Dear Friends of Grymes,

Grymes has broken ground! Our Groundbreaking Ceremony on April 26 celebrated the planned start of construction of The Penny Work Center for the Arts and a first fully dedicated gymnasium. As part of our dedicated community, we thank you for bringing Grymes to this defining moment.

Over seventy-five guests - including alumni, former parents, friends of the school, and local town officials - joined students, faculty, staff, and current families to commemorate this special day. Martha Roby, Mayor of Orange, shared a powerful message about the importance of Grymes to this region as a leader in K-8 education and applauded its strong commitment to partnership within the community.  

A surprise $500,000 challenge gift, by a donor wishing to remain unnamed, was announced to inspire our community to keep the momentum going to surpass the $10M raised to reach the $12M needed for the campaign’s first phase. 

Page Sullenberger, Board Chair, Former Faculty, and P’84’88, GP’16’19, shared a moving testimony about the decades-long dream of improving facilities to reflect the school’s quality. “What a thrill to be here on this momentous day for the little school that could,” she exclaimed.

We invite you to enjoy other memorable moments by viewing the Groundbreaking video and photos below. We express our deepest gratitude for your support in making history at Grymes, and as always invite you to connect on campus with us to share in the excitement as we, literally, build for the next 75.

Jonathan Brand

Head of School

Consider ways your philanthropy can have an enduring impact for Grymes and education in this region. We invite you to explore an individual or group gift to the campaign through Naming Opportunities, Honoring Legacies, or establishing your own legacy gift. 

Contact Kimberly O’Donnell, Director of Development to have a conversation and to explore gift and pledge options.

The Grizzly Groundbreaking Gallery

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