website