Grand Opening of Kolaj Institute

Kolaj Institute's Grand Opening is Saturday, 9 March 2024, joining other art venues in the St. Claude Arts District for Second Saturday Art Walk. The space serves as an exhibition gallery, residency center, artist studio, library and archive. The exhibition tells the story of Kolaj Institute and how the organization works with the International Collage Community to champion this fascinating medium. On Saturday, 9 March 2024, the gallery will be open from Noon to 9PM, with a reception from 6PM to 9PM. The Gallery is located at 2374 Saint Claude Avenue, Suite 230, at the corner with St. Roch Avenue. 

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Joe Rudko at PDX Contemporary Art in Portland, Oregon, USA through 2 March 2024. Over the last decade, Joe Rudko has dissected found photography to create drawings, collages, and sculptures. As he's worked, piles of scraps have accumulated from thousands of different images—some found at shops, purchased on eBay, or received from friends and family. Each of these works follow a framework and logic built on chance, intuition, and resourcefulness.

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Triggers for Memory

Kolaj Magazine is interested in all things collage. This is our directory of artists.

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Curating Collage Workshop 2024

Curating is a vital part of art’s function: a curator creates a bridge between artwork and audience. For artists, this process can be confusing and mysterious. The goal of the Curating Collage Workshop is to equip artists with the tools to curate their own work, to work with curators, and build exhibitions that connect with diverse audiences. Kolaj Institute is pleased to welcome the five international artists taking part in the Workshop: Dunia Barrera (Germany), Tatiana Briseño Lagos (Chile), Christine Karapetian (USA), Hamlet Meneses (USA), and Mayboll Vargas (Costa Rica) (image). These artists will develop their skills by curating a collage from Kolaj Institute’s collection of collage art that will be exhibited in March and April 2024. The artists will also curate artwork from one of the other participants in the workshop and develop an exhibition proposal that will be considered for exhibition at Kolaj Institute’s Gallery in New Orleans.

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Kolaj Institute's first Solo Artist-in-Residence, Daniela Ruiz Perez

Kolaj Institute is hosting its first Solo Artist-in-Residence, Daniela Ruiz Perez. She writes, "In my work, I honor my impulses as if part of the environment’s organic processes." Trained as a geographer, she is currently engaged in a body of work that uses maps to showcase conservation issues of animal species in her home community of the Chesapeake Bay area. While in New Orleans is researching the wetlands of Louisiana and making artwork that will be shown in an exhibition focusing on environmental art at Kolaj Institute’s Gallery in April and May 2024. 

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Vibrant, Narratively Rich Scenes

Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. Lachlan Thompson creates works of art that blend analog and digital materials and techniques to create vibrant, narratively rich scenes. Much of their work begins as analog collages, assembled through photographs, magazine collections–particularly political and psychological publications, as well as hand-me-down writings from largely transgender and other marginalized authors. They then scan their analog work, and digitally layer and manipulate it. When sourcing digital materials, they are particularly focused on using publicly available imagery, such as stock images and materials from digital archives with an emphasis on materials sourced from marginalized creators. Some pieces interweave their own personal poetry within them, while others manipulate resonate words from those of shared identity.

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Collage as Cut-n-Paste Past

Steven McCarthy at the Flora Kirsch Beck Gallery at Alma College in Alma, Michigan, USA through 14 March 2024. Steven McCarthy presents traditional cut and torn paper on paper collages, mixed media collages with assemblage elements mounted onto oak panels and coated with epoxy varnish, and large-scale collages made from discarded commercial billboards. His collages embrace the “incongruity theory of humor” with ample juxtaposition and parody, and yet strive for humanism through representation of diverse peoples and ideas. As a former graphic design professor, McCarthy’s work also employs a strong aesthetic and an attention to design elements and principles.

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Collage the Planet: Environmentalism in Art Artist Residency

Deadline: Sunday, 10 March 2024. The premise of the “Collage the Planet: Environmentalism in Art Artist Residency” is that science has the capacity to tell us how to care for the planet, but those solutions are meaningless if humanity doesn’t care enough to evolve and change. Art is a unique technology that can distill complexity into simple human gestures that, when experienced, facilitate a deeper understanding of our world. In short, art can be a tool for caring. In this six-day, in-person residency, collage artists will create work that explores environmentalism in art and make artwork that contributes to a broader dialogue on sustainability and ecological consciousness. Residents will reflect on the balance between human activity and the environment and explore strategies to draw attention to issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and the impact of industrialization on our planet.

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A New Home for Kolaj Institute

In January 2024, Kolaj Institute moved into a 1200 square foot space in the New Orleans Healing Center on the corner of St. Claude and St. Roch Avenues. The space will serve as an exhibition gallery, residency center, artist studio, library and archive. We need your help to make it happen!

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Kolaj #39

Taking Joy in the Joy of Others; Cherishing the Beauty of Ephemeral Objects; Migrating Forces; Street Art and Community; Preservation Stations; The Comfort of Crows; Where Words Cannot...Kolaj 39 is chock full of news, ideas, thinking about collage and its place in the world. LEARN MORE

Kolaj Magazine exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present.

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Volume Five

PoetryXCollage is a printed journal of artwork and writing which operates at the intersection of poetry and collage. Each issue presents six movements of work by artists and curators. Page spreads are meant to be free zones of thinking where the contributor has chosen all elements of the layout: font, image place, composition, etc.

In this issue: Johnette Downing (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA); Stacy DeBritz (Schenectady, New York, USA); maryhope|whitehead|lee (Phoenix, Arizona, USA); Aimee-Beth Martens (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada); Kelly McGovern (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA); Gavin W Sewell (New York, New York, USA)

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"I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt

Since we started Kolaj Magazine in 2011, people have been asking about t-shirts. Well, we finally made one. We are pleased to announce the "I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt. We hope you like it and wear it with pride.

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Collage Artist Trading Cards Pack Nine

Kasini House Artshop works with the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory to produce curated packs of the Collage Artist Trading Cards. Each card is a full color, 5.5” x 3.5” postcard with rounded corners. An example of an artist’s work is on the front of the card and the artist’s public contact information is on the back. Collage Artist Trading Cards come in packs of 15.



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Collage Saves the World

The artwork in Collage Saves the World offers viewers an opportunity to reflect on how collage can speak to issues of racism, colorism, ableism, and sexism; the war in Ukraine; climate change and the importance of permaculture; beauty standards and women’s autonomy. The title is the second book from Kolaj Institute’s Politics in Collage Project, a series of residencies, publications, discussions, and exhibitions examining complex socio-political issues that contemporary society is contending with, in order to spark meaningful dialogue and inspire deeper engagement. 

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The Awakening

by Kate Chopin & illustrated by contemporary collage artists. Set in New Orleans, Chopin’s 1899 novel, focuses on Edna Pontellier, an upper-class New Orleans woman, torn between expectations and desires. In the beginning of the novel Edna appears to live in a semi-conscious state, trapped in the mundane aspects of her life. As the story evolves, she encounters new people and experiences that create an awakening shift within her. The Awakening, touches on 19th century feminism, identity, and societal themes.



About Kolaj Magazine

Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini. Visit Kolaj Magazine online.


About Kolaj Institute

The mission of Kolaj Institute is to support artists, curators, and writers who seek to study, document, & disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. We operate a number of initiatives meant to bring together community, investigate critical issues, and raise collage’s standing in the art world.


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