Give Us A Call!
(209) 745-2529
SMUD Selected for Business of the Month
Congratulations to SMUD for being February's Business of the Month! Thank you for all the community programs you have put in place to make our town and Sacramento County a better place to live. SMUD is passionate about the community, giving thousands to nonprofits and hundreds of volunteer hours. SMUD has been a sponsor of our State of the City Luncheon every year. SMUD has offered many programs both this year and last year to help give relief to their customers during the pandemic. They have also provided opportunities for local nonprofits to apply for grants and loans. SMUD also has a Business Advisory Council whose mission is to build relationships with small businesses and commercial and industrial customers for a stronger regional economy and quality of life. Thank you for all you do for our community and the community you serve at large!
Save the Date!
February Luncheon

Thursday, February 18th
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Brewsters Bar & Grill
Stay tuned for details!

Grant and Loan Opportunities
SMUD Non-profit Loans
SMUD announced it's relaunch of their nonprofit microloan program. Highlights of relaunch include:

  • 501(c)(6) designations are now eligible to apply
  • Increased loan limits
  • Application deadline has been removed

Questions can be emailed to
CA Relief Grant Round 2
Details for Round 2:

  • Opens: 8am on Tues., February 2nd
  • Closes: 6pm on Mon., February 8th
  • Apply through a "Partner" HERE
  • Lendistry call center hours for technical support (beginning February 2nd) 7am to 11pm Mon - Fri & Sat 7am to 12pm PST (888) 612-4370
  • If you applied for Round 1, please do not reapply for round 2. Your application will automatically be entered in Round 2

Questions or need help applying? Contact Galt Chamber at (209) 745-2529

SBDC Business Class Schedule
Free online business trainings are available through SBDC Sacramento. Choose from topics such as Business Basics to Automating Your Business. Free one-on-one business counseling is also available.
Advertising Opportunity for Businesses
Galt Chamber has begun a new citywide banner program. 2019's banner program was so popular that many eager purchasers were turned away. Make sure to place your order as quickly as possible. This is a great advertising opportunity for local businesses and a nice way for individuals and families to show pride in our Great American Little Town.

Cost is $210 per banner, or $180 for any order of 5 or more. A phot of the banners that will be hung in March and Aprtil of 2021 is pictured to the right (or above, if viewing on a mobile device). All banners will remain in place through January 2022. The deadline to order your banner is March 1, 2021, or earlier (first come, first served). Banners will be placed on several main streets including:

  • C St
  • 4th St
  • Walnut Ave
  • Lincoln Way
  • Carillion Blvd
  • Twin Cities Rd

Email or call Toni at (209) 745-2334 to reserve your banner and location, or for more information.
Chamber News
Did you know that as a member of the Chamber, you have the opportunity to have your printed materials (including brochures and business cards) displayed on the rack outside of the Chamber office? This is free with your membership. Call us for more information at (209) 745-2529.

Weekly E-newletters such as the one you are reading today, can be found on our website.
Stay Connected
Do you have any information you would like us to add to our next E-Newsletter? If so, please submit your information to us via email at by Friday evening to be included in the following week's E-Newsletter. Please remember to attach any photos, brochures, website links, or contact information you would would like to include.

Your membership benefits include the option to be featured here once per month at no cost to you. Questions? Call us at (209) 745-2529.

Stay safe, stay well and say strong, Great American Little Town.
(209) 745-2529

604 N Lincoln Way
Galt CA 95632
Stay Connected!