Grandmothers Healing Haka® 
January 2024 NEWSLETTER
Hu ake ki roto, puha atu ki uta te manawa ora
Te timunga, te paringa o nga tai
Ka wehe te ao tawhito ka tae mai te ao hou
Breathe in, breathe out the breath of life
The ebbing and rising of the tides
The old world leaves and the new world arrives
dear Healing Haka friends and family

Greetings and blessings to you from Aotearoa - New Zealand.
We feel so blessed to have the chance to return to our other home and reconnect with our Whanau and friends here.
It has been a wonderful year of Healing Haka, transformation and achievements.
Gratitude to you for being part of our lives and sharing the journey towards a wonderful new world of our heart and dreams.

May 2024 be a light-filled year with more wonderful steps towards your true identity, your true being, so that you can bring here who you truly are.

Tihei wa mauri ora!

Next HAKA RONGO AIO 3 Year Formation
"Dance your life into peaceful harmony"
Guided by Ojasvin and Waimaania

May 2025 - March 2028
Conchshell Seminar
20-22 October
Spirigen, Central Switzerland
I was able to experience an overwhelming heart-to-heart moment through this new breath that I received and gave back. This encounter I felt each participant could experience with their own uniqueness while surrounded by the group with Maori chants and a welcoming haka for each shell opened.
Ojasvin was a great support.

It was a spiral of wonder where we used all our senses in L' Écoute....
Like a metallic and atmospheric waltz of the living, the tools, bells, kites, cows, drums, winds, rains... rhythmically accompanied by the majestic silence of the surrounding mountain ranges and constellations.

Exchanges, rituals and ceremonies followed in a smooth transition of our different waters, with the comfort and laughter of being together over beautiful hot meals prepared by Nicole with the help of Waimaania adding to the serious lightness of this new responsibility.

The last day was a particularly powerful moment. A ritual of water and gratitude in all directions to start a new call.... This one is currently dancing with the sounds of yodelers from another age and the tinkling of cow bells.

Maioha maioha maioha.

Next Conchshell Seminar:
26-28 April 2024, Register here
Uri Marama Toa Healing Haka
Intensive Seminar
25-29 October
Lenzwald, Polling, Germany
Every year we are trying to count how many times we have had this work here before and we can not remember, it is just wonderful
to meet again and grow together.

We were again welcomed in the celtic way by the guardians of Lenzwald Sonja and Tasilo with their family before we dived deep into the
Healing of this wonderful Haka.

The work this time was bringing up a lot of clearing with the ancestors. And we could feel that we were not alone. The spirit world was with us, which showed clearly in the perfect weather conditions we had, always warm enough and sunshine in the right moments.

We feel so blessed to be hold this yearly event
organised by Renate Brettschneider.


Next Uri Marama Toa in Lenzwald:
23-27 October 2024 Download Flyer Here
Healing Haka Nights
30 Aug, 27 Sept, 1 Nov, 13 Dec
St Gallen, Switzerland
What a wonderful experience to have a big group of 20 people turn up, once a month, to dance Pou Uira Healing Haka.
It was a delight to dance and sing together and bring light into the dark season of the year and to align with the galactic events.

We are so grateful for Simone and Christian to weave this into reality
together with us.

Next 4 Pou Uira Healing Haka Nights in St.Gallen:
27 March, 24 April, 29 May, 26 June. Register here
Pou Uira Wellness Retreat
10-12 November
Rocky View County, Calgary, Canada
This past weekend, 21 beautiful souls had the opportunity to be held in the most sacred container of healing and transformation. We learned and experienced the healing of the Pou Ouira Haka. Guided by our two masterful teachers, each of us felt the thread of healing weave through us at different times throughout the weekend. It was often in the most subtle moments; a passing glance, a slow movement of the body, a much needed hug, or through a deeper understanding of the powerful and ancient prayer, that the essence of the Healing Haka caught our hearts and cracked us open. It is with great reverence that we hold the frequency of the Healing Haka in our bodies, minds, and hearts. We walk away from these three days transformed, enlightened and embraced by love. 

We expanded our capacity to experience, love and connection. We unravelled the false pretences of our personalities, that no longer serve. We awakened to a new embodiment of the sacred feminine and developed a new appreciation for the importance of what can be created in our lives and in the world with the support and power of the sacred masculine.

We experienced our ancestors supporting us. We accessed our unique mana . We found balance, peace and harmony within. 
It was a journey of transformation that guided us back home to that sacred place in our hearts where we were never lost, and where we always remember. 

Our Haka Mu North family is growing, and we hold gratitude for the team that works to continue bringing the Healing Haka to Canada. 

In deep gratitude to Waimaania in Ojasvin, for saying yes, and continuing to say yes, and for holding this vision for us, and for the world. 

With Love & Respect

Next Pou Uira Retreat in Dunster, BC, Canada:
9-12 August 2024, contact the organizers
Uri Marama Toa Heaing Haka
Intensive Seminar
29 November - 3 December
Le Moulin de Pont, Bray-Et-Lû, France
" I was so lucky to be able to take part in a workshop to learn the Healing Haka. I discovered a dance that I've already learnt a lot from the little practice I've had. I've always been someone with a lot of anger, and even though I've had less and less of it over the last few years, there was still a little bit of it that I couldn't let go of, and I've always found it very hard to be confident and assertive.

For me, the Healing Haka allows me to channel my energy, with slow moments, moments of very slight pause and moments when I can express my surplus energy, my desire to assert myself.

But above all, it reconnects me with my lineage, from which I was somewhat estranged. I try to practise it every day, and it helps me to love myself better, to be more tender with myself. When I make a mistake, I take it with kindness and amusement, which before, I would have criticised myself with a lot of malice.

The Healing Haka is really one of life's dances, and I'm delighted to have discovered it and to practise it with the same joy.!!"

Hine Ahi - Women Healing Haka
9 December 2023
Raven Spirit, Lenzburg, Switzerland
I attended the Hine Ahi Women's Haka seminar yesterday for the second time. Waimaania always teaches this seminar in a new way and knows how to sensitively perceive and weave in the women's themes.

We were a large group of women and the richness and awareness of the women warmed my heart. I was amazed at how quickly we learned the haka as a group and were able to immerse ourselves in it. I kept feeling like I was wearing a seatbelt when practising the haka, just like in a car.

The most beautiful experience was given to me the morning after. During my meditation after waking up on Sunday morning, I had the feeling for the first time in my life of coming home on my journey from heaven to earth; of being expected, welcomed and safe here on earth. Thank you Waimaania for the gift of Hine Ahi.

Next Hine Ahi in Lenzburg
14 April 2024 10-17h
16 December
Raven Spirit, Lenzburg, Switzerland
To round this year we celebrated with a precious IHO TANE time of empowering and reconnect to our male essence.
A new group had formed and so we dived together into learning the Muramura Song and the Tihaha Haka which swiftly unified the group that had come from all regions of Switzerland.
As our spirits arose, our joy increased while the big gongs hummed throughout Raven Spirit’s room. We felt the Mana of oneness together, which brought us a true sense of peace and healing.


3 March 2024, 10-17h
Closing Ceremony
10 December
Espace Camango, Geneva
As my first art exhibition, It was a great beginning!
Thanks to Celine, who called me to manifest Oha Aho, the abundant brilliance, in the “Espace Camango” of Geneva.
Much gratitude to Waimaania who was my strong support in the background.
It brought great pleasure to see the art pieces that where formed by the creative merging of our different designs.
Also to see our Tohu, the sacred symbols printed digitally.
It was also beautiful to witness Te Puawai, our Formation group who creatively expressed the Maori Tales. This enhanced the art pieces
and the art pieces enhanced the stories.
People had mentioned that Oha Aho art exhibition was like having
many windows and doors where you could peak into the spirit world.

Muramura & Titaha Ahikaa Healing Haka Night
8 December
Nidau, Switzerland
It is already dark.
The waves are lapping gently. The inviting course location is right on the beach of Lake Biel in Nidau.

As I am currently producing the song "MURAMURA" together with Ojasvin, Waimaania and Martin, I am really looking forward to the Muramura Haka Ceremonial Night and the group's immersion in this wonderful energy.

After the welcome by the host Jérôme Rey, the opening by Ojasvin & Waimaania and a short sharing of our respective origins, we start with the introduction.

We sing Muramura and dance the Haka. It is a joyful celebration for me. Muramura touches my heart and brings me lightness. The Titaha Ahikaa Healing Haka ignites the spark of joy and strength. Song and Haka connect the heart with the fire and the fire with the heart.
Here the primal feminine and primal masculine can dance together.

The fire ceremony outside in the forest rounds off this wonderful evening perfectly. I feel nourished, touched and connected inside.
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Beat Schüpbach

Next Muramura Healing Haka Seminar:
23-24 March 2024, register here
Online Refresher Nights
every month
Everyone, who has ever attended a Pou Uira or Uri Marama Toa Healing Haka Seminar is invited to join our monthly refreshers.

In this 2 hour workshop we are looking into the depth of your questions, wishes and desires. The groups are small, so that you get a real chance to go deep into what you are looking for.

It with great joy that we coach you to your success in the elements you have learned with us and even apply them in your daily life.
Healing Haka® Intensive Seminar
with Ojasvin and Waimaania
8-10 March 2024
Trogen, Switzerland
Muramura Seminar
with Ojasvin and Waimaania
23-24 March 2023
Nidau, Switzerland
Raven Spirit, Switzerland

Rhodels, Switzerland

Haute-Savoie, France

Raven Spirit, Switzerland

Thomils, Switzerland

Healing Haka® Introduction Day
with Lucas and Hélène
23 March 2024
Klingenthal-Boersch, Alsace, France
Conchshell Seminar
by Waimaania

26-28 April 2024
Champ-du-Moulin, Switzerland

accompanied by Ojasvin & Waimaania
presented by Soul n'Spirit
10 April 2024
Filmpodium, Biel, Switzerland