GraceNote | Holy Week 2024

March 22, 2024

Dear Grace Covenant Community,

As our lenten time in the wilderness culminates in Holy Week, our journey takes a turn toward the crowded city streets and the intensity of the final days of Jesus’ life. Even with the familiarity of these ancient touchstones of memory and narrative, we at GCPC are continuing to find our way home by another way. 

Sunday, March 24 we gather for Palm/Passion Sunday worship at 10am. We will explore and experience the criss-crossing energies of a day that holds much dissonance. Jesus’ entry to cheers into the city folds into the dissonance and tragedy of communities in the grip of confusion, political maneuvering, and broken trust. 

Children ages 5 and older will remain in worship to engage in the story and worship together. (Childcare for children 0 - PreK is available all morning.)

Thursday, March 28 is Maundy Thursday. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a community potluck and Communion meal. We will be nourished by our community gathered to break bread as we remember the narratives of the Last Supper and Jesus’ courage and compassion. Our meal will begin at 6:30pm. Please bring a dish to share. (Childcare provided for children 0 - PreK)

Friday, March 29 is Good Friday. Our sanctuary will be transformed into a labyrinth space. You can come anytime from noon to 7pm to walk the labyrinth and remember Jesus’ public execution. Beginning at 4pm there will be a reading and music every 30 minutes until 7:00pm.

Saturday, March 30 is Holy Saturday. You are invited to make space for personal and intentional quiet reflection on the threshold space of this day of sorrow and unknown.

Sunday, March 31 is Easter Sunday. We will gather for worship at 10am both in the sanctuary and online for a joyful celebration of God’s “Welcome Home!” Children will not have Worship Enrichment Time during the service. After worship there will be snacks, story time and an Easter egg hunt for GCPC kids. Come and celebrate the joy and embrace of God’s unending and unbounded love! 


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