Access Hotel Owners, Operators,

Sustainability Leaders & More!

With over 3.8 million rooms, over 32,000 members, American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) is the leading voice representing every segment of the hotel industry including major chains, independent hotels, management companies, REITs, bed and breakfasts, industry partners, and more. Together we advocate for responsible public policies at all levels of government, promote the industry to key stakeholders and rally all segments to advance key initiatives such as sustainability.

AHLA Allied membership provides industry suppliers, vendors and service providers:

  • ACCESS to thousands of hotel operators, owners, and sustainability leaders
  • INFORMATION on latest trends and best practices in sustainability, and
  • INFLUENCE as you join the conversation through AHLA events like the Responsible Stay Summit or the Sustainability Committee.

Click Here to Learn How AHLA Can Be Your

Gateway to The Industry!

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Interested In Being In The Spotlight?

Contact Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor of Green Lodging News, at (813) 510-3868, (216) 702-0334, or by e-mail at Click here for complete Green Supplier Spotlight details. Be sure to visit every day to read the latest green hospitality news. To learn about products and services that can save you money with minimal environmental impact, click here to visit our Green Product & Service Directory.


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Green Lodging News is a Hasek Communications L.L.C. publication.