Greater Dallas AFP Newsletter

April 2024

In This Issue

  • President's Message
  • Register for April 24 VIRTUAL Luncheon Program
  • Support your local AFP chapter by giving to APF Now!

President's Message

"Olumide" is a Yoruba word that means “the chosen one has come.” It was the greeting we received at the AFP ICON Conference in Toronto from AFP Greater Toronto Area President Olumide Akerewusi. And it is a welcome I want to extend to anyone in the DFW area whose job includes philanthropy. If you are in the profession, you have been chosen to do a very difficult and rewarding job.

"Impactful Together" is the ICON theme this year and the conference was held in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the World. Yet the Toronto chapter has faced some great and very public challenges with anti-black racism. I was inspired to see the chapter and AFP Canada working to heal, learn, and grow.

Last month we learned from Sarah Cotton Nelson's exciting new PACE (Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement) research on Civic Language Perceptions. This month our virtual program on Planned Giving will give you tips on how to integrate gift planning into your current fundraising plan. I hope you join us.

I pray each of you has a successful month – no matter the metric of success!

With gratitude,

Alicia Peoples, JD

President, Greater Dallas AFP

April VIRTUAL Luncheon Program: Fundraising from a Planned Giving Perspective

We'll be examining how planned giving can be integrated into all types of fundraising activity, including annual giving, principal gifts and endowment, and guide donor discussions at all levels. Key takeaways will be:

  • Planned Giving is not about a distinct type of gift but rather a methodology to raise any type of funds.
  • Understanding the donor’s goals and objectives opens the door to utilizing planned giving concepts.
  • The Planning Horizon, describing the essence of the donor conversation, will empower fundraisers in all areas to play a role in the gift planning process.
  • Attendees will learn the four categories of planned gifts.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

12-1 PM VIRTUAL Luncheon Program

(You'll receive meeting login credentials prior to the meeting)


Since 2000, Randal Daugherty has served as Director of Planned Giving for Southwestern Medical Foundation and UT Southwestern Medical Center. He works with donors to suggest bequest language to share with attorneys, establish charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, utilize beneficiary designations for retirement plan accounts and explore gifts of other non-cash assets like real estate and life insurance. After receiving a Master of Divinity degree from Vanderbilt University, Randy began a career in development, working in higher education, the arts and in academic medicine. He received the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy designation (CAP) through the American College of Financial Services. 

Learn more and register now for this upcoming event 

Members and non-members are welcome! Discounted rates for emerging professionals age 30 or less than 4 years as a fundraising professional, member or non-member).

$30 for non-members

$20 for members

$10 for emerging professionals

Support Your Dallas AFP Chapter!

AFP Now logo

The work we all do to support Dallas area nonprofits has never been more important! Together we can help each other thrive. Please invest in the important work of our fundraising profession by supporting your Greater Dallas AFP Chapter's annual AFP Now! Campaign. Learn more and make your gift HERE.


If you've earned your CFRE or been recertified recently and want to share the great news, let us know!