Grants for Museum Advancement
Sponsored by the New York State Council on the Arts,
administered by Museumwise: The Museum Association of New York 
2013 Grant Opportunities

The New Year marks an excellent time for putting plans into action ~

Applications are now being accepted for 2013 Get Ready, Get Set & Go grants


The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) has provided $78,605 for the FY 2013 Grants for Museum Advancement program. These funds will be portioned between January and June and July and December in accordance with previous year's application percentages. We anticipate awarding approximately 8 Get Ready; 14 Get Set; and 40 Go! grants in 2013.  


Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until the funds have been fully allocated. It is advisable to apply early in the year.


Again in 2013:

  • Get Set! grant  applications - two postmark deadlines: February 1 and July 1
  • Go! grants - Institutions may apply for grants of up to $500 to support travel and/or registration fees for single participant, $750 for multiple participants. You may submit one application for multiple participants to partake of the same professional development opportunity.  
  • Organizations may receive one Go! grant per calendar year.
  • All organizations holding a Charter from the New York State Board of Regents as a museum or historical society or institutions that are a unit of local government are eligible to apply for Grants for Museum Advancement.   
  • FY 2013 applications will be accepted on or after January 1st. Application review and award processing will commence upon receipt of FY 2013 funds.


New York's museums and heritage organizations are many and diverse. These institutions collect and interpret art, history, science, and culture. These valuable organizations are places of life-long learning, where New York's citizens can expand their knowledge.


The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) provides support for museums and historical societies, their staffs and volunteers in their efforts to strengthen and develop their institutions and work with their communities. The Get Ready, Get Set, Go! grant programs are designed to make it easy for organizations to access professional help and improve their institution.


For more information & application forms, visit our website  

Questions - contact the Museumwise staff by e-mail at or by phone at 800.895.1648
Grant Deadlines*

Get Ready - accepted on a rolling basis
Get Set - postmark deadline February 1 and July 1
Go grant -
30 days before proposed travel or professional development opportunity

We encourage you to apply early to take advantage of this year's funding.

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