August 25, 2022
Hello Friends of Grandfamilies,

Below you will find some recent updates and resources from the field. If you know anyone who may be interested in receiving these alerts, please forward this to them and/or encourage them to sign up here.
Let’s Talk about It: Supporting Grandfamilies Mental Health and Emotional Well-being While Navigating Pandemic Challenges
Generations United, in collaboration with Humana, will host an interactive webinar on September 12th at 12-1pm, ET to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on grandfamilies’ mental health and social isolation. The webinar will include a panel of grandfamilies and a presentation from Deborah Langosch, PhD, LCSW, a clinical social worker, trainer, psychotherapist, and consultant. Register here or click on image.

Generations United & Partners Hosted
Reimagining Intergenerational Housing Webinar
Generations United, Nesterly, and Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies hosted a virtual event to share the emerging continuum of intergenerational living approaches, including home sharing, grandfamily housing, co-housing and more, and how communities and organizations can help advance them.

Speakers included Generations United Executive Director Donna Butts, Nesterly CEO & Founder Noelle Marcus, and Dr. Jennifer Molinsky, Housing & Aging Society Program Project Director and lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Design. Click here to watch the recording.
Generations United & Partners
Co-Hosted Diverse Intergenerational Programming Webinar
Generations United co-hosted this virtual event–focused on creating culturally responsive intergenerational programming– last Tuesday with the National Indian Child Welfare Association and National Caucus and Center on Black Aging. The webinar featured other organizations uniting generations in diverse communities, while providing practical tips for designing programs and activities that celebrate and embrace different cultural norms and values.
The webinar was made possible with support from the RRF Foundation for Aging
Intergenerational Program of Distinction or Program of Merit Certification-Extended to Sept. 9
Generations United is now accepting applications to recognize outstanding intergenerational programs that are connecting younger and older people in the United States. The Program of Distinction and Program of Merit (new in 2022) designations are based on the criteria that underpin the effectiveness of any intergenerational program and are intended to recognize the rich diversity among programs that involve older and younger generations. Applications are due September 9, 2022. Learn more and apply!
Exemplary Kinship/Grandfamilies Policy, Practice, and Program Designation
The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center (Network) is seeking to identify and designate exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs to elevate good work and share exemplary strategies with others. The Network encourages applications from government agencies in states, tribes, and territories, as well as private kinship navigator programs and other community-based organizations that serve grandfamilies and kinship families. Apply today! For more information, check out the application.
We're Hiring! Join Our Team!
Generations United and its Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network are looking to fill two open positions. Please help us spread the word! Learn more about the positions.

Generations United is hiring a Senior Manager, Intergenerational Initiatives to join our intergenerational program team. The primary responsibilities of this new position are to lead our work to amplify and support our diverse intergenerational programs initiative; manage grant-funded and other ongoing initiatives; deliver training and technical assistance; develop resources; and engage with our members and network. Preference is given to applications received before August 17, 2022. 

The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network is seeking a new Project Assistant. The Project Assistant is an integral part of the Network team and provides important project support that helps improve programs and services for grandfamilies and kinship families
Register Today for September Webinars
In honor of National Kinship Care Month, we have a few webinars scheduled for September, which are being offered at no charge.
Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders: Supporting Kinship Families
The National Center on Substance Abuse & Child Welfare will host a free Sept. 14 webinar that lifts up services and supports for kinship families struggling with substance abuse and related mental health problems. Presenters include Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network Director Ana Beltran and Nancy Young, Ph.D., Project Director, NCSACW.
Collaboration for Grandfamlies and Kinship Family Support
Thursday, September 8, 2022
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET
Dr. Terry Cross (Seneca), pictured, Senior Advisor and Founding Executive Director of the National Indian Child Welfare Association, will present about the keys to effective collaboration.
Family Dynamics in Kinship Families: Implications for Services and Programs
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET
Dr. Joseph Crumbley, pictured, a nationally renowned kinship expert, trainer, consultant, and therapist, will deliver a presentation called "Family Dynamics in Kinship Families: Implications for Services and Programs.
Ohio Federation for Health Equity and Social Justice: The Virtual Kinship National Town Hall
September 9th, 1:00pm-4:00pm EST
  • Hear from the Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services about national efforts to support kin and what may be on the horizon.
  • Learn what federal legislators believe Congress can do to elevate kinship families.
  • Support fellow caregivers as they share their stories about their caregiving experiences, highlighting their challenges and needs.
  • Explore the work of organizations that aim to support kin families through advocacy, support groups, and services.
  • Hear from a celebrity guest who will elevate their kinship story and how it shaped who they are today.
Register here or for more information contact Ron Browder,
Child Welfare Virtual Expo on
September 28
Learn about prioritizing lived expertise in child welfare at this year’s Child Welfare Virtual Expo (CWVE)! This event will explore the power of intentionally partnering with people with lived experience and expertise to transform child welfare systems and better serve and support children, youth, and families. At this year’s CWVE, you’ll attend sessions designed and led by young adults and family representatives with lived experience and child welfare expertise, working with Center for States staff and other partners. Explore the CWVE website to learn more about this year’s CWVE!
Staying Healthy Across Generations Infographic
Download our informational infographic illustrating that vaccines aren’t just for kids—they protect all generations. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia and whooping cough are important to protect both older adults and children. Soon a vaccine for COVID-19 will also be critical for both age groups. Click here to download and learn more.
Family Voice Compass: Resources to Build a Family Voice Council
The Colorado Department of Human Services’ Family Voice Council informed and named this new online resource. The Family Voice Compass is designed to provide useful information, tools, and resources to help organizations, programs, and departments as they develop their own family voice structure. The resource contains four main sections – “Get Started,” “How to Shift Power,” “Evaluate & Share Results,” and “Tools & Templates” – and each section is full of information. Access here.

Grandparents Struggle Finding Mental Health Help for Grandchildren
San Antonio GRAND VOICE and grandmother Mercedes Bristol talks about her work with the Texas Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in the midst in wake of Uvalde school shooting. Read more here.
Thanks for reading this newsletter. If you have anything you would like included in future newsletters, please send them to Jamarl D. Clark at We’d love to hear your thoughts on this newsletter. Feel free to reply with any feedback or comments.

The Grandfamilies Team