Good morning, and welcome!
In today's Gospel, we encounter the scene where Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection and offers them Peace.
Initially startled and frightened, the disciples mistake him for a ghost. However, Jesus reassures them by showing his hands and feet, proving he is their risen Lord, not a spectre. To further emphasize his physical presence, he shares a meal with them. Jesus then expounds on how his death and resurrection fulfil the Scriptures and commissions them to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name, beginning from Jerusalem. He imparts his Peace to them.
This passage is profoundly significant as it underscores Jesus' triumph over death, his tangible resurrection, and his charge to the disciples to spread the Gospel worldwide.
Our faith in the Risen Lord is not a mere concept but a tangible reality. Jesus, risen from the dead, is not a ghost or a figment of imagination but a real and palpable entity. He shares in our humanity, bearing wounds, scars, and trials.
Truly, Christ has risen, and he walks beside us, helping us to transcend our challenges, fears, and timidity in this life until he welcomes us into eternal joy and happiness, offering us Peace above all.
Let us fervently pray for Jesus to be present in our lives so that we may align ourselves with him and testify to his message daily. May we also experience His Peace and extend it to others.
With love and blessings,
José Luis+