Local environmental news and happenings for DuPage County.
August 2020
We are proud to share that Kay McKeen, SCARCE Founder and Executive Director, was recently appointed to the Statewide Materials Management Advisory Committee (MMAC) and chosen as co-chair of the Education and Outreach Subcommittee. The Illinois MMAC was created by the state legislature to advise the General Assembly on methods to reduce waste going to Illinois landfills. Kay represents the only non-profit chosen to serve on the MMAC thanks to her unparalleled experience in community recycling education and advocacy in Illinois. Learn more.
Our clothing has a big impact on our planet. While fast fashion might seem like a great bargain, those clothes come at a big social and environmental cost. Learn what you can do to have a more sustainable wardrobe.
Can you believe SCARCE has been educating and saving resources in the service of people and our planet for 30 years now? Time flies when you're following your passion!

A celebration is in the works - stay tuned for details.
Are you hosting a Pumpkin Smash event this November? Register your site to be added to the map of locations on scarce.org.

Learn how to host a Pumpkin Smash in your community with our free guide. Updated fliers are also available for free download. More info.
Do you live or work in the East Branch watershed? DuPage County Stormwater Management is studying the East Branch of the DuPage River to identify needed water quality improvements and wants your input! Local residents, businesses and others may provide input via the County's Water Quality Collector App. Help protect clean water in eastern DuPage! More info.
What are you putting in your recycling bin?
Are all the items acceptable? How are you handling disposable gloves and masks? Due to the increased number of residents working from home and taking COVID precautions there has been a marked increase of non-recyclable items finding their way into the recycling bin. Don’t forget that gloves and masks should be placed in your bagged trash and placed in the garbage bin. Wondering if something is recyclable? Keep things simple and check out the DuPage County Recycling Bin webpage.
Stocking up on food so you can do fewer grocery runs these days? Learn how to make your food last and use it up or preserve it before it goes bad.
SCARCE's engaging environmental programs are now available for groups of all ages live via Zoom. Potential topics include clean water, zero waste, sustainable gardening, recycling, energy and more.
Contact us to discuss what we can do for your group.
Pictured: Audrey (SCARCE intern), Caludia (SCARCE volunteer), Dave (transport volunteer), Kay (SCARCE Director)
SCARCE Resources to South Dakota Indian Reservations
In July, a load of over 50 boxes of new books, school and art supplies began their journey to Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations in South Dakota. The items will be distributed to schools serving the local Sioux community. These reservations are some of the poorest in the nation and have long struggled with a lack of resources.

Thanks to our donors and transport volunteers like Dave we’ve been able to provide resources to Pine Ridge and Rosebud for many years now, doing what we can to help our nation’s underserved indigenous communities.
Take this fun quiz from the Alliance for the Great Lakes to test your knowledge on native and invasive species found in the Great Lakes region. With over 3,500 species of plants and animals, you're bound to learn something new.
The Smart Energy Design Assistance Center at University of Illinois has info and resources on best practices to keep indoor building spaces healthy during COVID-19 and methods to mitigate their effect on energy use. Fill out their form to get more info and stay tuned for a webinar mid-August.
Are you going on more walks these days to relieve your cabin fever? Turn them into a #PickUp5 opportunity and help protect clean water! Bring along a pair of gloves and a bag to collect 5 pieces of litter along your route and properly dispose of them at home. Together, we can keep our planet healthy.
Disposable masks, gloves, and wipes are a growing litter problem. Pick up with caution: wear gloves, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands afterwards.
Grab some gloves and a bag to safely collect litter on your next walk. Protect the health of our wildlife and waterways - and yourself!
SCARCE is now accepting Arm & Hammer and Oxiclean pouches for recycling through Terracycle. Other brands or packaging are not accepted. Learn more.
Community COVID Relief Collections at SCARCE
Face masks: We are a drop off site for the DuPage Health Coalition Community Face Mask Project. Bring in your store-bought or handmade masks to help people in need.

Diapers: Disposable and cloth diapers in infant and adult sizes are accepted along with wipes and formula. This collection is in partnership with DuPage County Board Member Sheila Rutledge and Wayne Township Food Pantry.

Items are accepted during our donation hours Tuesday-Friday 9am-2pm.
We have opened at our new home in Addison and we are excited to welcome folks back! For safety, masks are required and there are capacity limits in place. Learn more about our operating hours and safety precautions.
Recycling Events
Environmental Events - Mark Your Calendar!
SCARCE is participating in or hosting events in green.
SCARCE-LY USED Book & Record Sale @ Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm, select Saturdays 9am-12pm
Thank You to Businesses
A special thank you to businesses who donated supplies to our Rescue Projects this month!
  • Boise Paper - Batavia
  • Domtar Corporation - Addison
  • Keson - Aurora
  • OakBrook Investments - Lisle

Special thanks to Verlore Dry Cleaners for cleaning and repairing our SCARCE feather banners!
Special THANK YOU to our Volunteers!
On-going Volunteer Opportunities
  • SCARCE Reuse Center Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. 
  • Lisle & Wheaton Electronics Recycling: Saturdays (Age 14+)
Our book rescue couldn't function without these amazing individuals that dedicate their time each week to sorting, stocking, and organizing your donations!

If you see them when you visit, give them a high-five!
Al - Andrea - Bonnie - Cindy - Davina - Diane - Denny - Gary - Gayle - Glenn - Greg - Gregg - Jane - Janice - Jen - Jill - Jim - John P. - John G. - Joyce - Karen - Kath - Kathy - Linda - Marcy - Marilyn - Mary Lynn - Maureen - Nancy - Penny - Sharon - Susan - Tip
Helpful Links
Green Bulletin | SCARCE | 630.545.9710 | info@scarce.org | www.scarce.org
This newsletter was created by SCARCE and funded by the DuPage County Board, Daniel Cronin, Chairman, the DuPage County Environmental Committee, Liz Chaplin, Chair, and the DuPage County Stormwater Committee, James Zay, Chair.
Kay McKeen, founder & director
Jan Breyne, Laura Fanning, Heather Goudreau, Carrie Horak,
Bev Jaszczurowski, Erin Kennedy, Jean Kent, & Rose Naseef
Environmental education programs are operated by SCARCE
(School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education)
This newsletter is part of the Teacher Training Program funded by DuPage County.
Our Professional Development Provider Number: 190000000000000
The mention of a specific product or company is not an endorsement by DuPage County's Environmental Education Program.