Gratitude & Success in Discipleship
Dear Ministry Partner,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from Myanmar!
I pray this letter finds you well and doing great in your own professional work fields. We thank the Lord always for your love, faithful prayers and generous support that have been a working force to keep alive the training ministry.
Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to conduct workshops in two different locations. Fifteen pastors and local church planters attended from six ministry partners, and I was able to effectively communicate to them the biblical way of discipleship ministry. The pastors openly admitted to having wasted time in their previous ministry efforts, but were now able to clearly see what they should do to fulfill the great commission through a small scale start.

These two Teacher Training Workshops (TTW) were held in southern Myanmar. The workshops were well-received, and many of the participants expressed excitement about starting a training class in their own churches.
I also had a one-day local missionaries event at my church. There were eleven participants, who were provided with practical tools and insight into how they can make a difference in the world by sharing the gospel with those who haven't heard it before. Each participant left with a deeper understanding of how to effectively share the message of salvation with Burmese Buddhist people.
Thank you so much for your love, prayer, and faithful financial support.

With much prayer and thanks,
CCI Myanmar National Director
Staff Update
Pastor M, Pastor Z, and their families are doing well. They are both involved in ministry work, with Pastor Z preparing for the church's 50th birthday. Both have visited their classes, and the students are doing well.

Pastor T and Pastor Y are still out of contact, but it is hoped that they and their families are doing well.

The National Director spoke to four teachers who are doing well and one class finished in the northwest.

Pastor B and the other pastors' classes are also doing well.
Your support of CCI Myanmar Coordinators and ministry needs will help us work with more coordinators to expand this training ministry of equipping more national church leaders to effectively make mature disciples of Jesus Christ and see God’s church expand.
Testimony From a Graduate
"My name is Pastor D and the facilitator of a CCI class. I have been in pastoral ministry for over a decade. However, the church committee seems to focus more on outside activities than on building up the spiritual body. I have been considering for a long time to train young people, but I was unsure of how to start and had no support. When I heard about the CCI ministry, I decided to take their workshop right away. In June, I began training three carefully selected young people. I led them in Bible study, and I was also learning at the same time. By God's grace, we were able to complete all ten courses in almost four months. After a three-week break, I will start a new class with seven young people from different denominations and teach them the same course.
The courses not only equipped me but also helped me to finish the ministry as a pastor. They also helped me to see the needs of the church more clearly and how to handle the expanding ministry. Through the transformative experiences of students, churches will be more likely to open their doors for training classes in the future."
Prayer Requests & Praises

Praise points:

o  God’s protection and provision upon the family members of the CCI team and ministry as well. 

o  Praise to God for His provision of my children education fees.

o  There is one CCI training class done with four students. Now they are participating in the next new class along with the pastor.

Prayer points:

o  Continue to pray for Pastor T, Pastor Y, their family members and classes. The military junta has disrupted communication, and we don't know much about their safety and well-being. Moreover, we've heard disturbing reports of violent attacks in their mountainous region. Let's pray that God will protect them from harm and supply all their needs.

o  Pray that God will open more doors for the ministry amid the attacks.

o  Pray also that God will select an area leader to oversee classes and promote the ministry.

o  Please continue to pray for Bibles. The cost of one Bible is USD $19, equivalent to Myanmar Kyat. Kindly pray that God will provide 50 Bibles for pastors and teachers, so they can spread the Word of God more effectively.

o  The devaluation of our support is drastically affecting our family’s food budget. We are asking the Lord to provide an increase of $250.00 per month to meet these basic needs. Please consider making a new monthly commitment today to help meet this need. We thank you in advance for your help. Click HERE.

o It is confirmed that 5 staff and teachers of CCI Myanmar are looking forward to the Global Conference to be held in Thailand in November. Many would like to go, but do not have the money to buy plane tickets. Many teachers want to join in this inspiring meeting and sharing God’s goodness together. Please pray for God’s provision for this. If you feel led to help, please click button below. Thank you.