
Publication Spotlight 

September 2023

Congratulations, authors! 

Use the GCM Publication Database to filter, search, sort, and export a list of these publications and 300+ more. 

CSI's Scott Rosas recently contributed a chapter to

The Sage Handbook of Survey Development and Application

Chapter 3: Group Concept Mapping for Measure Development and Validation

Rosas, S. (2023). Chapter 3: Group Concept Mapping for Measure Development and Validation. In Sage Handbook of Survey Development and Application. essay, SAGE PUBLICATIONS. 

International Consensus on Occupational Therapy Interventions for People with Palliative Care Needs: A European Association for Palliative Care Group Concept Mapping Study

Wæhrens, E. E., Morgan, D. D., la Cour, K., Lyons, K. D., Lozano, M. L., De Carlo, M. M., Rezende, G., & Pilegaard, M. S. (2023). International consensus on occupational therapy interventions for people with palliative care needs: A European Association for Palliative Care Group Concept Mapping Study. Palliative Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1177/02692163231188155 

Development of a Conceptual Model of the Capacity for Patients to Engage in their Health Care: A Group Concept Mapping Study

Di Tosto, G., Hefner, J. L., Walker, D. M., Gregory, M. E., McAlearney, A. S., & Sieck, C. J. (2023). Development of a conceptual model of the capacity for patients to engage in their health care: A group concept mapping study. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-09785-x


Need GCM Support?

Meet our

Group Concept Mapping Consultants

Scott Rosas, PhD

Director of Research and Evaluation

Methodologist extraordinaire. Leading complex investigations in social and biomedical sciences. Expert in group concept mapping, data validity, & applied research.

Andrew J Karhan, MA, MPA

Senior Consultant

Empowering lives through vocational rehab, disability employment, mental health, & policy leadership. 25 years of transformative expertise.

Diane M Gayeski, PhD

Senior Consultant

Renowned consultant and scholar in communications, learning strategies & higher education. Transforming organizations through strategic expertise.

Julane W Miller-Armbrister, PhD

Senior Consultant

30+ years shaping strategy & programs in healthcare admin. Diverse roles including, exec director, VP in higher education, and CEO.

Carrie Petrucci, MSW, PhD

Senior Consultant

Research professional for 20+ years, excelling in mixed methods & participation. Led impactful SAMHSA projects, published in esteemed journals.

Cheryl Noble, MSW, MPH

Senior Consultant

Evaluation expert in leadership, health equity & org development. Strengthening programs for impact through diverse evaluation methods.

Contact us to discuss your project's needs: consulting@conceptsystems.com

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