March 31, Easter Sunday

Coffee Hour Plus

Join us this Sunday at 11 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a special, festive coffee hour!

Readings and Psalm

Acts 10:34-43: God raised Jesus on the third day

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it

1 Corinthians 15:1-11: Witnesses to the risen Christ

Mark 16:1-8: The resurrection of Jesus is announced, and the response is one of terror and amazement

Christ is risen! Jesus is alive, and God has swallowed up death forever. With Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, we may feel astonished and confused, unsure of what to make of the empty tomb. But this is why we gather: to proclaim, witness, praise, and affirm the liberating reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. In word and feast, we celebrate God’s unending love, and depart to share this good news with all the world. Alleluia!

View the service bulletin

Worship Support

Assisting Minister: Helen Repp

Reader: Shirley Traugott

Deacon: Kathy and Van Bowersox

Ushers: Bilger-Meyer families

Greeters: Brian and Amy Nicely

Livestreamer: Kevin Vail

For the upcoming Worship Support schedule, see the spreadsheet found here on Google Drive.

Holy Week and Easter Services

Join us for all of our Holy Week and Easter services:

  • Good Friday on March 29 at 7 p.m.
  • Easter Vigil on March 30 at 7 p.m.
  • Easter Sunday on March 31 at 9:30 a.m.

Outdoor Workday

Members of the congregation have been busy doing outdoor projects, but there is more to do. This week mulch will be delivered on Friday. Please come on Saturday, April 6, to help distribute the mulch on the north side of the church and all planting beds. If you have a wheel barrow that you could bring, that would be helpful.

Coffee Hour Forum on April 7

Join us for a coffee hour forum on Sunday, April 7, to discuss plans for a "Kids' Space" in the back area of the sanctuary.

Grace Office

The Grace office will be closed early at 12 p.m. on Friday, March 29, and will be closed for the whole day on Easter Monday, April 1.

All Creation Sings at Easter

Adult Education on Sunday, April 7 – gathered near the piano in the church sanctuary

Presented by Pastor Janet Lepp

On Easter Sunday, we in the Christian Church throughout the ages, have joined all creation in singing “Jesus Christ is Risen Today.” The Easter season Biblical texts include appearances by the risen Jesus and promises that he is with us to the end of the ages. Thankfully we have a rich supply of songs to carry us through the fifty days of rejoicing during the season of Easter!

During this Adult Education session we will be listening to, singing, and thinking about the messages found in Easter Hymns, particularly newer ones offered to us in the All Creation Sings hymnal supplement. There are some truly fascinating aspects to Easter Hymns that we will be exploring together.

All of you are invited to join in this joyful exploration!

Synod-Wide In-Person Listening Gatherings

Mark your calendars today and plan to participate in one of our four upcoming in-person listening gatherings across the synod as part of our comprehensive synod-wide listening and visioning process. They will be held on April 20 and 21 at four different churches around the synod, with refreshments provided (one will be at Saint Matthew's in Urbana). Click on the link below to learn more and sign up for one of the sessions.

Register for Listening Session

March 31 to April 7

Sunday, March 31

9:30 a.m.: Worship Service (in-person/livestream)

11 a.m.: Easter Coffee Hour Plus (Fellowship Hall)

12 p.m.: Women's AA (Hoffmeister Room)

Monday, April 1

Office Closed

6:30 p.m.: Wood Carving Group (Kitchenette)

6:30 p.m.: Bell Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Tuesday, April 2

4:30 p.m.: Executive Committee (Pastor's Office)

6 p.m.: Adult Children of Alcoholics (Chapel)

6:30 p.m.: Sweet Adelines (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, April 3

No Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, April 4

10 a.m.: Food Pantry (Fellowship Hall)

Sunday, April 7

9:30 a.m.: Worship Service (in-person/livestream)

11 a.m.: Adult Sunday School (Hoffmeister Room)

12 p.m.: Women's AA (Hoffmeister Room)

View the full calendar

Prayer Requests

We have two formal ways of praying for one another at Grace. One is in the Sunday morning worship service, where we pray for people by name in the Prayers of Intercession. They will also be listed in the emailed and printed versions of GraceNotes, but not in the web version. Please send prayer requests for the Sunday-morning prayers to You may also submit prayer requests on our website at

Using GLC Facilities

Our facilities are available for use by members and by outside groups. If you would like to use any part of the facility, please fill out a Facilities Use Request, found on the web site, and contact Alex in the office to ensure that it is on the calendar, so that the space is ready for you and that you are aware of how to adjust the appropriate thermostat.

Facility Use