Governor Baker has given the green light for Phase 2- Step 1 to begin on Monday June 8th. Businesses in Phase 2 can reopen their locations to employees, customers and the public if they meet all imposed requirements. The State provided many resources to help guide businesses as they move forward. Following, you will find these to assist you.

Note that on Friday, the Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act of 2020 was passed. Read more for a summary of the amendments.
If you are looking for something specific to help you during this transition, reach out to us, and we would be happy to try and assist.
MA Reopening Plan and Business Tools
Re-opening Requirements
All businesses must comply with the following, as well as the safety standards of their specific industry:

  • Bring the workplace in full compliance with all general COVID-19 workplace safety rules and all 'sector-specific rules'

  • Complete the required self-certification to verify compliance with all general and 'sector-specific rules' and make this certificate available for inspection upon request by State or Local authorities.

  • Post on the premise all public notices and advisories that are required to be disciplined by the COVID-19 order.
Retail stores can transition from curbside pickup and deliver-only to browsing and in-store transactions. They will need to limit occupancy to the greater of : 8 people, including their staff, per 1000 sq. feet of their space or 40% of their maximum permitted occupancy.

Restaurants can provide outdoor dining service with certain restrictions.

Ballrooms, meeting rooms, function halls, and all indoor/outdoor event facilities must remain closed.

Lodging facilities can not host weddings, business events, or any kind of organized gatherings.

When a reservation is made and at check-in, they must urge guests traveling from out of state to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Owners of short-term home or apartment rentals are required to comply with all hygiene standards including cleaning requirements and minimum periods of time separating rentals.

Child-care facilities, recreational summer camps and youth programs can reopen but must first submit plans with the Dept. of Early Education and Care. These plans must detail health and safety protocols, including for food and transportation services. Grous are limited to 12 people (including 2 adults) with no intermingling between groups.

For any busies allowed to open in Phase 2 but specific industry standards were not released, the following must be followed:

To review all mandatory safety standards and recommended best practices released for Close Contact Personal Service businesses in Step 2 of Phase 2 visit website
Following are documents provided by the State to use for compliance:
  • COVID-19 control plan template – Template that satisfies the written control plan requirement for self-certification
  • Compliance attestation poster – Poster that customer facing businesses are required to print, sign, and post in an area within the business premises that is visible to workers and visitors
  • Employer and Worker posters – Posters that businesses can print and display within the business premises to describe the rules for maintaining social distancing, hygiene protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting
Purchasing Hygienic or Protective Supplies for the Workplace
The State also provided resources to help inform employers and employees about supplies needed to return to workplaces, and connect businesses with manufacturers and distributors. In order to operate in Reopening Phase 1 and all future phases, certain supplies are required. Visit the website to review
For all prior COVID-19 Email Communications, visit our website
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