Greta, Malala and the Parkland Teens

Who says youth aren't engaged? Seeing 16-year-old Greta Thunberg at the United Nations was reminiscent of the Parkland high schoolers who built a national movement on gun control last year and 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan, who won the Nobel Prize five years ago for her advocacy for education rights for girls. Here's an overview of ten global youth movements and a youth activist toolkit.
President, National Civic League

What Would Teddy Do?
By David Mathews 
David Mathews, President of the Kettering Foundation, was a keynote speaker at the 2019 All-America City Awards. In his remarks to attendees, he posited that Theodore Roosevelt would immediately cancel the All-America City Awards. Mathews quipped that Teddy would replace the award with the All-America Failure Awards, given to cities that know how to fail successfully.  Hear more. 

Roanoke, VA, Recognized for Energy Efficiency
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently recognized Roanoke for surpassing a 20% energy reduction goal as a partner in the Better Buildings Challenge. The Better Buildings Challenge seeks to lead cities, businesses, universities, states, and school districts in improving the energy efficiency of their buildings. 
Learn more.

Let's Talk About Guns 
in America
Mass shootings often lead to political discord, resulting in discourse that is not always productive. In response to this summer's tragedies, the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation has created a series of resources and discussion guides to help communities discuss gun violence and discover ways to prevent future tragedies for happening. 
Democracy Research & Practitioners Gathering in Late October
A gathering of some of the nation's top thought-leaders and practitioners of deliberative democracy is coming up October 30-31 in Washington, D.C. The meeting is sponsored by the Deliberative Democracy Consortium (DDC), a global network of organizations, scholars, and practitioners, all working in the field of deliberation and public engagement.
Learn more.

National Civic League's Anniversary Feature: 125 Examples of Civic Capital
In honor of the League's 125th Anniversary, we will be using our newsletter to highlight 125 community initiatives that use civic capital to solve problems and build equitable, thriving communities. These towns, cities and counties have been recognized for engaging community members in collaborative efforts to address community problems. 
Today, examples 91-100.

Leadership Academies - Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary
Join the League for this Promising Practices webinar, highlighting two leadership academies that have evolved to offer a more innovative and advanced civic learning experience. Registrants will hear from the City of Wichita, KS and the City of El Paso, TX. Wednesday, October 16th @ 11:00 am MT (10:00 am PT, 12:00 pm CT, 1:00 pm ET). 

Additional Information & Upcoming Events

Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review
We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles on the topic of resiliency. 
The deadline for the winter issue is December 15th. 
Contact for more information. 

2020 All-America City Application Available

ASPA 2020 Annual Conference- Call for Proposals

Complimentary ICMA Coaching Webinar: Promoting Trust in a Divisive World
Thursday, October 10

105th Annual Conference (ICMA)
October 20-23, 2019 in Nashville, TN

City Summit (National League of Cities)
November 20-23, 2019 in San Antonio, TX


Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member  Cities and Towns:

Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Chula Vista, CA
Decatur, GA
Denver, CO
Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.
Dublin, CA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Kershaw County, SC
Lakewood, CO
Las Vegas, NV
Little Rock, AR
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa Housing Authority
Tupelo, MS
Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:

American Society for Public Administration
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
Colorado Health Foundation
Delta Dental
Government Finance Officers Association
Greenberg Traurig
International City / County Management Association
Kaiser Permanente
Kettering Foundation
National Academy of Public Administration
National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
National League of Cities
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Rawson Family Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Southwest Airlines
United States Census Bureau
United Way Worldwide
Well Being Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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