The Quatrefoil: Weekly View from St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church


The Treasure in Us

"Paul tells us it is the treasure of the glory of God that we bear Jesus Christ in our bodies. That means we bear the death of the one who has put to death the powers of sin and death. To bear this treasure means that we move about, we, frail and earthen as we are, bearing this very life that overcame the powers of evil and death, we do. He lives in us in this way. It is sealed in our baptism and released in each Holy Communion, and we bear this treasure. We each bear this glory by God's grace. Even as we are afflicted and perplexed and persecuted and struck down, this glory still shines through."

- Rev. Dr. Jennifer Lord, August 5, 2022

Guest Lecturer & Preacher

This Sunday, we will welcome Rev. Dr. Jennifer Lord as our 2023 Lupberger Lecture Series speaker. Dr. Lord is Professor of Homiletics and Liturgical Studies at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She will preach at the 8:30 and 10:30 morning services, and at 9:30 a.m. will teach a combined adult Sunday School class entitled "Standing in Our Baptismal Power: Spirituality for the Ages." Following the 10:30 service she will also lead a light lunch and talk in the Land Building. To learn more about Dr. Lord and the subjects she will address, visit our lecture webpage. Established by a generous gift from SCAPC members Ed and Donna Lupberger, the Lupberger Lecture Series hosts noted theologians for a weekend of theological study.

Interfaith Dialogue

Our church is continuing its interfaith dialogue with our Muslim neighbors from the Jefferson Muslim Association on Sunday at 4 p.m. We hosted Abu Bakr at St. Charles last week and enjoyed sharing Pakistani-pistachio rice-pudding, baklava and homemade muffins and sharing with one another experiences in our faith that have molded us into who we are today. This second part of the dialogue will be held at the Islamic School of New Orleans, where we will continue to reflect on what our faiths look like in a secular society. If you are interested in participating, please let Ashley know at by Wednesday evening.

All November Interfaith Events

Aden Program for Elder Care

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Word is spreading and Aden is growing! In order to continue providing support for our Aden participants, we need more volunteers. Whether you have one hour a month or a few hours each week, we need you! No special skills are required. Please sign up here.

Volunteer at Aden

VIRTUAL CARE PARTNER SUPPORT SERIES: Aden Program Director Kasey Bealer will be hosting a virtual Care Partner Support Series Monday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. beginning November 20. This five-week series will run through December 18 and will provide dementia education and support for people caring for those living with dementia. For more information on topics, cost, and how to reserve your seat for the series, please contact Kasey at

YAF Friendsgiving

The annual Young Adults & Families "Friendsgiving" Feast will be held on Saturday, November 18 from 5-7 p.m. in the Land Building. Join us for a delicious pot-luck dinner with friends! We will also be collecting fresh and canned fruit and vegetables for Okra Abbey’s community fridge. Please click here to rsvp by Wednesday, November 15.

"WOW" A Christmas Nativity Play

It’s time to sign up for our Christmas play to be held during Wednesday Night Out on December 13! The play is open to all students age 3 through 5th grade. Both speaking and non-speaking roles are available and there will be a mandatory rehearsal on Sunday, December 11, 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Those with speaking roles will have two additional rehearsals on Sunday, December 3, 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday, December 6, 6:15 – 7:00 p.m. Contact Michele Murphy at to register your children.

Challenger Class Retreat

Members of the Challenger Class (4th-5th graders) enjoyed recreation and fellowship at their annual fall retreat at Tickfaw State Park over the weekend! Pictured here are Maddie DuVernay, Avery Danner, Caroline Wheeler, Adele Carlisle, Evan Eubanks, Jack Grabill, Pearson Eubanks.

Sister Church in Cuba Celebrates 65th Anniversary

The congregation of El Fuerte Presbyterian Church, our sister church in Cardenas, Cuba, celebrated their 65th anniversary last month!

Sunday School: Adult Classes

This Sunday, all adults are invited to attend Rev. Dr. Jennifer Lord’s special class in Frampton Fellowship Hall (see announcement at top).

Click here to view the slides from last Sunday's class, "Exodus: God Revealed to Moses and His Community", led by Robert Edgecombe.

New Arrival

Congratulations are extended to Whitney and Will McGoey on the birth of their daughter, and to Kathy and Bill McGoey on the birth of their granddaughter, Madeleine Rhea McGoey, who was born on October 6!

This Week's Prayer List
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