Marin CCL Newsletter

June 4, 2024

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Join us on Saturday, June 8 at 11 AM for the combined Marin/Sonoma CCL chapter meeting

Sonoma CCL will host a hybrid meeting at the Advanced Energy Center, 741 - 4th Street, Santa Rosa. with speaker Maris Densmore, discussing "After Emissions Reductions: Carbon Credits and Offsets." Attend in person or virtually.

Here's the zoom link, passcode 123

Ahead of the Marin/Sonoma meeting,

tune in to the National call at 10 AM.

CCL comms director Flannery Winchester will speak with two outstanding former CCL staffers who have gone on to Capitol Hill to work for our congressman, Rep. Jared Huffman. Hear their story and advice for working with Congress!

We're Baack!

CCL's National Conference in DC

(Always intense in a big election year)

Summer Conference and Lobby Day

in Washington, D.C., June 8-11

Details here

Not going to DC? No problem.

Sign up for the livestream

Some sessions throughout the day will be livestreamed on Zoom and our YouTube channel. Sign up for the Zoom livestream to get reminders ahead of time, or head to CCL’s YouTube channel the day of to join in. 

The livestream will start at 6:00 a.m. PT (yes...) both Sunday and Monday and stream the sessions taking place throughout the day in the main ballroom, including: 

  • Making Climate an Election Priority (Sunday, 11:00 AM PT) featuring Nathaniel Stinnett, Founder & Executive Director of the Environmental Voter Project 

  • CCL's 2024 Policy Roadmap (Sunday, 11:30 AM PT)

  • “True False Hot Cold” screening (Monday, 07:10 a.m. PT) featuring a conversation with filmmaker Ben Stillerman. Watch the trailer and you'll want to see it.

  • Breaking the Climate Silence (Monday, 8:00 AM PT) featuring Sierra Petersen of Science Moms, and Elan Strait of Potential Energy Coalition

  • Closing Keynote (Monday, 2:15 p.m. PT) featuring Vera Songwe, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution

Check out the full program, including all live-streamed sessions, here. Get reminders and a sign up link in advance by registering for the conference livestream on Zoom.


Saturday, June 15,  4:00 – 6:00 PM 

Connect with your fellow advocates

at the Santa Rosa home of Kris Abrahamson

For more info, directions and address, please RSVP to

Here's another path to activism in this election cycle: get involved with the nonpartisan EVP, whose mission is to get environmental voters to actually vote. "We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement." Their leader, Nathanial Stinneit will address the DC conference on Sunday, June 9 at 11 AM PT. Join EVP here.

Nerd Corner:

Major New Study Supports Effectiveness of Carbon Pricing

major new study published in Nature Communications offers reassurance that carbon taxes really are effective. The paper provides a systematic review of 21 carbon pricing policies around the world and finds that at least 17 of those policies “yielded immediate and substantial emission reductions”... despite low carbon prices in most cases.

Read more on Nerd Corner

Former economics editor at the S.F. Chronicle and CCL economics policy coordinator, Marin chapter's Jonathan Marshall has graciously compiled his numerous essays into this handy, readable collection. Whether you're a seasoned lobbyist or just getting started, this concise reference addresses all the issues in its title, while dispelling persistent myths. Download it here.

Activate Your Community Network with a CCL talk!

We're available for speaking opportunities in our community. Can you help spread the word?

Our chapter is fortunate to include several accomplished climate educators who are ready to engage your network with a customized presentation (at no cost.)

If you have contacts at local schools, universities, community clubs (service, social, hobby, professional), faith communities, town councils, local government agencies and the like, please contact us at

Do Not Miss This Series!

If you've already seen it, watch it again. You'll then understand how we got into this mess and what it will take to get us out it: Massive political pressure supporting robust solutions that this industry will inevitably oppose.

Mexico’s First Woman President is a Climate Scientist

Let's see what she can do. Te deseamos lo mejor!

You're invited, but...

This is how one behaves inside The Capitol:

Make an appointment. Business attire recommended. Bring nothing that even looks like a weapon.

Long live Democracy.

Visit CCL's website
Visit Marin CCL

Prepared by Peter G. Joseph, M.D.

Apologies for cross postings.

If you know someone who would like to be added to this distribution list, please suggest they join CCL.