Ain't Dere No More
This stately home with beautiful grounds and majestic palm trees once graced one of our busiest streets.
It was the home of Edward Jacob "EJ" Frederick, 8th child of Jacob and Clara Frederick (born in Germany in 1805 and 1828).
All three are buried in Covington Cemetery #1 on Columbia Street.

Star Theater Demo Upon Us

Despite Herculean efforts on the part of the new owners of the Star Theater, it was not feasible to re-purpose the building. Demolition should begin next week.

The street directly in front of the Star will be closed for the next several weeks as the Star and the shops across the street from it are removed.

Sidenote: Renderings of the new replacement buildings are very nice.

Group Homes in Your Neighborhood?

A Query From a Resident


We've heard a rumor in our neighborhood that a halfway house/rehab is going to be on my street, Covington, La.  My neighbors and I would like to know if this is true and if so, what kind of a halfway house/rehab is this going to be?

Jane Doe

Dear Jane,

Yes, there is a group home on your street. My understanding is that it is a Sober House. There are a couple of more different group homes in your neighborhood.

By Federal Law,  the City's only engagement with group homes is to make sure they are compliant with codes. They do not require a business license nor occupancy permit. They are not obligated to tell us they are opening nor what type of home they are. By Federal Law, they are just another family moving in and have all the rights of a typical nuclear family (even though they are not related by blood or marriage).

It is not a zoning violation. Any attempt by a city to make it so will be met swiftly with litigation. The city will lose and the taxpayer will pay the price (judgement / fine).

Once a home does come to our attention (via a complainant), the city Code Enforcement Officer will make a visit. We received a code enforcement complaint regarding this property on May 31st. Three site visits were made: 5/31, 6/9, 6/23 and no code enforcement violations were found. 

There are currently several group homes operating across the city.

Hope this Helps,

Mayor Mark

Recovering from alcohol or drug addiction can be a long tough life-long journey. Most of us have a friend or family member that has suffered (and caused those around them to suffer) from these addictions.

Often the addict will hit "rock bottom" before being able to begin the process of recovery - loss of home, job and family. After leaving rehab where exactly is one supposed to go?

One answer to that question is a group home known as a Sober Home. Here, the addict will reside with others who are also in the never-ending recovery process. In Covington, we are fortunate to have a couple of these homes. The client will get a job, pay rent ($150 per month) and be given support and counseling. Any use of drugs or alcohol results in immediate eviction. They may leave at any time on their own accord.

To learn more, check out this short video: Freedom House.

To refer a loved one to True Freedom Recovery or to support the non-profit, call Melissa (504-450-7818) or Amanda (985-335-4240) or e-mail . For the October Golf Tournament fundraiser, foursomes are $150 and sponsorships begin at $250.

The Community doing what the City cannot. It's a good thing.

Mayor Mark's Two Promises

1) You will learn something about Covington you did not know.

2) You will chuckle.

Smiths, Rosses

And Williams' Families



July 20, 6:00pm

Fuhrmann Auditorium

Can't Zumba?

Join the Ozone Squares!

Free Comedy Show

Southern Hotel

For Square Dance Details Click Here

Free Comedy but Please RSVP Here

Helpful Hints from Heloise

Lately, I've been asked if pouring grease down the sink with hot running water is OK. The answer is "no," unless you like paying a plumber to come and unclog your sink. Pour the grease in an empty can or jar and let solidify; then dispose of the grease in the garbage or a plastic bag.

Sidenote: Grease in the city's sewer pipes is a very, very bad thing. Please don't pour grease down your drain.

Wonderful Article on Our Own

Covington Concert Band

Check out this wonderful article on Covington's own volunteer 80 piece orchestra in

Inside Northside Magazine.

The Fredericks eventually sold the home
to Winn-Dixie

Today We Know the Site As

Acquistapace's Covington Supermarket

Most cities have a grocery store with a wine department.

In Covington, we have a wine store with a grocery department ; )

Like many families, occupations are often passed down through the generations. Steve Acquistapace and his two sons, Adam and Erik, were born into a family of grocers. They can trace their grocery roots back to the 1860s in the Bywater of New Orleans. Their grandmother, Odilia, was born upstairs above her family’s corner store where she grew up and her family lived.

The Acquistapaces have operated grocery stores (including the IGA on Claiborne Hill) in Covington since 1963 … 60 years!!

Replies to this e-mail go directly to Mayor Mark.

Recycling reminder … no glass, no plastic bags : )

Rooted in History, Focused on the Future
Tammany Family Blog | by Ron Barthet