Changing Hearts and Minds
But first you must have an impact...and as I always say,
"You can't have an impact without a collision."
Project Truth arrived on the Chico State campus and we found a great alternative slogan greeting us with inspiration for our day...
That's right! We had arrived at the college echo chamber and indoctrination camp of Chico State to rescue those who can "come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil." II Timothy 2:2
Our warriors were ready to disrupt this worldly stronghold, once called the "number one party school in America."
We wanted to live out Acts 17:6 as the students cried out, "You are turning our world upside down." Some students did get testy, but many were open to conversations as you can see in our photos.
One snarky Chico State professor (in the blue), below, started ranting to Hannah that we were not allowed to have free speech on "their" campus.
The teacher started out by asking us who let us on campus? Hannah politely said, "Our Uncle Sam gave us approval to be here today."
We were soon to find out that this professor didn't like that answer.
Hannah let her shout out at us and said little to interrupt the teacher as her words kept coming:
"You people are not entitled to a say."
"This is not free speech, you can't say anything that hurts people."
"You don't have a place to be here. We can't allow this."
"What you are doing is like putting a gun to people's heads."
"It's not appropriate to have free speech in public areas." (My personal favorite)
The teacher finally walked away to "report" us to the "gestapo." We didn't see her anymore.
What a sad example of those who are indoctrinating students in their classrooms.
Above, the campus police were respectful and professional. Many times on campuses an officer will tell us that they are there to protect us, even though the students think that the police are there for them in that moment.
Then there are the "Green Vests." Look closely and you can see the badge which reads "Campus Free Speech Facilitator." This gentleman had his hands full for two days diffusing a handful of rowdies that were probably taught by our snarky socialist professor on free speech decorum in America.
He actually did a good job and was verbally insulted by the professor when she asked him to do something about us.
Timothy, upper right, and Anna, lower right, from the Survivors team joined us for the Chico outreach and were effective in communicating truth. Anna led a student to Christ who was very open to God's Spirit.
Though many students ignored us as best they could, the photos of injustice made it impossible to just walk away.
After I spoke with these students, below, a teacher who told me she was about to start her Ethics class asked me if I would like to speak to her class about how I developed my ethics that influenced me to be presenting the pro-life position.
Of course, I said "no." Just kidding.
"Yes," I said.
The teacher said the class would start in six minutes and I'd have twenty minutes, but she kept me there for an hour of class with the Q & A.
It went great until I returned to my team outside and required them to call me "Professor Don."
On occasion, I am invited into a classroom and always the Lord gets me through it. I took Carole with me for prayer support.
I started out with the statement, "Everything we humans believe comes from only two worldviews: Either our ideas and ethics are founded in a humanistic 'random molecules in motion' concept of origin and that we came from primates, OR our worldview is founded in the belief that there is a Designer, God. All of our "ethics" come from one of these two worldviews."
I don't think the teacher expected that statement, but she and the students were respectful and they had great questions during the classtime.
And yes, I worked the Gospel into the presentation.
At the end of October Professor Don will be speaking in another college class again.
Next we invaded the liberal stronghold of Cal State Monterey
As Tanya, upper left, engages the troubled students, the crowd grew and we had two days of irritated students trying to distract others from talking to us. But the visit to their campus went great and we loved on these lost kids.
Below, the distractors only caused students to come over to see what the commotion was in the quad.
The goofy students are those who come up to tell us that nobody on the campus is listening to our message. I often ask the blind student, "Then how is it that several of their classmates came up to thank us for being on their campus, some even praying for our success. Every college has those kinds of foolish comments and we just grin.
Popular Bible teacher Pam Regan, on left above, joined us and listened in on my reasoning with students who wanted to insist that those photos are just "clumps of cells."
I told them that the biology teacher will mark their answer wrong if they put that notion down as an answer on a quiz. I pointed them to the problem with living by feelings rather than reason and logic...
…which is illustrated below, by the words on this student's sweater.
Project Truth team members have found that feelings without thinking is the mantra of the college campuses.
Above, Devon and her living little prop joined us in Monterey. Her desire to rescue these students, even while pregnant, inspires me to know that there are those warriors who will not let anything keep them from going into the battle.
Some of these students told us that "killing a baby" is fine because "the baby doesn't have as many experiences in its short life as the mother does."
Then on to Monterey Peninsula College
Above, Pastor James Cook stands in front of the library with his son, Kendal, enjoying the dialogue of truth going into the hearts of passing students.
Below, Matt and Kenneth share things with these guys that they have never heard before. Many students tell us that and began to wonder why the college does not cover all of an issue. We love to hear "I changed my mind about abortion" or "I'm going to share this with my roommates."
Above on left, Kenneth, is also Devon's husband. Please pray for his family. Kenneth shared with me he has a family genetic problem with his heart called ACTA2, a brittle aorta, and all of his family who have had it have died at young ages. He is going in soon to have surgery that frequently does not seem to work well and he could die.
This man and his wife are REAL warriors for Christ. Only a miracle will save him. Pray for Kenneth and Devon Calvin.
Monterey Peninsula College was much more mellow, except for the teachers who would walk up to students talking to us and ask if they were ok, or if we were "triggering " them.
I reprimanding a teacher for treating the students like wimpy children.
You might ask how our team winds down after an intense day of outreach.
We have several ways to unwind that could include a meal together with stories from our day or Christ-centered music, or Scripture reading.
A beautiful sunset can also fit the bill in the evenings.
Such was the case near Monterey. The white sands of Carmel with a sunset painted by our Creator was just what the Master prepared for us after a hard day's labor in His harvest field.
Thank you Lord for showing us Your handiwork.
We are deep into the Fall college tour and having great results. Pray for the continued Biblical success of our team.
Fall Tour 2023
College of San Mateo August 28-29
Cal State Monterey/Peninsula College Sept.11-14
U.C. Merced Sept. 18-19
Chico State Sept. 25-26
Diablo College October 2-3
College of Southern Idaho and Utah State October 15th-19th
Stanislaus State October 24-25
UNR Reno October 30 TBD
Thank you for standing with me
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At the Well Ministries
P.O. Box 78025
Stockton, CA. 95267