We Give Thanks for YOUR Support!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Giving Tuesday is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2017. You can make your contribution by clicking on the button to the right between now and the end of the year. Thank you!
Villa Jubilee: Colorado Retreat Center
At Villa Jubilee we serve guests who have lost their way, who are suffering and searching. It is our prayer that by providing a safe and sacred retreat center, we are also providing a place for  them to be found and brought home by the Shepherd.

It’s the goal of VJF to keep prices low at this beautiful retreat center by subsidizing groups who can’t afford the regular rates and to provide scholarships for individuals who might otherwise not be able to come.   But we’re not there yet. As a relatively new nonprofit, we do not yet have the funds to subsidize groups and individuals to the extent we desire. 

And, if you are not already a donor, won’t you please join our donor community? (Click here to see our special gift of gratitude for potential donors.)

When you donate to Villa Jubilee Foundation: 
  • You provide spiritual formation opportunities for yourself and others. 
  • You support a broad spectrum of ministries – local, national, and international. 
  • You help people grow in faith and discipleship.
  • You answer someone’s desperate prayer for a much-needed spiritual respite.
And, you directly benefit by keeping the doors open for yourself, as well as for others!

Please join us for #GivingTuesday on Tuesday, November 28, and make a tax-deductible contribution to the Villa Jubilee Foundation (a 501(c)(3). You can:
  • Pay by credit card or Paypal by clicking on the secure donate button; or
  • Send your payment via Paypal to stan at villajubilee dot com; or
  •  Send a check made out to Villa Jubilee Foundation to 3001 County Road 330, Walsenburg, CO 81089.  
Your contribution powers transformational ministries! And for that we are profoundly grateful!
Christmas on the Mesa
Barry Ward, Country Singer
Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 6:00 PM
at Villa Jubilee

Watch for details and an exciting special package in a newsletter coming soon!
The Villa Jubilee Foundation is a Christian organization that exists for the purpose of conducting spiritual renewal retreats and seminar programs. It is the goal of VJF to create an atmosphere of peace and restoration by utilizing facilities that provide the right ambiance for renewal, and to, at times, also provide the teaching programs as appropriate for specific groups, issues, or needs.
In addition, Villa Jubilee Foundation acts as a convener and network hub to connect groups, retreat leaders, and facilities to create the best event, program, or venue for the need. VJF is non-denominational and welcomes the involvement of any who seek to promote or receive the gift of a closer, healing relationship with God.
Millions of people around the world will testify to the saving, redeeming, and transforming power of retreat ministry. You can join in supporting this ministry by becoming a supporter, either through your one-time donation or by becoming a regular supporter.
 Creative content by Sharon Cairns Mann (www.sharoncairnsmann.com).