The bottom line is the return on investment.
Kent State University (KSU) reports that their efforts to market and support adults returning to college to complete their credential/degree have paid huge dividends. The 1,438 adults returning to college generated approximately $9 million of revenue in tuition and state share of instruction subsidy for the University. In Stark County, those KnowledgeWorks grant funds provided to KSU (included in the data) brought 13 students back to the local campus and generated $85,000 in revenue for Kent State University at Stark.
Lucas Brewer, Stark State Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships and Enrollment Management, shared that they have also seen a significant return on their financial investment. And, several students who received the grant funds to eliminate barriers not only returned to their education pathway, but are also getting ready to graduate. "These students are forever changed, and the ROI for themselves and their families (and the NE Ohio workforce) is beyond measure."