Hello Friend of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Shasta,
I hope that you are well and staying safe and connected during these times.
Over these past 6 plus months our nation and the world has been experiencing very challenging and uncertain times. This global event has impacted us all and especially for our members and their families. Like so many Boys & Girls Clubs across the country and non-profits alike, we remain committed to seeking out new ways to serve our communities.
I am grateful and inspired to see so many reaching out to help others, opening their hearts for the greater good and coming together in the face of adversity. Our dedication to the youth and the families of our community is stronger than ever, and we are committed to doing whatever it takes to continue to serve those who need us most.
We have been working diligently to come up with new ways to be able to serve our communities' youth and families. At first through virtual programs and weekly bags of groceries; then we shifted into reopening for our summer programs. All the while adhering to strict COVID-19 safety protocols.
Our summer program is nearing its end and our members have been adjusting to the “New Normal”, while remaining safe and having a fun, unique summer.
For the past month, our team has been working on how to best serve
“Those That Need Us Most.” As our schools look at how they are going to reopen, we too are doing the same. That’s why we are leading with innovative, solution-focused strategies to meet the needs of our Club kids and families-- making sure that youth have a safe, supportive, healthy system in place, providing them with the academic assistance and tutors needed to keep them engaged and on-track academically with their distant-learning education, while also providing them with nutritional snacks & meals and positive, enriching activities.
Our reopening plan is contingent upon many moving parts, such as hiring enough staff to support the amount of youth and families needing our service, abiding to State/CDC protocols and having the resources needed to support this large undertaking.
To the MSUSD Staff and Board of Directors, and to all of you, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your commitment to our mission. We look forward to emerging from this crisis stronger and more resilient than ever before.
At the Club we say: “Be kind to each other, have patience and make someone smile”
Noam Zimin
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa