Spreading the message in San Francisco
This past weekend was full of accomplishments for Secular Pro-Life!
  • Hundreds of campus activists visited our booth at the Students for Life of America conference. Many took our pledge to "treat every pro-lifer as an ally, even if their religious or political beliefs differ from my own."
  • Thousands of people learned about Secular Pro-Life through SPL president Kelsey Hazzard's appearance on National Public Radio's "Tell Me More."
  • Tens of thousands of people saw our signs at the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco and the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
None of this would have been possible without your support.  Thank you for giving of your money and time.  We are off to a great start; let's make 2012 our best year yet!

Take a look 

Photo albums are up on our facebook page!
West Coast 
East Coast
Take a listen 

The audio and transcript from Monday's "Tell Me More" appearance are available here.