Stay in the know with local environmental news and happenings for DuPage County.
Green Bulletin
June 2017

Did you know that in the US alone, we use 500 million plastic straws a day? Straws are one of the top 10 items found during litter clean ups. Take action to reduce your plastic consumption with these tips and alternatives.

Get some inspiration for ways to celebrate Dad while protecting the planet. 

SCARCE founder Kay McKeen, was awarded the 2017 Nonprofit Executive Director of the Year by the West Suburban Philanthropic Network.

Save the date for this fun, family friendly event. Join us this year for eco-friendly exhibits, displays, food, and products, an Eco-Art contest, Farmer's Market, Recycling Extravaganza and more! 

Our busiest season for donations is here! Donations of 8+ boxes must be scheduled in advance. Don't wait - schedule asap.

If you have travel plans this summer and you think books or supplies from SCARCE could help someone along the way, check out "Suitcase Project". 
Latex Paint, Foam Block Recycling & Cooking Oil Collection Begins at Woodridge Wastewater Facility

DuPage County's annual summer latex paint and styrofoam block recycling at the Woodridge Greene Valley Wastewater Treatment Facility begins June 1st and runs through the end of July. Cooking oil collection resumes and continues indefinitely. Click title for more details.

Our summer hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm from June 1st until Labor Day. Late Tuesdays and Saturday hours are on hiatus.

SCARCE has a book and vinyl record sale  open to the public during our Saturday hours.  A variety of adult fiction/non-fiction titles and records. Most items $2 or less.

Now open Tue & Fri 9am-12pm.

U of I and Missouri extensions are teaming up to offer a compost school for new and experienced mid-large scale composters. Early registration discount through May 25th.
Recycling Events
Recycling season is wrapping up! Stay tuned for the next round in the fall.
View a list of ongoing opportunities.

June 3  West Chicago Paper Shredding
June 3
  Elk Grove Electronics & Paper Shred *SWANNC residents only
June 3
Environmental Events
SCARCE is participating or hosting events in green.
June 3  Build a Better World STEAM Fair
June 5  World Environment Day
June 8
June 8  Downers Grove Public Works Open House
June 9
June 10
June 13  Chairman's Bike to Work
June 15
June 15  Wood Dale Public Works Open House
June 16-23  Chicago Bike Week
June 19-25
July 15
June 22
July 22-23
Sept 30
Thank You Businesses
A special thank you to businesses who donated supplies to our Rescue Projects this month!
  • Domtar
  • ETA Hand2Mind
  • Keson Industries
  • Whole Foods Market - Wheaton
Special THANK YOU to our May Volunteers

Benedictine University
Glen Oaks Therapeutic Day School
Northern Illinois University
St. James the Apostle
SEAL South
Vanguard High School
Wheaton Warrenville South  High School
Willowbrook High School

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
SCARCE M-F 9am-4:30pm
Summer is our busiest season! Help us unload donations of books and supplies - perfect for high school and college students.

Catholic Charities Back-to-School Fair Aug 1st & 2nd
We need help prepping on Aug 1st and working the event on Aug 2nd. 

Helpful Links

Support SCARCE with your online purchases 
Join efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Recycling Guide, Trails Systems, and more!
Report stormwater issues online.
Be a part of this initiative!


Green Bulletin | SCARCE | 630.545.9710 | |
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This newsletter was created by SCARCE and funded by the DuPage County Board,
Daniel Cronin, Chairman,
the DuPage County Environmental Committee, Amy Grant
and DuPage County Stormwater Committee, James Zay, Chair.

Kay McKeen, Founder & DIrector
Vicki Baldino, Jeff Gahris, Heather Goudreau, 
Carrie Horak, Bev Jaszczurowski, Erin Kennedy,
Jean Kent, & Rose Naseef 

Environmental Education Programs are operated by SCARCE
School & 
Assistance for 
Recycling and  
This newsletter is part of the Teacher Training Program funded by DuPage County.
Our Professional Development Provider Number: 100363
The mention of a specific product or company is not an endorsement by DuPage County's Environmental Education Program